Author Topic: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"  (Read 40520 times)

Offline ROJM

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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #60 on: November 15, 2014, 04:57:12 am »

Yep but they did have some bad luck too. Like with Pandemic Studios war game paid for SEGA only for EA to buy the corp. The crucible was going to be a real fab game with some great idea's and plans and some good Producers behind it (Ex system shock developers/producers) but that didn't work out in the end  .

Yes but it was many poor decisions in developers that effectively did him, in

No the Sonic spin off all have to go through SEGA Japan . To give one example  SEGA America wanted to remake the GBA/DS Sonic games for the PSP but SEGA Japan and Sonic Team rejected the idea and instead came up with the Rivals concept . NiGHTS II was planed to be a 360 and PS3 game with amazing dream visuals and to use the On-line side for real world weather systems and what not. That was blocked by SOJ for being to costly and SOJ thinking 'NiGHTS' was a child based game and so should be made on the Wii instead .

TA i never said they didn't..but they were charged to reinvigorate old Sega IPs a bit like ATLUS is now and NIGHTS was one of them. And we had this argument before  in another forum..and back then i was well connected with sources too...


The English dub was a mandate by SONY America and it was nothing SEGA America or Japan could do about it and as for the swearing that is something the Japanese team and Nagoshi-sand wanted to be put in.

But the marketing that happened was well of a confirmation of his fears..and the swearwords distracted everything.


No please don't hit back with saying all of the above is rubbish , Back in those days I used to know A senior producer at SEGA and its all true.

Not necessarily the NIGHTS one. As i said i went over with that with you years ago ...And as i said i had connections too.

« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 04:59:28 am by ROJM »

Offline ROJM

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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #61 on: November 15, 2014, 05:02:24 am »
Sure you can.  Sega is a giant company who should watch their investments closely.  Think about how incompetent you have to even be to be hoodwinked by a business partner on this scale.  The very fact that they can't/haven't taken legal action yet is them basically admitting they don't have a case to stand on.  Fuck man, they even readily COMPENSATED people who sued for false advertising.  Gearbox are crooks but SoA fucked up plain and simple as well. 

Like i said it was a con job from the start..but of course be sure to place you're mis guided rage against Sega why don't you? That doesn't mean they were guilty or fucked up. They were conned. That's like saying to the old pensioner that she was the one who fucked up by being swindled by a Nigerian con artist over the telephone...

Offline ROJM

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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #62 on: November 15, 2014, 05:07:57 am »
I agree with Sharky that SegaBits forums need to be a place that allow more speech but I also really disagree that Sega of America is responsible for most of the issues in this thread. So much of it is guess work and what little we do know is massively in their favor over the Genesis/Saturn/Kalinske situations.

I also think the Marvel games could have been huge, if well developed. Look at the Batman games. They should have bought out Next Level Games (instead of Secret Level) and put those guys on all of them since their Captain America game was actually solid and they are a good developer. Now they make games for Nintendo instead but hindsight is 20/20.

Or common sense....

Offline ROJM

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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #63 on: November 15, 2014, 05:10:19 am »
Barry please... When I helped create Segabits, long before you weaseled your way in. Swearing was a non-issue, we swore on the front page, we swore in the podcast. It's just a word. Segabits wasn't trying to be SEGA's little bitch, Playing the bitch is the reason both George and I lift SegaNerds and went our own way in the first place.

You said weasel. :))

Police report shots fired in Jersey.

Isn't it right?

Offline ROJM

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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #64 on: November 15, 2014, 05:12:11 am »
True, but I thought Sharky was just letting off some steam, bennet.

I remember someone going on about 'THEY BOUGHT THEM FOR MIDDLE WARE!!!!'
But okay, I didn't know they wanted them to make games from teh get go. They shouldn't have given those greenhorns good IPs like Golden Axe though. I still think the old Golden Axe games are dog-shit, but still, everyone seems to like them for some reason.

That was me..and i said they also brought them for their middle ware...

Offline ROJM

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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #65 on: November 15, 2014, 05:17:58 am »
The funny thing about Simon Jeffery, I thought his plan was solid. I mean, make Marvel movie games? This was announced before the whole big 'Avengers' thing, but I knew the movie franchises where going to be big. He just fucked up when it came to development, using studios that had no talent and not being able to make a marketable product in like 2 years of development time. But if Thor, Hulk, Captain America and Iron Man games where good, I could see them selling like 10+ million considering how popular the characters are and how much consoles they where on.

It was solid..and in a way it worked..Sega gained marketshare during his period which they managed to build on ever since. The problem was of course was his choice of developers...SHINY should not have been the guys to make GOLDEN COMPASS, Secret Level..was never really used properly..and shouldn't have been brought...Not really going for or backing the better smaller developers..Edge of reality Hulk game wasn't bad. Also too many contracts on too many to what SOE did..they brought two studios..and chose their small developer contracts wisely..they didn't over spend their budget..and they had little that same period...Sega japan was so impressed with one of their choices with the job they did with OUTRUN 2006 port..and we all know what happned there..too bad they didn't get purchased by Sega..

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #66 on: November 15, 2014, 05:33:03 am »
I honestly can't tell if people really just want another site that talks about how SEGA is finished these days and we all cry and mourn the death of a publisher. I was getting annoyed with the site when it mostly covered Sonic articles a while back and I think that's a valid criticism but getting annoyed they're promoting a SEGA game? Come on, there's probably a bunch of other jaded SEGA fan site's out there.

And I swear people left SEGAnerds not for all the hyping of SEGA products but the fact the site become poorly run with countless ads and feeling like some sort of cheap flash game site.

Offline Trippled

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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #67 on: November 15, 2014, 06:13:25 am »
ROJM's and TA's formatting kinda hurts my eyes...
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 06:18:51 am by Trippled »

Offline tarpmortar

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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #68 on: November 15, 2014, 06:24:18 am »
Valkyria Chronicles port is awesome... So that's great :D

Offline ROJM

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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #69 on: November 15, 2014, 06:43:06 am »
ROJM's and TA's formatting kinda hurts my eyes...

Then you must be blind since there's nothing wrong with my formatting.  But since you're blind  ..glad to be of help...

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #70 on: November 15, 2014, 07:00:53 am »
I see there is a bit of site discussion here, so I thought I'd address some things:

And I swear people left SEGAnerds not for all the hyping of SEGA products but the fact the site become poorly run with countless ads and feeling like some sort of cheap flash game site.

The Kartel and shitification of the forums is why I left Nerds as a reader.

Regarding "promoting SEGA's products" - when a new game is releasing we try our best to share trailers and important details as they release. Also, over the past year, we've had the opportunity to go hands on with games like Boom and Isolation at E3 and Comic Con and we've had unbiased previews written up in which the writers could say whatever they thought of the game, even if it meant hurting SEGA's feelings. We'll also be presenting unbiased reviews, and we have in the past given very poor scores to SEGA games despite our relationship with the company. The community team understands that we don't give their games a pass, if we hate a game we'll say it in the review or in an op-ed. But another important thing is that we try to present the news as news, such as a new trailer, saying "here is the new trailer, check it out and share your opinion" which is very different from "jesus, this trailer looks like shit, what the fuck are SEGA of America thinking? They need to fire all of their San Fran office." That sort of article writing is one reason SEGA cut ties with TSSZ.

It would also be unwise of the site to flat out ignore upcoming games because of some bias. Like "fuck SEGA of Japan. if they refuse to release Yakuza here, we're going to ignore it" or "Sonic Boom looks cheap, best to not post any news on it". I'll admit, though, that some titles get less coverage than we'd like, but that is mainly because we do not have somebody on the team who has a passion for them (pointing to the PC strategy games).

Re: too much Sonic coverage - if SEGA are releasing a lot of Sonic content, there is going to be an increase in Sonic news posts. Simple as that. As mentioned above, we are not going to hold off on reporting because we don't like the way the game looks, or because we posted a trailer earlier in the week. We have, however, tried to counter the amount of Sonic news with the theme weeks and months which drive original content towards other aspects of SEGA. Next year especially (save for one month) we'll have a lot of focus on other SEGA games outside of Sonic. We're also looking to adding new people to the team with interests outside of Sonic.

Re: the weaseling my way in statement - I'm going to ignore that you said that.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #71 on: November 15, 2014, 07:10:16 am »
Re: too much Sonic coverage - if SEGA are releasing a lot of Sonic content, there is going to be an increase in Sonic news posts. Simple as that. As mentioned above, we are not going to hold off on reporting because we don't like the way the game looks, or because we posted a trailer earlier in the week. We have, however, tried to counter the amount of Sonic news with the theme weeks and months which drive original content towards other aspects of SEGA. Next year especially (save for one month) we'll have a lot of focus on other SEGA games outside of Sonic. We're also looking to adding new people to the team with interests outside of Sonic.

That's alright Barry bumpkin that was an old criticism that was back in around 2013, since late 2013 the content has been a lot more varied and covers a wide range of SEGA news/games again so I'm fine with that. No problem with promoting Sonic Boom either, it was mostly original content that I had issues with.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #72 on: November 15, 2014, 07:34:08 am »
Well, if you love Sonic Boom content, stay tuned to Tuesday! ;)

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #73 on: November 15, 2014, 09:16:20 am »
I see there is a bit of site discussion here, so I thought I'd address some things:

The Kartel and shitification of the forums is why I left Nerds as a reader.

Regarding "promoting SEGA's products" - when a new game is releasing we try our best to share trailers and important details as they release. Also, over the past year, we've had the opportunity to go hands on with games like Boom and Isolation at E3 and Comic Con and we've had unbiased previews written up in which the writers could say whatever they thought of the game, even if it meant hurting SEGA's feelings. We'll also be presenting unbiased reviews, and we have in the past given very poor scores to SEGA games despite our relationship with the company. The community team understands that we don't give their games a pass, if we hate a game we'll say it in the review or in an op-ed. But another important thing is that we try to present the news as news, such as a new trailer, saying "here is the new trailer, check it out and share your opinion" which is very different from "jesus, this trailer looks like shit, what the fuck are SEGA of America thinking? They need to fire all of their San Fran office." That sort of article writing is one reason SEGA cut ties with TSSZ.

It would also be unwise of the site to flat out ignore upcoming games because of some bias. Like "fuck SEGA of Japan. if they refuse to release Yakuza here, we're going to ignore it" or "Sonic Boom looks cheap, best to not post any news on it". I'll admit, though, that some titles get less coverage than we'd like, but that is mainly because we do not have somebody on the team who has a passion for them (pointing to the PC strategy games).

Re: too much Sonic coverage - if SEGA are releasing a lot of Sonic content, there is going to be an increase in Sonic news posts. Simple as that. As mentioned above, we are not going to hold off on reporting because we don't like the way the game looks, or because we posted a trailer earlier in the week. We have, however, tried to counter the amount of Sonic news with the theme weeks and months which drive original content towards other aspects of SEGA. Next year especially (save for one month) we'll have a lot of focus on other SEGA games outside of Sonic. We're also looking to adding new people to the team with interests outside of Sonic.

Re: the weaseling my way in statement - I'm going to ignore that you said that.

The only thing that worries me is that Sega have pre-approved questions for things like Sonic Boom. I worry it'll turn the interview into a PR piece. Either way, I rarely visit the front page because most news isn't of interest to me (figures, Sonic, obscure Japanese stuff, Wiki random article of the day) but that's most likely because most of Sega's output doesn't interest me anymore. *Sigh*

As for the Weaseling into things, don't take it as an insult. Weaseling into things is what seperates us from the animals. Except for the weasel.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #74 on: November 15, 2014, 10:35:09 am »
The only thing that worries me is that Sega have pre-approved questions for things like Sonic Boom. I worry it'll turn the interview into a PR piece. Either way, I rarely visit the front page because most news isn't of interest to me (figures, Sonic, obscure Japanese stuff, Wiki random article of the day) but that's most likely because most of Sega's output doesn't interest me anymore. *Sigh*

We submitted our own questions and they approved all but a few, and those that didn't get approved were more along the lines of the Japanese localization and scrapped concepts - which I can understand why they would not share ideas they have but didn't use, as they might want to use them in the future.