Sega wouldn't make a new console for the same reason they didn't back in 2002. There's too many players in the console market right now. Until one of the big guys drops out(which isn't anytime soon) it wont be viable to make a new Sega system and believe you me, Sega isn't really in any position to spend R+D on many big games let alone a new game system.
the whole thing i sthat you dont have to litteraly compete with the others.
do u even know why megadrive was succesfull besides having a good nintendont marketing?
i think you dont.
the sega was a whole different thing then nintendo. sega hadother games then nintendo. you wouldnt find immortal on the snes. those games like mega lo mania only on the genesis megadrive. in fact the whole set up of nintendo against sega and the ther way around was not necessary cause sega fans were a whole different people. you could see it in the clothes they wear and the way we talked.
sega was someone else and a select company.
and sega was loyal they made games even when psx was out allrady yet sega genesis still came with some games remembering fifa 98 i played that one badly.
ok fifa aint a select game but i just want to give the point of loyalty.
this is why up untill this day people love sega. they were so good that the love would never end.
thats how good they were.