I had always assumed they were basically the same thing as Xbox 360 achievements, but they are very different in a lot of ways. All for the worst, which is weird because they added them two years after other platforms had them, so they had time to plan.
First of all, are platinums exclusive to retail games and why? I thought you get these for doing everything in one game, but that is not the case.
Why so many bronze? Yakuza 3 has like almost 40 of them, then the rest are silver or gold. I realize they are supposed to be more "Important" than bronze, but their numbers seem all over the place.
Why do you have to sync them? If the console is online, why does it not update my profile immediately? I know they were added in late and are awkward, like the Xbox Avatars, but this seems like a bit much.
What are Trophy levels about? I see there is a percentage you have to pass then you become a higher rank? Does this do anything? What is it's point?
Slightly off topic: Why can you not use the word "Con" on PSN at all? I can understand getting rid of dirty words, but... stuff like poop and con are banned. I already have bad memories of spam in PSO.