Author Topic: Phantasy Star Online 2 coming to PS4 along with 'Reborn: Episode 4' update!  (Read 24700 times)

Offline TimmiT

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That's great, I don't really care what you think. Name me one SEGA in-house IP they are planning on publishing in the West that isn't a licensed title?

That's right. Boo-ho, I want a Phantasy Star title. Who cares? Why don't you do what you do and I do what I do? I never called you whiner for wanting a game, I didn't go to your blog posts at Retro where you guys whined that M2 was terrible because their games are on emulators and complained... why are you doing this when I want something? 
Did you actually read what I said? Cause this reads like you only skimmed over what I said and then responded.

I think that Sega should localize more games. If Atlus can do that and make a profit, then so can Sega. But like I said earlier: localizing an MMO would be much harder and you're talking as if it'd be as easy as bringing over any of their other games, which it really isn't.

And I didn't complain about M2 and neither did the person who wrote the article you're talking about. He complained that Sega already had a great remaster of Sonic 2, and instead of porting that to 3DS Sega let M2 do their own version that's not as good. He also didn't call M2 terrible when he said this.

And Yakuza 5. :V
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 01:50:40 pm by TimmiT »

Offline George

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Which is what I don't understand, you are coming to my blog and my forum to tell me I'm entitled? Do you know how entitled that actually makes you look? You are insulting me as well, telling me "You don't know what your talking about". Right.  ::)  Get your petty insults out of here. No one here has been rude to you, you should treat people with some respect, don't you think? I don't care if you disagree with me, you don't need to be acting like your better than people here.

Yakuza 5 only came out after SEGA and Sony came to agreement, if they didn't it wouldn't be released. That doesn't give me much faith.

(When I said you guys, I mean't Retro as a whole. There have been quite a bit of articles I disagreed with but I never went on your guys blogs and called you guys 'entitled'....)
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 01:53:59 pm by George »

Offline TimmiT

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I already told you why I called you entitled. And it's not cause I disagreed with you.

Anyway, I can already tell that this could go on for a long time with you not actually responding to what I'm saying and instead telling me that I can't criticize and yadayada so I'm out.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 02:10:04 pm by TimmiT »

Offline George

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I'm not going to agree with you. I simply don't care or agree with you. Period.

But if you think its OK for SEGA to have money to spend on buying and supporting Spiral Knights but not enough to bring a long running IP world wide, we are going to disagree. Not to mention that SEGA of Japan is localizing Korean MMOs. It seems that the only people getting 'fucked over' are SEGA fans.

But hey, SEGA America knows what their spending their money on. Look at those Sonic Boom and Alien Colonial Marines games. Really good games that are helping their brand.

For the record Spiral Knights has 1,000 active users a day. Another great investment by SEGA America.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 02:29:11 pm by George »

Offline SuperSonicEX

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I can understand the outrage behind this, clearly SEGA West has handled the whole situation poorly, no one is blind to that fact after all this time.

I see TimmiT's point about maintenance fees, but it also seems like that could be covered partly with partnering with say the licensed anime content that SoJ had for their version (they had Madoka and Attack on Titan at some point. that's bound to attract the anime con crowd at least) or even Sony content on their platforms...worse case scenario, bring back the hunter license subscription if that doesn't cause a big ruckus (Final Fantasy does it for their MMO).  I could be wrong since I'll admit to having little to no understanding of how localizing something like PSO2 works.

The thing is that SW have to be willing to take the risk and effort to either have it succeed or fail, but they seem so adverse to their Japanese games almost seems like they want nothing to do with them and want to say no to everything from SoJ.  To even get them to do something that might do well seems like we have to do a lot of begging, hell we had to go to Sony to finally get Yakuza 5, albeit the franchise has sold poorly though this can also be cited to SEGA lack of marketing apart from the first and (MAYBE) fourth game.  Japanese games can be a tough sell, that is understandable, but they've create an atmosphere within themselves that it feels like a scapegoat for shortcomings rather than a legitimate reason.

Which is kind of aggravating when you look at the amount of money spent on projects that have left black eyes on their brand, sure Isolation did well and should be applauded as such, but weren't the Western offices disappointed by the sales despite being good numbers? It just leads to pent up frustration, especially with SEGA West trying everything in their power to make Sonic Boom a success after screwing up their cornerstone game.

I'm willing to bet the reason we're even getting Dengeki Bunko is because the Bamco Sword Art Online game on Vita sold pretty well, though I want the game to do well in general because I'd like to see more Japanese titles brought over.  Just shameful that smaller companies (or even Bamco) can bring similar Japanese games and make it successful and SEGA somehow can't.  It is even more shameful that SEGA can't even come out and cancel the localization so that we don't have to continue on this thread of "oh maybe they'll announce something this year!"

Offline Radrappy

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On the bright side, ps4 games are region free right?  If they don't ip ban us, we could very well enjoy that version of the game. 

Offline SuperSonicEX

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and I'm trying to learn Japanese anyways, so hey there is that. HAHAHA.

Offline Team Andromeda

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But hey, SEGA America knows what their spending their money on. Look at those Sonic Boom and Alien Colonial Marines games. Really good games that are helping their brand.

For the record Spiral Knights has 1,000 active users a day. Another great investment by SEGA America.
But hey Alien Marines sold better than most Sega Japan games, and like you and the rest of the Sega defence force keep on telling me consoles are dead and Sonic Dash been down loaded so many times blah...blah ... Let's also remember it was Sammy that signed that crappy Sonic deal with Nintendo in the 1st place
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Offline Bit,

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I hope "currently" mean's they are willing to bring it overseas in the future, they have more than enough money to bring it over but what i'm probably worried about is marketing it properly.

We should show there games that there bringing outside of japan support though, It would encourage them to bring more games over.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2015, 04:37:37 am by Bit, »

Offline matty

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I keep hearing "if they really wanted to play this they would just get the patch," but I was looking for this particular release since my PC is crap and laptop can't handle playing MMOs. Shit out of luck, it seems  :-\

While reading the thread I also read this interview with Sam Mullen on the localization of DBF, and it kind of touches on what you studs were mentioning here:

"We are aware that Steam and PC is definitely a growing platform. That’s basically all I can really say on that front."

"The reality is that PC isn’t as big in Japan, and often when we go to localize our titles we’re picking up what Japan has already done and taking it on. Adding a platform after the fact can add heavy delays to a project."

"It ultimately depends on how invested the different territories are on each platform."

Even though it was regarding DFC, I thought it was nice insight on how SW thinks now.