Author Topic: What if: Sega Cinematic Universe  (Read 13596 times)

Offline Mystic Monkey

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What if: Sega Cinematic Universe
« on: January 27, 2021, 08:47:30 am »
Something I occasionally bring up on the wiki discussions I frequent.

What if Sega forwarded Paramount to make other movies based on their franchise? Especially if these movies take place on the same world and universe as the Sonic movies are set in? Thus a "Sega Cinematic Universe".

Now, I found these articles on IMDb, but I don't know if how legitimate IMDb is when it comes to their articles. As in I dunno if what IMDb says it guaranteed or not.Again, I dunno how legitimate these articles are. I know Wikipedia is one of the sites where the information isn't 100% guaranteed to be accurate but they have dedicated voluntary members who make sure it's as accurate and well written as it can be. I pressume IMDb had official people who would check these things.

I like the idea of Golden Axe taking place on Wachowski's world but during the Bronze age and filmed in the same style as my favourate sword and sorcery movie Conan the Barbarian. Or Shinobi being like Enter the Ninja.
I also like the idea of Virtua Cop being a police division that repurpose Dr. Robotnik's left over technology. As in Virtua Cops are a SWAT team that uses drones and high-tech gadgets and weapons that the government commision them with.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2021, 08:56:39 am by Mystic Monkey »

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Re: What if: Sega Cinematic Universe
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2021, 06:21:41 pm »
Yeah, I remember some of these movies being talked years ago.
Altered Beast at least looks like it would come into fruition, but still no news till this day.

One of my wish if there is gonna be "Sega Cinematic Universe", Harrier guy would be in it.
Space Harrier is my all time favorite game, so I'll never be bored sharing this meme :

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Re: What if: Sega Cinematic Universe
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2021, 06:36:44 am »
If there was gonna be cinematic universe, I doubt Sonic and the other protagonists will come together in Avengers-tier movies.

How I imagine the Virtua Cop movie.

Michael Hardy and James Cools are traditional Miami (or maybe San Francisco, given the SFPD relevence in Sonic's movie) cops. They're also the best cops on the beat. They heard of the Robotnik incident but think nothing of it. However a science and electronics corporation called Virtua-tech offered the police force the latest government technology that has been repurposed from Dr. Robotniks left over technology. The Police Chief not only promotes his best cops Hardy and Cools to SWAT but assign them to be the first "Virtua Cops" to use Virtua-tech.

While Cools was interested in using the new technology to fight crime, Hardy struggles with using the technology and given this botches an operation down at the docks this humiliates his reputation as "best cop" on the force. So the story is him overcoming in inadequancy with technology, learning to trust his partner and use the provided technology to stop the criminal syndicate.

Virtua Cops are given more than just guns, these guns being electroshock weapons that have all the efficiency and range of a regular firearm but stuns instead of kill, thus called "Stunners". They're also given Lock-On headsets which, trhrough augmented reality displays, provide immediate warning and target to oncoming threats. Dr. Robotnik's drones are also repurposed and can be commanded with the headsets. And maybe they're given PDAs which gives information and can be used as an auto-hacking device to access computers or unlock electronic locks..

So I imagine Virtua Cops simply being a high-tech SWAT team.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2021, 06:50:33 am by Mystic Monkey »

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Re: What if: Sega Cinematic Universe
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2021, 07:44:18 am »
If there was gonna be cinematic universe, I doubt Sonic and the other protagonists will come together in Avengers-tier movies.

How I imagine the Virtua Cop movie.

Michael Hardy and James Cools are traditional Miami (or maybe San Francisco, given the SFPD relevence in Sonic's movie) cops. They're also the best cops on the beat. They heard of the Robotnik incident but think nothing of it. However a science and electronics corporation called Virtua-tech offered the police force the latest government technology that has been repurposed from Dr. Robotniks left over technology. The Police Chief not only promotes his best cops Hardy and Cools to SWAT but assign them to be the first "Virtua Cops" to use Virtua-tech.

While Cools was interested in using the new technology to fight crime, Hardy struggles with using the technology and given this botches an operation down at the docks this humiliates his reputation as "best cop" on the force. So the story is him overcoming in inadequancy with technology, learning to trust his partner and use the provided technology to stop the criminal syndicate.

Virtua Cops are given more than just guns, these guns being electroshock weapons that have all the efficiency and range of a regular firearm but stuns instead of kill, thus called "Stunners". They're also given Lock-On headsets which, trhrough augmented reality displays, provide immediate warning and target to oncoming threats. Dr. Robotnik's drones are also repurposed and can be commanded with the headsets. And maybe they're given PDAs which gives information and can be used as an auto-hacking device to access computers or unlock electronic locks..

So I imagine Virtua Cops simply being a high-tech SWAT team.

That's interesting.
It could make a nod to other futuristic high-tech themed SEGA game too, ESWAT.
May be a crossover between ESWAT and VIRTUA COP.

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Re: What if: Sega Cinematic Universe
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2021, 06:23:27 am »
That could work but it depends on which number of franchises Sega would choose for a Cinematic Universe. And that is a big if if they will make a Sega Cinematic Universe.

I imagine the likely candidates for movies would be the those who starred in the Sega All-Star games.

Golden Axe
I like to imagine taking place on Tom Wachowski's world only taking place during his worlds version of the Hyborian age (which I pressume somewhen during the bronze age).I like to imagine the story starts with three gods coming through ring portals and decide to stay to forge the golden axe by melting down their rings.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2021, 06:26:05 am by Mystic Monkey »

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Re: What if: Sega Cinematic Universe
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2021, 06:38:05 pm »
That could work but it depends on which number of franchises Sega would choose for a Cinematic Universe. And that is a big if if they will make a Sega Cinematic Universe.

I imagine the likely candidates for movies would be the those who starred in the Sega All-Star games.

Golden Axe
I like to imagine taking place on Tom Wachowski's world only taking place during his worlds version of the Hyborian age (which I pressume somewhen during the bronze age).I like to imagine the story starts with three gods coming through ring portals and decide to stay to forge the golden axe by melting down their rings.

What do you think the tagline for Golden Axe Movie?

Something that went like "ONE AXE TO RULE THEM ALL" ?

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: What if: Sega Cinematic Universe
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2021, 05:55:51 am »
What do you think the tagline for Golden Axe Movie?

Something that went like "ONE AXE TO RULE THEM ALL" ?
One Axe to rule them all
One lawsuit to fine them.

Nah, I imagine the tag line will make a pun on the word "gold". Like "The adventure of the golden era of Sega".

More hypothetical ideas for a "Sega Cinematic Universe":

Virtua Cop & Virtua Fighter
Changes I'll make to Virtua Cop would be to replace the organization E.V.I.L. for "Virtua-Tech". Virtua-Tech would be a government corporation. Maybe formerly owned by Dr. Robotnik or perhaps they simply took over Dr. Robotnik's technology to reverse engineer it and make technology for government, military and domestic use. Think of them like Umbrella Corporation only instead of a pharmaceuticals they provide cutting-edge technology. So while they appear to be the "good guys" for providing the Police with enough high-tech to start a subdivision SWAT team they could also be behind some shady stuff that makes them turn out the "bad guys", like Joe Fang being a mercenary hired by Virtua-Tech to proove how efficient their technology is for both good guys and bad guys.

The CEOs of Virtua-tech is Judgement 6 who are so powerful they have a hand in various world governments. That or Virtua-tech is owned by one of the J6, such as The Devil or Death. I can imagine each member of Judgement 6 being behind most organization in other Sega franchises if made to movie.

I want to replace "E.V.I.L", an organization with a company building, because I just find it too silly for the big screen. I mean I know the game was suppose to be tongue-in-cheek for arcades but I doubt it would be taken seriously if on the big screen. (Unless it turns out to be "Every Villain Is Lemons" in which case it would be taken very seriously.)

The House of the Dead
I've actually covered this before. I would love to make than fan movie myself if I had the resources. Though going with my "Judgement 6 owns major corporations" I can imagine Dr. Curien, Caleb Goldman or Thornheart to be "Death" of the J6 (Not to be confused with the HotD3 boss Death.) given I don't know who is the founder, president or highest bigwig of DBR Corp. is.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2021, 06:07:20 am by Mystic Monkey »

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Re: What if: Sega Cinematic Universe
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2021, 09:08:20 pm »
One Axe to rule them all
One lawsuit to fine them.

Nah, I imagine the tag line will make a pun on the word "gold". Like "The adventure of the golden era of Sega".

More hypothetical ideas for a "Sega Cinematic Universe":

Virtua Cop & Virtua Fighter
Changes I'll make to Virtua Cop would be to replace the organization E.V.I.L. for "Virtua-Tech". Virtua-Tech would be a government corporation. Maybe formerly owned by Dr. Robotnik or perhaps they simply took over Dr. Robotnik's technology to reverse engineer it and make technology for government, military and domestic use. Think of them like Umbrella Corporation only instead of a pharmaceuticals they provide cutting-edge technology. So while they appear to be the "good guys" for providing the Police with enough high-tech to start a subdivision SWAT team they could also be behind some shady stuff that makes them turn out the "bad guys", like Joe Fang being a mercenary hired by Virtua-Tech to proove how efficient their technology is for both good guys and bad guys.

The CEOs of Virtua-tech is Judgement 6 who are so powerful they have a hand in various world governments. That or Virtua-tech is owned by one of the J6, such as The Devil or Death. I can imagine each member of Judgement 6 being behind most organization in other Sega franchises if made to movie.

I want to replace "E.V.I.L", an organization with a company building, because I just find it too silly for the big screen. I mean I know the game was suppose to be tongue-in-cheek for arcades but I doubt it would be taken seriously if on the big screen. (Unless it turns out to be "Every Villain Is Lemons" in which case it would be taken very seriously.)

The House of the Dead
I've actually covered this before. I would love to make than fan movie myself if I had the resources. Though going with my "Judgement 6 owns major corporations" I can imagine Dr. Curien, Caleb Goldman or Thornheart to be "Death" of the J6 (Not to be confused with the HotD3 boss Death.) given I don't know who is the founder, president or highest bigwig of DBR Corp. is.

Lol, but "Every Villain Is Lemons" could be worked if they're going into a light heart comedy route.
I don't mind if they are going to be popcorn movies.
Thor Ragnarok showed me that a light heart comedy route wasn't a bad thing.

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: What if: Sega Cinematic Universe
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2021, 07:00:14 am »
Lol, but "Every Villain Is Lemons" could be worked if they're going into a light heart comedy route.
I don't mind if they are going to be popcorn movies.
Thor Ragnarok showed me that a light heart comedy route wasn't a bad thing.
The House of the Dead
Light hearted comedy sure. I mean, I can imagine a "The House of the Dead" movie taking a few pages from Zombieland and Planet Terror which are my fave zombie movies. Planet Terror in particular is how I imagine the quality and humour of a House of the Dead movie can be, where Robert Rodriguez purposely "worn down" the footage reel in order to give it a more aged grindhouse theatre look throughout the movie as well as the use of bioweapons and soldiers which is something I imagine in THotD.In fact wasn't it Planet Terror that inspired the quality of THotD:Overkill?

This is why I wish I could make a fan film of The House of the Dead, because even if Sega and Paramount are willing to make a new THotD film I doubt they would go as far as Robert Rodriguez did for his movie.

If Sega insists on a modern zombie movie for THotD then... why not get Paul W. S. Anderson to direct them? Yes I know his later Resident Evil movies were panned and criticised but honestly I think what made the Resident Evil movies so flawed would work well in a House of the Dead movie. I watched his movies and be like "Okay, I can see why this is stupid for a Resident Evil movie but it would of worked for a HotD movie.", so I can imagine Anderson making a spiritual successor to those Resident Evil movies through The House of the Dead if he was offered to do so.

Golden Axe
As for Golden Axe, as I said I am a fan of the 1982 film Conan the Barbarian. In fact the original Golden Axe games used some audio-clips from that movie for grunts and screams for the game. Golden Axe was obviously inspired by that movie.That said just because Paramount has modern cameras, technology and filming techniques that they used for Sonic's movie doesn't mean thet need it for all their movies if they ever decided to make a Sega Cinematic Universe.If they ever decided to make a Golden Axce movie, I would want it in the same quality as Conan's movie. There was something about the quality of movies back then that modern HD movies just don't have. I find it hard to explain. Even in HD rerelease of those movies you could still see the age and vintage of the film left over. Even the recorded sounds and music feel aged and that just makes the movie feel more quality. If Paramount ever makes a Golden Axe movie I would like it like this.

The only acception to this rule would be they could still use modern CGI and techniques for magic and such. It would just compliment the tongue-in-cheek to see movies trying to pass off as old 80s movies but still use Harry Potter or LotR special effects.

Eitherway, if Golden Axe ever gets a movie, I don't want it to end up like this. The very least I would settle for it to be like this.

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Re: What if: Sega Cinematic Universe
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2021, 05:40:34 pm »
Bumping because I don't want to start a brand new thread when an existing thread on the matter is here.

Let's say the "Sega Cinematic Universe" happens with Paramount releasing a new Sega movie every two years. Some of them Sonic movies, other movies based on other Sega franchise.

Now let's say Commander Walters wanted to start his own "Avenger Initiative", a project where she chooses five heroes from various possible SCU movie series and have Sonic as their leader.

Who would they be? A team of six, with Sonic as team leader. Also, what would Walter call this team?

I've already done this over here with mixe results.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2021, 06:11:24 pm by Mystic Monkey »

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Re: What if: Sega Cinematic Universe
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2021, 08:25:46 pm »
A team of six is good.
Not too few, not too many.
For name ... SEGA Ages team?

But I don't think Sonic wants to be a leader.
He only needs action. And direction about who he's need to hit.
Even in the comic, she put Sally or Vector in charge of leadership.
So for the leadership I'd pick Rolf (Phantasy Star II).
Or Welkin (Valkyrie Chronicles) if you counted modern SEGA games too.

Just like in SEGA Heroes mobile game.

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Re: What if: Sega Cinematic Universe
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2021, 08:01:01 am »
A team of six is good.
Not too few, not too many.
There were six members in Justice League, six members in the Avengers, six members in the original Suicide Squad... usually at least one female member.

Team: S.E.G.A
After the events of Sonic's first movie, Commander Walters knows that there are people like Dr. Robotnik with great potential in human skills as well as aliens wih unnatural abilities living on Earth. He knew that if people like Robotnik or aliens like Sonic become more aware of on Earth, it would cause panic and that it be the governments job to detain those individuals as criminals. So he considered instead of detaining them as enemies, why not recruit them as guardians? So he started Project: Sierra Echo Golf Alfa, where he will assemble of six individuals of supernatural skills and qualities to serve as world protectors while GUN did the rest.

Virtua Cop
Before I watched the first Sonic movie, I was certain that Sonic would of returned to his home world and Tom would of taken that possition at SFPD and made me wonder what if he became the Virtua Cop of the franchise. While it turned out differently in the end I can still imagine Rage or Smarty making it onto the team. Or the very least Janet from VC2. They would be the Hawkeye/Green Arrow of the team.

Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog would obviously be on the speedster of the team. What's interesting is I can imagine sometime in the future, Commander Walters getting fired or replaced with a new commander. Perhaps a commander who detest a team of heroes and rather show GUN is capable of dealing with any threats to the world. However when prooven wrong during an invasion of ebony aliens he starts his own super hero team, only instead of six members only choose three.

Space Harrier
I'm thinking Harrier given he is an alien who can fly. Just like Green Lantern/Thor. Or maybe he's more like Starlord, a human who more belongs to the galaxy than space itself. I can image Opa-Opa being his personal little friend. Still the fact he needs a large bulky weapon for combat is someone inconveniant.

Joe Musashi is half american, half japanese. Because of this he always struggled to be accepted by most in the Oboro clan, but he became one of it's strongest ninjas and was eventually recruited to Team SEGA.

Alex Kidd
Like Sonic, he is from another world that can be accessed by gold rings. Alex Kidd is the youngest in the group (12 at least) but master of a Hung Gar-like kung fu called the Shellcore Technique which despite his size, makes him the Superman/Hulk (and to a degree Thor) of the group.

Virtua Fighter
Sarah Bryant is the Wonder Woman/Black Widow of the team. Unlike Alex' Shellcore technique which is more strength over speed, Sarah Bryant fights with Jeet Kune Do which brings out the strength of her attacks through speed.

Judgement Six
The villains of the Sega Cinematic Universe is Judgement Six. Unlike Team SEGA who are more of an active team of heroes, Judgement Six consist of CEOs and politicians of the largest governments and corporations in the world. So in a sense they already "own the world", they just want to mold it to their liking.

As of yet, I don't know who is the overall leader of Judgement Six is. Depicted as a shady silhouette on a monitor.

The Devil
Agent Stone was the former assistant of Dr. Robotnik. Ever since Dr. Robotnik's defeat and exile to the Mushroom world, Agent Stone took Dr. Robotnik's truck into hiding. A few months later leading technology companies were brought out by a mysterious benefactor as "Virtua-tech" started to take shape, with Stone as CEO of this new company he quickly rises with developing cutting edge technology for domestic uses as well as drone tech similar to the Robotnik incident. The government tried to pin down if Virtua-tech is related to Robotnik or not but all leads ended up dead clean.

Wheel of Fortune
Unknown, depicted as a shady silhouette on a monitor. Might be Mr. X from Streets of Rage given while he is a criminal warlord, still ha some political sway that allows his gang to get away with most crime in their home city. But Mr. X could go as far as pulling political strings throughout other world governments allowing him some control over the world itself making him an asset to the J6.

The Moon
Lead by a man in a japanese mask who leads a japanese crime syndicate called Zeed. This syndicate steals and provides weapons and funds military strife and terrorist activity. J6 can request Moon for more kidnapping and mercenary work.

The Tower
Unknown. Depicted as a shady silhouette on a monitor. All that is known about them is that they monitor the organization to its extremities.

Caleb Goldman appears to be the Death of J6 but in truth he is one of the three CEOs of DBR Industries, the "Umbrella Corporation" of the SCU. Thornheart being his successor if he dies. Their role in J6 is the development of bioweapons and supersoldiers via cloning, often ending up with zombie outbreaks due to their experiments.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2021, 06:49:33 am by Mystic Monkey »

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Re: What if: Sega Cinematic Universe
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2021, 08:16:39 pm »
That's a solid line up, especially for enemies.
As for heroes team, if there is only one slot for female character,
I'd pick someone who's more girly that could be heart of the team.
Sarah is a brainwashed fighter. I doubt she's hardly fit for the role.

As for me, reading from Sonic fandom comments where one of the comment suggest this :

Person 1: The strong one
Person 2: The eyes in the skies
Person 3: The brain of the team
Person 4: The dumb one (just for comedy)
Person 5: The heart of the team (usually girly one)

Plus adding Person 6 : The serious one / couldn't joke one. Could find something that went unnoticed by other team members.

I'll choose this :

Person 1: Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Person 2: Harrier (Space Harrier)
Person 3: Rolf (Phantasy Star)
Person 4: Werebear (Altered Beast)
Person 5: Super Monaco GP Woman ... JK. Probably Nei (Phantasy Star) or Sakura (Sakura Wars)

Make Rolf become super protective of Nei to make story interesting.
Or Harrier had a crush on Sakura, but constantly rejected.

Person 6: Tyris (Golden Axe) or Joe Musashi (Shinobi) or Axl Hawk (Streets of Rage) or Sarah Bryant (Virtua Fighter)

For main enemy? Eggman or Dremagen.

Members of enemy team, I'd use your pick.
They sound cooler.

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Re: What if: Sega Cinematic Universe
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2021, 09:48:13 pm »
This is for a cinematic universe so it's fair to pressume these characters maybe a bit different from how you expect them to be.

Though for some reason I am reminded of World War Blue. I'm still waiting for a continuation of that anime... if ever will there be one.

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Re: What if: Sega Cinematic Universe
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2021, 09:59:54 pm »
This is for a cinematic universe so it's fair to pressume these characters maybe a bit different from how you expect them to be.

Though for some reason I am reminded of World War Blue. I'm still waiting for a continuation of that anime... if ever will there be one.

I know, this is just me, but I couldn't picture Sarah being cute and girly..
Unless she hasn't being brainwashed yet.
Like early episodes in Virtua Fighter Anime.