Anyway, without doubt this will be using lenticular screens - I doubt very much it will use a hologram box or sphere... considering the impracticality of such a device on public transport.
There are already Japanese cell phones sporting the technology, basically the screen is formed like one of those old holograph trading cards where the picture is laced over different ridges and when you look at it from certain angles you see the corresponding images in each eye.
Probably an attempt by Nintendo to catch up with the Japanese cell phone market out of fear of the games becoming superior to DS gaymz :x
As for it being the next virutal boy? I'd say not. 3D displays are coming whether you like it or not, afterall, now that James Cameron is on board everyone is on board! Asus have already put out a 3D Vision gaming laptop and Acer have put out a... half... assed... attempt thing. Oh well!
3D Vision aint nothing new though, nor are active shutter glasses. My friend had some 3rd party shutter glasses system back in 2003 or something and let me play Grand Theft Auto III in stereoscopic
at a stunning 15fps!