Author Topic: Dawn of War 3 is a badly kept secret...  (Read 3430 times)

Offline Sharky

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Dawn of War 3 is a badly kept secret...
« on: November 17, 2015, 11:59:17 am »
And I think it will be announced soon.

-So SEGA have the War Hammer license.
-SEGA Europe have DoW artwork on their recruitment page.
-Recently added something to the old DoW games, I forgot now, was it Steam achievements?
-DoW3 domain was registered by SEGA this year.
-Today the 'WH40KDoW' twitter changed its title to 'DawnofWar'

I have a feeling that they were planning to announce DoW3 a few months back now, but the announcement was delayed. I think that would explain how apparent it is something is going down... Either they were waiting for SoA to settle into their new office, but since Relic are from Canada and deal mainly with SEGA Europe, I'm not sure.

Maybe, just maybe, Satomi's new biz model has afforded them extra dev time? Either way I am really excited to see what direction it takes.
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