Right so, im currently at college, doing film production... i make music videos etc for local bands, recently did some work with Coca Cola and the young business person of the year awards etc. going to university in September two years later then most people my age (I did two college courses in Media Production and Media Studies)
Besides that, I work in a clothes shop, we sell clothes to fat women and old women, occasionally fat old women.
on the odd occasion (very odd) I help at a friends comedy bar... basically being a bridge between comedy acts and taking the piss out of men twice my size and age.
And I write film reviews for numerous sites and a college paper type thing, I also run the website for my current college course, moderate the forum on the site and help the first year students get to know people who can help them in there videos etc..
Besides that, I sit on my bum watch movies and eat nachos... oh, and occasionally come on the internet to talk about sex.