Alright, here's a tough one:
'Just Cause 2' or 'Red Dead Redemption', which should I buy first?
I plan to have both at some point, but I really would like to have a open world sandbox game for the 360. At the moment, I mostly have a lot of arcade games, platformers and fighters. I considered GTA4, but it's really not my thing. The gameplay itself looks fun, but the setting isn't as enticing as a tropical island or the wild west.
Here are a few notes:
Just Cause 2 Pros:
• vehicles on land, air and sea
• weapons
• island paradise
• base jumping
• grappling + parachute = awesome
• encouraged to blow shit up
• $10-$20 less than RDR
Red Dead Redemption Pros:
• way better story and characters than JC2
• horses
• online multiplayer
• has been given a lot of positive press
• mini-games
• wild west
• good/bad routes