I liked the Kevin Butler appearance. Especially the line about trophies.
Gabe Newell's appearance really caught me off guard.
Honestly, as far as what they've shown for the fall line up, I'm looking forward to that Sly Cooper collection the most. I've always been curious about giving it a go, and this is a lot easier than tracking down the original games.
I actually got my girlfriend to sit and watch the conference with me. When they rolled the inFamous 2 footage, first thing she says is,"It's a different guy", followed by, "he seems way more likeable now". I hadn't told her about the redesign before, but apparently the new Cole has a bit more appeal than the old one. As long as the game's as solid as the first, I'll be happy.
Sounds like Last Guardian's going to be at TGS instead. I'm just hoping for that Ico collection so I can finally give it a spin.