How could Suzuki make Shenmue appeal to younger gamers and millennials?
I've been thinking, Shenmue 1 had a Saturn in Ryo's house, years before it was actually released. This flexible reality could allow for some changes to Shenmue 3 and Ryo's personality:
• Have Ryo collecting EDM tracks throughout the game. Players could then select these tunes and play them via Ryo's mobile phone, replacing the game's regular soundtrack with EDM.
• Allow Ryo to use his phone to Skype call, and to leave Twitter and Facebook messages. This would allow players to link their real accounts to the game, increasing the game's social network presence.
• Suzuki has added classic arcade games in the past, why not add in some modern classics? I know Mademan is a Jack Lumber fan, so perhaps have this game in the game itself on Ryo's phone?
• Parkour and humblebrag are both very popular, perhaps we could apply these traits to Ryo? Players collect Parkour skills which increase Ryo's mobility in QTEs, after which he could snapchat or tweet some humblebrags?