Got Shadows of the damned through Gamefly. I thought the game was just popular through word of mouth. I had no clue Shinji Miami and Suda 51 were behind it!
EA, how can you have two huge names like that and not market it?!
Because it wouldn't sell, or they would need to pump more money into the advertising budget it than it's worth to get any increase in sales. The game is a niche title through and through with it's warped humour and bizarre stylings.
I've been playing Super Street Fighter IV: AE. Pretty good, but I don't like most of the new characters. Might try picking up Evil Ryu for the hell of it though.
Also just finished Beneath a Steel Sky. Really good adventure game, but not quite as good as I was expecting. I think it doesn't quite match LucasArt's finest (Monkey Island, Grim Fandango), but still really well worth playing, especially since it's free on