Or did you miss the boat on PANZER DRAGOON SAGA,PHANTASY STAR ONLINE and countless others.
You are the one that wishes SEGA would make a proper Phantasy Star game because to you, PSO is not a 'true' Phantasy Star game and you don't count it has one (fair points really) . You know full well I don't truly class Saga has a proper Panzer Dragoon game and that I love the series for being a 3D shooter , not a RPG and if there was every to be sequel to Orta (which they won't) I would want it to be a shooter. The one Huge difference with Panzer Dragoon was it also had rich world and a mysteries back story that could be built on and explained in a RPG type game. That and the fact that the Panzer story is played out by you and you Dragon/pet (no-One else) Very much like SOC , which made the games all the more special. The Golden Axe back story or game world isn't half as interesting as Panzer's.
Spin off can work, like in WonderBoy, but just look at Sonic or Shining Force you change the formula too much and there's an outcry and people want to the series to go back to its routes , how it used to play and how they remember them . That is always the trouble, with updating any classical old IP.
Strange because I said Psp BF which stands for BLACK FALCON. Dunno how you arrived at CLIMAX
its not the first time they outsourced the game to other parties and it wouldn't stop SHINOBI being made by a Sega team even if it was outsourced by another team as AFTERBURNER CLIMAX and the psp BF showed which is where SHINOBI should return imo, the arcades.
Your 'own' words and if you can't see 'AFTERBURNER CLIMAX ' being used there, then there's something wrong.
Now TA you keep spinning your lies and i'll just keep quoting what i actually said just like i did now so people will know the actual truth
? I'm only quoting what you said .
Calling it a smash is a bit excessive
No It was a smash in the Japanese Arcades and pretty much every unit SEGA made was sold. hence like the DC version was allowed to be made and we had a upgrade (sequel for better world) made for the Arcade.
First: the ubisoft drivel and everything else music releated are cheaper to make. SC5 and SAMBA wouldn't be cheaper, the retail price alone would be over 40 quid and when most of these music games retail for 12.99
Ubisoft dance does not cost £12 and it preety poor that you're even trying to include the after Christmas sales prices here as its RRP What next Gears III, Fifa 12 only costing £25. Samba was a cheap game to make has told by the games Director Nakamura-san
"The production team was no more than 10 people - It really was a small team" . "Production of the game itself only took us only five months, which was obviously a really short period of time"
Samba was done on the cheap with a small team and small production period , even by DC standards that's a tiny team and a short production .There's no reason why an improved Kinect version would cost that much more to make
Sega for some strange reason never follow a trend exactly and when they do they come up with a complete opposite style of game than what the main market is producing
C'Mon SEGA GT, Out trigger was made, sonic Shuffle, Sega All-Stars Racing, Streets Of Rage, Deep Fear, Columns and there's no guessing where SEGA go the idea for Binary Domain from. I wouldn't say too much but Space Channel 5 and Samba was SEGA jumping on the tread for music games at that time .Be nice if SEGA tried its own Music game on the 360 and PS3 using the new camera's and motions controls SEGA used to be at its best when it takes other games and puts it own spin on them.