Favorite 3D: 360 wired, the perfect controller. The Xbone one is also very good, I understand why they changed it because it has some very important improvements. But as for feel you can't beat the 360.
Favorite 2D: Saturn 2nd gen. Easy.
Worst 3D: Dual Shock 3. It's light, fragile, has weak vibration, battery is shit, and the electronics of the thing are a nightmare. Lasted 40 days in my hands, Dual Shock 1 lasted 15 years.
Worst 2D: MegaDrive 6 button controller. Maybe it was just me, but I broke 3 of those just by dropping them. The 3 button controllers were tanks, I don't know what happened there..
Honorable mentions:
Good: MegaDrive 3bt, Dual Shock 1, OG Xbox Duke
Bad: Nintendo 64, Wiimote, Dual Shock 2