Author Topic: Binary Domain trailer "Bigger than you think"  (Read 24904 times)

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Binary Domain trailer "Bigger than you think"
« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2012, 04:55:33 pm »
Daytona is the most successful arcade game ever, the fact it was on a dead on arrival console and then on a less dead on arrival but later it was dead too console is not an indication of anything

Stop going on about the Arcades , that means next to nothing to the home user now  and didn't mean much to in the last generation too for full price retail games  . Daytona USA was the most successful Arcade game ever, but in the home market it was anything but  sadly .
Yakuza is way bigger than Shenmue , and look OutRun was a Huge Coin up and so many people had found memories but that never helped with sales of OutRun II on the X-Box/PSP

People have moved on and Arcade games are not the draw they once were on the consoles

250,000 units in each area for the Gamecube is a great figure and likely it sold more. It sold a further 100,000 in Japan.
Look in NCL own world they said both F-Zero on the Cube and indeed the N64 did not sell as well as they hoped

The market however is now so big that a million seller is not seen as a mass market title anymore, something closer to 3 million would be considered mass market.

The market really isn't that much bigger and any title that sells over a million at launch at full price can be considered a nice seller . There was some massive sellers in the N64, PS and PS2 generations

The fact that Alpha Protocol can sell 700,000 with minimal hype shows how big the market has become

Most of the were sold at rock bottom prices . In the N64 days the likes of Golden Eye can sell over 8 million copies and the like of Final Fantasy can sell over 7 million copies , GT over 10 million copies in the PS days, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas  over 15 million  . The market isn't that much bigger,  it's just more evenly split now

What I said is they cannot rely on one form of marketing, they need to ensure they do everything from adverts, good demos, developer interviews, trailers, the whole works.

Demo and good TV adverts are yet to be done on Binary Domain - and SEGA needs to sort out a demo soon and hopefully get some prime time TV ads ready . The rest is what any developer/publisher does

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Re: Binary Domain trailer "Bigger than you think"
« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2012, 05:00:29 pm »
More stuff for Pao and Barry, another hub location it seems;

To point out, bunch of people on the chairs and all that, so this is not a shooting segment.

Offline Ben

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Re: Binary Domain trailer "Bigger than you think"
« Reply #32 on: January 17, 2012, 07:21:25 pm »
As for the demo, it pretty much proved the boost to win mindset was right, level design was absolutely simplistic and terrible, not representative of the final product. Should have picked City Escape or Sky Sanctuary instead.

But nobody cares about the "boost mindset" thing except die-hard Sonic fans, and they were going to buy the game anyway. I disagree with you entirely about the level design, I thought Green Hill was incredible the first time I played it at Sonic Boom and really don't think it would turn anybody away from the game. Sky Sanctuary would be a little too challenging/frustrating for a demo level, IMO.

And Nintendo did have their version, it was the Nintendo 3DS version.

The 3DS is a new system and is not the same thing as a console release. The handheld version is great for fans of the handheld titles. Not people who still consider Sonic Adventure 2:  Battle as one of the most memorable platformers on the GC (as many Nintendo fans do, believe it or not.)

Sonic Heroes, Sonic Gems Collection and Sonic Mega Collection all sold the best on the Playstation 2. Incorrect information there.

Heroes sold better on the GC (at least, in North America, I don't know about Europe, where the GC did notoriously poorly) for the VAST majority of its lifespan, if not its entirety. I understand things changed by the very end of the generation, but that's kind of what happens when one system discontinues support (GC) and one continues for another couple years. (PS2.)

Mass Effect has become a time traveling franchise?!?

In all honesty, they moved it away from Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Soul Calibur V whilst getting it closer to Mass Effect 3, so its a bit of a double edged sword. More so why marketing is important now.

But I doubt Twisted Metal will be a success personal, in any case it's original release date had it launch at the same time as that game.

FF13-2 would have come out after Binary Domain, and Mass Effect 3 serves as more of a competition because it is a Third Person Shooter with RPG elements, kind of similar to Binary Domain in some ways. Either way, they're 2 games with futuristic settings and guns. Obviously....2 very different games otherwise but definitely closer in demographic than a Japanese RPG with semi anime-inspired characters.

Aki; I doubt Binary Domain will have giant explorable (non-shooting) areas. I imagine it'll be like Final Fantasy 13 where there are tiny little breaks in the action where you can walk around without combat in a very tiny area but they won't play a big role in the game, I don't think.

Anyway, Binary Domain will need TV to be successful. And a demo. Sega needs to get on this. 

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Binary Domain trailer "Bigger than you think"
« Reply #33 on: January 17, 2012, 07:40:09 pm »
But nobody cares about the "boost mindset" thing except die-hard Sonic fans, and they were going to buy the game anyway. I disagree with you entirely about the level design, I thought Green Hill was incredible the first time I played it at Sonic Boom and really don't think it would turn anybody away from the game. Sky Sanctuary would be a little too challenging/frustrating for a demo level, IMO.

I would say speaking from experience most people dislike how fast Sonic has become and find it a pain to play. Green Hill Zone is such a poor level, it is just one straight line with minimal amount of alternate routes or interesting gimmicks. It does not show the game off well at all. As for Sky Sanctuary being hard, it could be, but it is also better than Green Hill Zone. City Escape in that case. This is my worry with Binary Domain, you even complained about corridors, give a level full of corridors and people will get the wrong idea!

The 3DS is a new system and is not the same thing as a console release. The handheld version is great for fans of the handheld titles. Not people who still consider Sonic Adventure 2:  Battle as one of the most memorable platformers on the GC (as many Nintendo fans do, believe it or not.)

SEGA has no reason to carter to every demograph if they cannot do so. If Sonic Team could not handle a third version (Which was the case) then they would have to outsource development of the other version. Unfortunately sacrifices had to be made but the overall product paid off. Anyway this is going a bit offtopic and we can always continue this in PM!

Heroes sold better on the GC (at least, in North America, I don't know about Europe, where the GC did notoriously poorly) for the VAST majority of its lifespan, if not its entirety. I understand things changed by the very end of the generation, but that's kind of what happens when one system discontinues support (GC) and one continues for another couple years. (PS2.)

The best selling version has and always was the Playstation 2 version. Even in North America.

FF13-2 would have come out after Binary Domain, and Mass Effect 3 serves as more of a competition because it is a Third Person Shooter with RPG elements, kind of similar to Binary Domain in some ways. Either way, they're 2 games with futuristic settings and guns. Obviously....2 very different games otherwise but definitely closer in demographic than a Japanese RPG with semi anime-inspired characters.

There is probably a large amount of crossover in the demographs who buy Final Fantasy and go on to buy Binary Domain or Mass Effect, even though it is declining, Final Fantasy is still a mega-franchise. Even if the entire game is something totally different.

Aki; I doubt Binary Domain will have giant explorable (non-shooting) areas. I imagine it'll be like Final Fantasy 13 where there are tiny little breaks in the action where you can walk around without combat in a very tiny area but they won't play a big role in the game, I don't think.

I agree, but both Barry and Pao were interested in those sections so I just pointed it out for them.

Anyway, Binary Domain will need TV to be successful. And a demo. Sega needs to get on this.

I agreed with you! Anyway they have already said a demo is in the works and will be out before the game is. I am sure that SEGA America will market it for TV, the game has a 15 second ad already airing on Japanese TV from yesterday.

I mean if SEGA of Japan is doing that and West is not, I am pretty sure Nagoshi killed Mike Hayes' dog and is out to spite him, or something.

Demo and good TV adverts are yet to be done on Binary Domain - and SEGA needs to sort out a demo soon and hopefully get some prime time TV ads ready . The rest is what any developer/publisher does

I am not going to respond to any of that since you seem to have, again, missed my point and going to start to seriously dislodge this topic.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Binary Domain trailer "Bigger than you think"
« Reply #34 on: January 17, 2012, 07:50:11 pm »
Regarding the hubs, very cool! Reminds me of the downtime in Sakura Wars where you walk about chatting with the NPCs, trying to influence them. Of course, in that it was for love and in this it's for combat. But combat did come into play in Sakura Wars.

Offline Ben

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Re: Binary Domain trailer "Bigger than you think"
« Reply #35 on: January 17, 2012, 08:37:25 pm »
I would say speaking from experience most people dislike how fast Sonic has become and find it a pain to play. Green Hill Zone is such a poor level, it is just one straight line with minimal amount of alternate routes or interesting gimmicks. It does not show the game off well at all. As for Sky Sanctuary being hard, it could be, but it is also better than Green Hill Zone. City Escape in that case. This is my worry with Binary Domain, you even complained about corridors, give a level full of corridors and people will get the wrong idea!

Hahaha we just won't agree on this, dude. City Escape I suppose would have been a good choice but I really doubt the demo was the issue.

The Giant Fish Chase scene in Green Hill alone would have sold me on the game if I were on the fence about it.

There is probably a large amount of crossover in the demographs who buy Final Fantasy and go on to buy Binary Domain or Mass Effect, even though it is declining, Final Fantasy is still a mega-franchise. Even if the entire game is something totally different.

Binary Domain was developed for a "Western Crowd." It wasn't made specifically for the Yakuza demographic, it was Nagoshi trying to develop a "Western game." I think Mass Effect is more targeting that demo, though I agree that there may be *some* crossover with FF, I don't think it was a delay that'll help the game *UNLESS* it's to develop a TV campaign.

I mean if SEGA of Japan is doing that and West is not, I am pretty sure Nagoshi killed Mike Hayes' dog and is out to spite him, or something.

Hahahah well it wouldn't be the first time. Vanquish had advertising everywhere but America, it seemed. Actually, most of Sega's new IP did (Yakuza, Resonance of Fate, Valkyria Chronicles, etc.)
« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 09:04:58 pm by -nSega54- »

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Binary Domain trailer "Bigger than you think"
« Reply #36 on: January 18, 2012, 04:55:27 am »
Hahaha we just won't agree on this, dude. City Escape I suppose would have been a good choice but I really doubt the demo was the issue.

The Giant Fish Chase scene in Green Hill alone would have sold me on the game if I were on the fence about it.

I think we will have to agree to disagree, I know a bunch of people who complained it was linear, boring and felt they hardly played the level. When you have competition from both Rayman and Mario, putting out a demo like that gave too many bad impressions I feel.

Green Hill Zone for classic Sonic was good, Green Hill Zone for modern Sonic was terrible, which is funny considering the first level is always the strongest for Sonic Team.

Binary Domain was developed for a "Western Crowd." It wasn't made specifically for the Yakuza demographic, it was Nagoshi trying to develop a "Western game." I think Mass Effect is more targeting that demo, though I agree that there may be *some* crossover with FF, I don't think it was a delay that'll help the game *UNLESS* it's to develop a TV campaign.

Binary Domain was developed for a global audience, SEGA/Nagoshi has said a number of time the idea was to create a brand that is a globally successful series.

The game has been delayed for two weeks even though its completed (Japanese version has not been delayed) this is to pick up the slack from October to mid-December. And seems they certainly have.

But whilst Mass Effect is a similar setting and style of game, its nothing more than a 2 million seller, Final Fantasy XIII-2 has all the attributes to be a 5 million plus seller! That can knock the wind out of anything (Especially with Soul Calibur V releasing too) like I said, they move it away from two heavy hitters but closer to another big, but not quite so heavy, hitter.

Hahahah well it wouldn't be the first time. Vanquish had advertising everywhere but America, it seemed. Actually, most of Sega's new IP did (Yakuza, Resonance of Fate, Valkyria Chronicles, etc.)

Yakuza was marketed badly by SEGA America, they just pretended it was another Grand Theft Auto which completely destroyed its chances. I can understand why Valkyria Chronicles was ignored, same with Resonance of Fate, jRPGs just do not have the followings they use to, strangely. I suppose the majority of the fanbase just moved to the Nintendo DS.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Binary Domain trailer "Bigger than you think"
« Reply #37 on: January 18, 2012, 05:24:57 am »
I posted a few of these videos on the other thread, but I think a few people (Like Pao) only just saw them, so here are a bunch of Japanese people playing Binary Domain (Also techno music for train level confirmed! Yay)

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Binary Domain trailer "Bigger than you think"
« Reply #38 on: January 18, 2012, 05:28:32 am »
And wouldn't you know it, as soon as I posted that, I came across this! Seems like the five that SEGA have shown are not your only team mates through out the game, SEGA's shown off two more characters (And a boss character) just now, well SEGA Japan has anyway!

Few more images through the link.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Binary Domain trailer "Bigger than you think"
« Reply #39 on: January 18, 2012, 06:35:14 am »
The link above seems to be down, but here is the direct source for anyone interested.

Was sure that 5 members was all there was, but seems SEGA has kept a nice amount underwraps!

Offline Ben

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Re: Binary Domain trailer "Bigger than you think"
« Reply #40 on: January 18, 2012, 11:23:20 pm »
Green Hill Zone for classic Sonic was good, Green Hill Zone for modern Sonic was terrible, which is funny considering the first level is always the strongest for Sonic Team.

And Modern Green Hill was pretty great, I thought. :]

But whilst Mass Effect is a similar setting and style of game, its nothing more than a 2 million seller, Final Fantasy XIII-2 has all the attributes to be a 5 million plus seller! That can knock the wind out of anything (Especially with Soul Calibur V releasing too) like I said, they move it away from two heavy hitters but closer to another big, but not quite so heavy, hitter.

Mass Effect 2 was much bigger sales-wise and was better-received than Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 3 will likely be an even bigger deal when it comes out. I wouldn't brush the series off, it's doing very well for itself, and time will tell if Sega effed up by moving Binary Domain to that slot.

Anyway, I think this topic's been de-railed enough. If you want, I can shut up now.  ;)

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Binary Domain trailer "Bigger than you think"
« Reply #41 on: January 19, 2012, 07:03:42 am »
I am not going to respond to any of that since you seem to have, again, missed my point and going to start

What ?. All I said is SEGA needs to get a demo out and ready big TV push if it wants to sell a new IP in the west, to which you replied about interviews ECT- That is only what all other corps do anyway.

But whilst Mass Effect is a similar setting and style of game, its nothing more than a 2 million seller

To a small point but Mass Effect is more  a RPG - Binary Domain is more an action shooter likes Gears, GRAW mould

Yakuza was marketed badly by SEGA America, they just pretended it was another Grand Theft Auto which completely destroyed its chances.

Lets be fair it was the likes of Press and Magicbox that tried to make out this was SEGA answer to GTA before the game had even come out in Japan . SEGA did not make out this was a GTA game at all not SOA or SOA I felt that was the press sadly that done that . If people did feel it was another a GTA game it may have sold millions ;) :P

I can understand why Valkyria Chronicles was ignored, same with Resonance of Fate, jRPGs just do not have the followings they use to, strangely. I suppose the majority of the fanbase just moved to the Nintendo DS.

SRPG's was never going to sell well in the west , but SEGA's big problem with most of it's games is a complete lack of a Big push or a TV 2week blts when a game is out for all but a Sonic Title . It's really been a problem for years, hell we even have topics started about I've seen a SEGA advert on TV.

It is an area that SEGA simple must do better in and I hope it's got some big style TV and press pushes ready for BD, Alien Marines and CA new massive action console game

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Re: Binary Domain trailer "Bigger than you think"
« Reply #42 on: January 20, 2012, 06:05:36 am »
And Modern Green Hill was pretty great, I thought. :]

To each his own I suppose.

Mass Effect 2 was much bigger sales-wise and was better-received than Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 3 will likely be an even bigger deal when it comes out. I wouldn't brush the series off, it's doing very well for itself, and time will tell if Sega effed up by moving Binary Domain to that slot.

Mass Effect 2 was not much bigger sales-wise and its critical acclaim increase was minimal (The original was highly regarded in itself) sales may seem bigger for Mass Effect 2, but the fact is the series has become much much more front loaded. That's not to say its a big seller, but it is no Final Fantasy, Batman, Metal Gear or any other series that does 5 million, its a clear 2 to 3 million seller. So whilst it can eat into Binary Domain's sales, I do not think it will suck the life out of everything else.

What ?. All I said is SEGA needs to get a demo out and ready big TV push if it wants to sell a new IP in the west, to which you replied about interviews ECT- That is only what all other corps do anyway.

I replied to your whole quote with that one bit, we could discuss the rest, about Daytona and how I think you are wrong and how you can try and counter my position, or how I can talk about how expanded the market has now become and you can counter that too, but it would stop releating to Binary Domain and start discussing the wider gaming market. Which I am not willing to do, as it distracts from the topic itself. If you want to continue that debate, you can always start it in general gaming, but for me I think we ought to keep our own beliefs seperate.

Now moving on...

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Re: Binary Domain trailer "Bigger than you think"
« Reply #43 on: January 20, 2012, 06:10:16 am »

Another developer diary is up on Destructoid, this time talking about the characters, members of the Rust Crew. My favourite bit was;

Mid-way through the game, you’ll also have Cain join the Rust Crew. He is a special ops robot from France, a sleek character with a French accent. He’s also capable of showing some “artificial humor”, but his jokes aren’t always great and don’t always come at the right time. But when it comes to battle, Cain will show great talent. His combat skills and technical skills (he can hack into enemy AI!) are so awesome, even the robot-hater Dan gets impressed. I’m sure you’ll love Cain for his humorous actions!

Cain to be the best member of the group confirmed.

Another interesting thing I found that Barry might enjoy, in regards to the voice commends, comes from this preview released way back in December from Official Xbox Magazine;

Dan Marshall and his partner Big Bo have some big problems. They’ve been sent into militarized Japan to hunt down brilliant inventor and robotics expert Yoji Amada. Unfortunately, the robots that Amada helped to create stand in their way. Along with their multinational Rust Crew, they’re on a mission to arrest Amada for ignoring Clause 21 of the New Geneva convention, which bans the use of the terrifyingly humanlike android Hollow Children for any purpose. Amada used one to commit a massacre in the labs of his biggest competitors, multinational corporation Bergen Advanced Robotics Technology.

Sound complicated? Well let’s summarize third-person shooter Binary Domain like this: You get to shoot robots. Lots of them. Those robots explode, and then you smile. It’s pretty simple, and very satisfying. And when you kill those robots, you get money that you can spend on new guns and upgrades for you and your team. Eventually, you’ll become a robot wrecking machine capable of taking on hordes of the metal guys. Of course, you can upgrade to your preference. Love some sniper action? Get your range and accuracy stats up. Prefer close and personal? That shotgun of yours looks like it could use a damage upgrade.

No one man can take on an entire army, however. That’s where Dan’s teammates come in. Depending on your style of play, you’ll have the choice of taking a combination of the juggernaut Big Bo, the explosives expert Charlie, the rocket launcher-toting Rachel, or the tactical sniper Faye into battle. Utilizing the crew to their fullest potential is pretty simple, especially with the extensive use of voice commands that Binary Domain features. Yelling “CHARGE” into an Xbox Live headset microphone feels a bit silly at first, but when you realize that you don’t have to take your thumb off the right stick to do so, it becomes second nature.

Perhaps the most interesting part about the voice commands, however, is the fact that you can it in non-combat scenarios. Deep in the slums below the Shibuya district of Tokyo, we had several conversations with citizens, where we were occasionally given a choice of dialogue options. Quickly, we realized that we could go off-script and say whatever we wanted, and the game would allow for that. Sort of like a poor man’s version of Siri for iPhone. Imagine the surprise of a hapless merchant when we cursed him out for no apparent reason. It wasn’t terribly pretty. In our preview build, the voice recognition wasn’t perfect, but we’re certainly intrigued by the possibilities.

With a complex plot, crazy man-on-robot violence, and an intriguing voice command system, Binary Domain certainly looks ready to make itself known on the third-person shooter front.

Ryan and George are going to have a field day with this game...

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Binary Domain trailer "Bigger than you think"
« Reply #44 on: January 20, 2012, 07:54:19 am »
Wow! That is very awesome! So you can talk to NPCs, cuss them out, say happy things to them and they react? That sounds like fun! And being in a future Shibuya, you're sure to bump into some JSRF characters... okay, probably not. But Goji Rokkaku was in Yakuza. So never say never.