
Do you think Sega should make Shenmue III?

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Author Topic: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!  (Read 725824 times)

Offline crackdude

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Re: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!
« Reply #1305 on: June 20, 2015, 11:47:29 am »
Yu Suzuki is considering accepting PayPal donations after the project is funded.
Apparently Shenmue is now down to eleven chapters.
The story will span 4-5 games.
The day/night/weather cycles from the previous games will of course be in the new one.
Ryo's face from the trailer is not what we'll see in the final version. Yu Suzuki isn't happy it with it yet.
Shenmue III will feature a more user friendly interface.
No decision has been made on what the capsule toys will be.
There will be a Japanese dub for Shenmue III.
Yu Suzuki didn't tell the story of Shenmue in book form so that it wouldn't ruin the story if he were ever able to complete the game. However, he did consider it.
Shenmue's story was inspired by Yu Suzuki's trips to China when he was location hunting when designing Virtua Fighter. Our first mention of a retro game this AMA.
Practicing moves and the FREE battle system will return in Shenmue III.
Yu Suzuki is considering allowing players to have access to both English and Japanese voice overs in the game, but he hasn't decided.
Yu Suzuki is considering putting a special option in the game where Ryo's face bandage could be removed.
Yu Suzuki would like to bring the journal back and will look into it.
Yu Suzuki believes that the popularity of mobile games in the Japanese market is causing game budgets to decrease, making it harder for designers to express their vision. His hope is that the console and PC markets will gain in popularity to reverse this trend.
Shenmue III might contain something like a 1 horsepower bike. Perhaps an actual horse?
The essence of an arcade game is that there is only a 3 minute window to express what the game is.
Something resembling a co-op or vs. mode is being considered for Shenmue III.
In Shenmue III the "Rapport System" will govern changes in Shenhua's actions depending on your conversations with or actions towards her. The "Character Perspective System" will highlight different characters personalities as they go through the story.
Shenmue III will contain part time jobs. It's hinted at the stretch goals may include the forklift job. Edit: Now confirmed.
It looks we'll get the most complete version of Shenmue III if the $10 million mark is hit.
Akira would defeat Ryo in a fight.
Possible return of duck racing.
Yu Suzuki declines to reveal whether or not Ryo will ever use a sword.
Yu Suzuki answers one of my questions. "I had fun making all the games I worked on, and can't say one was better than another."
Shenmue is set in the 80s instead of the present day to "put forward the differences in culture and values between the two periods."
Yu Suzuki's favorite song from Shenmue is the Tomato Mart theme.
Expect more funding tiers for the Kickstarter, in particular between the $500 and $3000 mark.
Shenmue IV is contingent on fans liking Shenmue III. "If the fans are not happy with 3 there will not be a 4. So I please hope we can together make this game the best it can be."
Dreamcast is Yu Suzuki's favorite console.
When directly asked if arcade games will return in Shenmue III, Yu Suzuki responds, "I plan on making plans." Very ambiguous. Possible yes?
Why does Yu Suzuki create? "Why does one climb the mountain? The shark cannot breath when it does not swim."
Yu Suzuki has three Yorkshire terriers and a turtle as pets.
Sega would be responsible for any remasters and re-releases of Shenmue I and II.
Details about Chobu and Bailu villages.
The villages mentioned in the stretch goal are already in the game. The stretch goals are to add extras to them. Not to add the villages.
Ryo may one day return to Japan, but it won't be in Shenmue III.

Offline Tad

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Re: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!
« Reply #1306 on: June 20, 2015, 11:55:50 am »
I thought he said 3 or 4 games not 5?

I remember him saying ages ago that lll will feature an ending of sorts, but there was a story to tell afterwards.

Going by what we know (the postmortem) I suspect the ending of lll will be him getting revenge. Where as llll, will be him conflicted as he returns to Japan to realise he didn't do what his father said (keep his friends close) and dealing with it.

Offline Moody

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Re: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!
« Reply #1307 on: June 20, 2015, 11:58:39 am »
Tl;dr for the AMA and crackdude's post:

1) Part time jobs will return as part of the gameplay. It’s implied forklifts will return as a stretch goal.

2) The Rapport System and Character Perspective System both sound similar to recent Telltale games; the former governs Shenhua’s actions throughout the game based on your interactions with her, and the latter highlights character’s personalities as they go through the story.

3) Suzuki implies the game will be fully realized at ten million dollars. Whether or not that’s true is up in the air, but he specifically mentioned he’ll be able to do something he’s been wanting do a long time with the game at five million dollars.

4) Assets from Shenmue 1 & 2 will “get a lot of use.”

5) Day-to-night cycle will return.

6) Ryo will not be going back to Japan for this game.

7) More tiers are coming between $500 and $3000.

8. Ryo’s face on the kickstarter WILL be changed, Suzuki himself says he’s unhappy with it.

9) The three villages will be in the game, but they’ll be more “powered up” depending on the stretch goals reached.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!
« Reply #1308 on: June 20, 2015, 12:11:39 pm »
The AMA was very informative, makes me want this game even more.

Offline Trippled

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Re: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!
« Reply #1309 on: June 20, 2015, 12:16:56 pm »
To think that Suzuki get's back in the spotlight through ethical conversations of major corporations adversting crowdfounding...what a world we live in

Offline Tad

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Re: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!
« Reply #1310 on: June 20, 2015, 12:39:01 pm »
As much as I'd like him to get the funds, I just can't see KS getting it if that's the case.

Although, I would be happy with whatever they can achieve as it's the story and characters that's taking the main stage now I think.

Offline crackdude

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Re: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!
« Reply #1311 on: June 20, 2015, 01:03:54 pm »
I would like to pledge 500, but I don't have a job nor money..

I feel bad for only reaching the 29 tier

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!
« Reply #1312 on: June 20, 2015, 01:07:55 pm »
I would like to pledge 500, but I don't have a job nor money..

I feel bad for only reaching the 29 tier

Don't feel bad, a contribution is a contribution. We are all brothers in this.

Offline Tad

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Re: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!
« Reply #1313 on: June 20, 2015, 01:30:57 pm »
Yeah, you gave what you could. There's nothing to feel bad about.

Offline Sharky

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Re: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!
« Reply #1314 on: June 20, 2015, 02:02:01 pm »
Yu Suzuki wouldn't want you to spend more money than you can afford. Yu Suzuki is a loving and merciful god.
Made by SEGA

Offline Centrale

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Re: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!
« Reply #1315 on: June 20, 2015, 02:07:13 pm »
From reading the comments on various forums, I think there are more than a few of us who have reflected on how we'd fund the whole series if we hit the lottery. As for me, I had more money to spare this time last year... but the main thing is to do what you can. If you can't afford much now, don't worry... maybe when it comes out you can get an extra copy as a gift to someone.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!
« Reply #1316 on: June 20, 2015, 02:22:08 pm »
How could Suzuki make Shenmue appeal to younger gamers and millennials?

I've been thinking, Shenmue 1 had a Saturn in Ryo's house, years before it was actually released. This flexible reality could allow for some changes to Shenmue 3 and Ryo's personality:

• Have Ryo collecting EDM tracks throughout the game. Players could then select these tunes and play them via Ryo's mobile phone, replacing the game's regular soundtrack with EDM.

• Allow Ryo to use his phone to Skype call, and to leave Twitter and Facebook messages. This would allow players to link their real accounts to the game, increasing the game's social network presence.

• Suzuki has added classic arcade games in the past, why not add in some modern classics? I know Mademan is a Jack Lumber fan, so perhaps have this game in the game itself on Ryo's phone?

• Parkour and humblebrag are both very popular, perhaps we could apply these traits to Ryo? Players collect Parkour skills which increase Ryo's mobility in QTEs, after which he could snapchat or tweet some humblebrags?

Offline Tad

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Re: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!
« Reply #1317 on: June 20, 2015, 02:26:15 pm »
At this point I should remind you its based in the 80s...

Plus, pandering won't do much. It really comes down to just bringing the first two out I feel as even those old enough to remember it wouldn't necessarily of have had a Dreamcast or Shenmue.

« Last Edit: June 20, 2015, 02:28:00 pm by Tad »

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!
« Reply #1318 on: June 20, 2015, 02:32:42 pm »
• Have Ryo collecting EDM tracks throughout the game. Players could then select these tunes and play them via Ryo's mobile phone, replacing the game's regular soundtrack with EDM.

I'm probably going to regret this, but what the fuck is EDM?

Also they need to include more dank memes.

At this point I should remind you its based in the 80s...

Plus, pandering won't do much. It really comes down to just bringing the first two out I feel as even those old enough to remember it wouldn't necessarily of have had a Dreamcast or Shenmue.

Offline Moody

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Re: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!
« Reply #1319 on: June 20, 2015, 02:33:35 pm »
There might be a Saturn in 1986, but Ryo and Ren have to sift through cassette tapes manually to find info. Having expressly 21st century elements in the game would likely detract from the atmosphere and setting a lot. It's nice to have a bit of anachronism for fun, but too much and the '80's' setting isn't really 80's anymore.

Or Barry is joking. I'm not really sure.