Yes, we still have a forum.
There were three colleagues at first. The first game we developed was an arcade game called Wonder Boy. Most arcade games of the time were shooting games, and many had dark screens, so we decided that we wanted to create a game with a brighter screen, and settled on making an action game.
The most challenging aspects of the original game to update : The controllers for modern consoles inevitably impart a certain feel to the games they’re designed for, so the most difficult thing in this remake was finding the right accommodation for that reality.Unlike the Mega Drive, where the controller input data is only 0 or 1, modern consoles allow for an infinite gradation of control between 0 and 1, and changing those data values also inevitably causes a delay of several milliseconds.
Nishizawa: “The concept of the game is simultaneous dual-player action. It is characterized by the feature of holding and throwing enemies. You can also throw allied characters. On the other hand, it also means that you can also be thrown.”
Clockwork Aquario - First Teaser Trailer
Clockwork Aquario will launch for PlayStation 4 and Switch on November 30 in Japan for 3,940 yen, according to listings at retailers such as Amazon, Biccamera, and Yodobashi.The Switch version will also be available in a 8,440 yen Special Pack, which includes an art book and soundtrack CD.
"Hey, everyone! We just got complete confirmation that Shantae and Asha: Dream Fantasia is now live for SAGExpo ! Experience a massive action RPG with over 20 playable characters and 30+hours of content! Enjoy!""
XBuster : "Someone did a mod of Cream and Cheese over Asha and Pepe in S&A! Not only does this give me another art idea, but may also make me want to do some mods myself soon."
"With Aquario we had to restore a lot of graphics that could not be recovered from the source code. Fortunately, the original Westone developers were able to help us, but to work within the confinements of what the original hardware allows (in that case Sega System 18) is quite difficult. Everything needs to be programmed low-level."
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Can you tell us your motivations for starting your group of companies?Helmut Schmitz: Nothing is more fun than creating products and services that people love. That's not only my motivation but the motivation of the whole team. When we have the chance to dig up a great game and revive it, that's really cool. And of course, we hope that we’re not the only guys being excited about it, but also our customers. The excitement remains until we announce the game, and when we get such positive feedback from customers and media around the world, as we did with Clockwork Aquario, it's fantastic and motivates us to keep going full steam ahead.