Author Topic: The weak arm becomes the weak finger: 300 Jobs cut at Sega America  (Read 118386 times)

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: The weak arm becomes the weak finger: 300 Jobs cut at Sega America
« Reply #270 on: February 15, 2015, 02:15:12 pm »
How do you know it kills their creativity and team's will

Making the same game year in year out is a sure way to kill creativity and we've seen it with Yakuza there's hardly been anything really new . Killing the teams will - Well when you don't let the team make other games and try new stuff is when you start to kill a Teams will.

The team have like 9 to 10 months to make a game , is just asking far too much really

Nagoshi actually has power higher up at SEGA

?  You've lost me on that one .

Keiji Inafune

Capcom were rather silly to let him go , when he called it so right with the decline in Japanese gaming
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Re: The weak arm becomes the weak finger: 300 Jobs cut at Sega America
« Reply #271 on: February 15, 2015, 02:24:51 pm »
.... you literally cherry picked to talk about and didn't even answer my questions.

You don't have proof that Nagoshi doesn't want to work on Yakuza, therefore you should stop making stuff up. Thanks. You'd think a Chief Creative Officer over at SEGA had a bit of sway over what his own team works on. Not only that, he has been promoted on taking over as director of the arcade division as well, so all SEGA games go through Nagoshi.

Do you really think he doesn't like making Yakuza games?

Offline Nirmugen

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Re: The weak arm becomes the weak finger: 300 Jobs cut at Sega America
« Reply #272 on: February 15, 2015, 03:20:04 pm »
Oh man, Next-Gen is so bright and colorful everytime....the new AAA Big IP's work so well with every possible thing. So profitable the market right now. How many developers are in Top 10, Two? Three?Four at least?
Creativity reach new highs when those games have many years in development with awesome ideas that seems to worked last time in term of sales..a fresh coat of paint is always welcome because videogames could work as Doritos and Coca-Cola because everybody like the same thing if it's good even if They have the same thing to play last year.

Why multimedia JP games for PS3 and 3DS reach the top in a week with all the games for the Next-Gen? That's a question without answer right now.

Also, I miss the Superbowl many are from Big Games from the Next-Gen this year? Can someone tell me?

At least multiplats are always present and the "temporary exclusives" are on the way to reach that possibility although lt could be different if the game is funded by the company which secure the deal....

Yeah, a great time for console games.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: The weak arm becomes the weak finger: 300 Jobs cut at Sega America
« Reply #273 on: February 15, 2015, 03:29:56 pm »
.... you literally cherry picked to talk about and didn't even answer my questions.

You don't have proof that Nagoshi doesn't want to work on Yakuza, therefore you should stop making stuff up. Thanks. You'd think a Chief Creative Officer over at SEGA had a bit of sway over what his own team works on. Not only that, he has been promoted on taking over as director of the arcade division as well, so all SEGA games go through Nagoshi.

Do you really think he doesn't like making Yakuza games?

The real life Yakuza forces Sega to make games romanticizing them and making them look good. He probably has to work on making more Yakuza games where the Japanese mafia saves little children and protect society from bad people or one of their buildings will get burnt down or employees will wind up 'missing'.


Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: The weak arm becomes the weak finger: 300 Jobs cut at Sega America
« Reply #274 on: February 15, 2015, 03:46:06 pm »
You don't have proof that Nagoshi doesn't want to work on Yakuza

Never said about Nagoshi-san  so I haven't a clue what you're on about .Nagoshi-san He's just your typical General now who's got nothing more to other than more and more Yakuza and has totally forgotten what its like to be a younger memeber (grunt if you will) trying to get their chance and make the games they want to make .
so all SEGA games go through Nagoshi

Like that means anything these days . Under Nagosh-san watch SEGA Japan console output is now  pretty shocking there's no  next gen tech  no million selling IP (from SEGA Japan)  and he's also seen the near destruction of Sonic.  Give me the likes of Yu Suzuki any day of the week that's the man who should have been at the front of SEGA Japan development plans
Oh man, Next-Gen is so bright and colorful everytime....the new AAA Big IP's work so well with every possible thing

LOL what with this GameFAQ's fanboy talk ? . It thanks to the next gen that SEGA saw decent sales of Ailen Isolation is it not ?
Why multimedia JP games for PS3 and 3DS reach the top in a week with all the games for the Next-Gen?

Stop the comedy . The JP sales chart are a complete joke and its not like SEGA Japan does all that well in them either of late .
how many are from Big Games from the Next-Gen this year? Can someone tell me
Come back to me when Halo 5, Batman AK, Rise of the Tomb Raider TC: The divsion , MGS V, Quantom Break , Rainbow Six Siege, The Wicther 3 all sell inthe millions . And you can hold me to that too
« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 03:52:38 pm by Team Andromeda »
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Re: The weak arm becomes the weak finger: 300 Jobs cut at Sega America
« Reply #275 on: February 16, 2015, 12:05:46 am »
Capcom were rather silly to let him go , when he called it so right with the decline in Japanese gaming

I'm interested in hearing in what sense you understood Inafune leaving. Because as I understood it he was a leading force in having more Capcom games outsourced. Which, while not necessarily terrible in concept, didn't work out in execution half of the time. Inafune was rejecting the lack of perceived globalization in Japanese gaming and the entrenchment of employees in Japan's gaming corporate culture (which he thought leads to stifled creative visions, limited risk-taking/repeats of the same stuff). Recent economics stuff has kind of shaken the latter, but still. The rejection of the sort of output he saw from Japan was what bothered him. It's partially what inspired Dead Rising at the time.

If we agree on does that really apply to Sega or Nagoshi. I don't understand the link you're making. I don't think we have any indication that Nagoshi doesn't actually want to make Yakuza games, but if he doesn't, what do you think he really wants to do? Do you think he was more interested in Hero Bank than Yakuza?

Also I don't really think the "not new content" thing makes sense. Tekken 5 and 6 reused the same character models, they're still obviously different games.
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Offline Trippled

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Re: The weak arm becomes the weak finger: 300 Jobs cut at Sega America
« Reply #276 on: February 16, 2015, 01:00:52 am »
I doubt it given the low fanbase of the series in the west .

That's not the fault of the game tough. But rather marketing decisions...release date, delayed localizations etc.

The first couple of Yakuza games for PS3 and PS4 came/come out in a time when there's not that much games out there (and the Yakuza games being unique in the pack of games, having a chance to stand out especially the Samurai spin-offs). But Yakuza 1 came out in a time where everyone's attention was on the 360 and Wii, Yakuza 2 was 08 where the PS2 was pretty much dead, and Yakuza 3 came out in a month with FF13 and God of War 3.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: The weak arm becomes the weak finger: 300 Jobs cut at Sega America
« Reply #277 on: February 16, 2015, 07:17:33 am »
Find it funny how TA says Nagoshi have overseen the destruction of the Sonic IP when it was all there to see it started under Naka, got worse and worse and he still defends Sonic Team who have been responsible for the mess the franchise is in. Infact the franchise has improved under Nagoshi's reign than it did under Naka's reign.

I think you find I do not . Nothing original about AC Unity in terms of innovation in the gameplay . What's original about it is that's an original production for the next gen. Yakuza Ishi or the upcoming Zero on the PS4 don't offer that its really nothing more than Shenmue II was on the Xbox .

Yes you did, this entire random discussion you've thrown from me saying we want "original content" "new content" as many different ways of saying never before released content has come from you failing to understand the context of the discussion and again...

Every game ever made features content . Better if SEGA Japan gave us a game that wasn't also available on the last gen and made a game built for this generation of hardware.

You are failing to understand what the discussion was. Just drop it if you cannot figure out what content means, you seem to be struggling with what me, George, Mang and even Crackdude was talking about before you wanted to figure out the many different usage of the word content. Even now you seem to have not understood that in my various points it does not mean volume.

The second part is what you want but this discussion has never been about what you want, so don't try to force it in that direction.

AAA is a over used term and having some good tech and next gen engine doesn't have to mean all out AAA gaming . It just be nice to see SEGA Japan come out and show off their next gen pipe lines and give its users something to look forward too and to build on, but so far we have got nothing .

Again this is what you want and not what me or MadeManG or George were even talking about. We'd much rather have Yakuza 6 or Puyo Puyo Tetris or even a good 2D Sonic game made my competent people. But what you want is not what was what we were discussing.

Sorry you're wrong . More than twice there's been issues and its nothing to do with quoting me . There's seems to be issues with SMF now and again 

It occurs thanks to you and Joe for whatever reason fiddling around with the quote brackets and adding texts. It's not very hard to preview your post, see if everything is fine and dandy and then post.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2015, 07:19:44 am by Aki-at »

Offline Mariano

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Re: The weak arm becomes the weak finger: 300 Jobs cut at Sega America
« Reply #278 on: February 16, 2015, 10:47:23 am »
Just if someome didnt know, Toshihiro nagoshi is now one of the directors of SEGA games, the division of now SEGA Holdings that create games for mobiles, PC and consoles. He is working aside with Yukio sugino, Kenji matsubara, and Hideki okamura the COO of SEGA Holdings. Plus that Haruki satomi is now the CEO of SEGA games itself.
Looking for their carrer achievements all of them are people with experience and knowledge so i think the division of games of SEGA japan is in good hands. If we get those games is another thing...

About the Yakuza franchise, i think now Masayoshi Yokohama is in charge now, but again, since Toshihiroi nagoshi is one of the directos of SEGA games, almost all of the big decisions have to pass over him.

Offline Trippled

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Re: The weak arm becomes the weak finger: 300 Jobs cut at Sega America
« Reply #279 on: February 16, 2015, 11:27:14 am »
Just if someome didnt know, Toshihiro nagoshi is now one of the directors of SEGA games, the division of now SEGA Holdings that create games for mobiles, PC and consoles. He is working aside with Yukio sugino, Kenji matsubara, and Hideki okamura the COO of SEGA Holdings. Plus that Haruki satomi is now the CEO of SEGA games itself.
Looking for their carrer achievements all of them are people with experience and knowledge so i think the division of games of SEGA japan is in good hands. If we get those games is another thing...

I still think the decision to streamline western operations and keep lots of things in Japan isn't a decision made by any of the Sega people, but rather the CEO's of  the Sega Sammy Group(Haruki Satomi etc.).

I mean creatively there have been lots of heads in CCO positions or heads of AM or CS R&D Divisions, that have brought many of the games that people loved from Sega back in the day.

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: The weak arm becomes the weak finger: 300 Jobs cut at Sega America
« Reply #280 on: February 16, 2015, 01:53:21 pm »
Because as I understood it he was a leading force in having more Capcom games outsourced. Which, while not necessarily terrible in concept, didn't work out in execution half of the time

Yes that's what I got and he also wanted to work more on games developed with just the west in mind and Capcom weren't too happy about that

I don't think we have any indication that Nagoshi doesn't actually want to make Yakuza games, but if he doesn't, what do you think he really wants to do? Do you think he was more interested in Hero Bank than Yakuza?

Nagoshi-san is just a yes man now and all he can offer the top brass every year when new projects and prototypes when they’re submitting to the board, its just I know we’ll make a new Yakuza game. The Top brass of SEGA Japan have called it totally wrong on this gen of consoles too , already the sales of the One and PS4 are pushing for 30 million consoles sold.

To me if Nagoshi-san had any sort of grasp on console gaming and what the SEGA fans really want . He'll be pushing for his Teams to have more time to make each new Yakuza, get the R&D Tech team to come up with a next gen engine and get SOJ to make some next gen games on the systems , rarher than the yearly updates and the quick and easy route of mobile

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Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: The weak arm becomes the weak finger: 300 Jobs cut at Sega America
« Reply #281 on: February 16, 2015, 02:03:15 pm »
If we agree on does that really apply to Sega or Nagoshi

To a point but Inafune-san wanted more games made for the west and Capcom weren't quite happy with that I think.

Find it funny how TA says Nagoshi have overseen the destruction of the Sonic IP when it was all there to see it started under Naka, got worse and worse and he still defends Sonic Team who have been responsible for the mess the franchise is in

Sonic Team can only do what they are told . Putting Sonic on just Wii U was a total balls up , not having the team ready for a new Sonic game on both the PS4, and XBone another balls up , by the top brass as is not getting PSO II on the next gen consoles right now . I don't blame the ST for that, more people like Nagoshi-san who have the final say on what should and can't be made .

Yes you did, this entire random discussion you've thrown from me saying we want "original conten

A new Game developed souly for this gen of consoles . To which I put to Yakuza Ishi is not .

Just drop it if you cannot figure out what content means

Name a game that doesn't feature content ?

We'd much rather have Yakuza 6 or Puyo Puyo Tetris or even a good 2D Sonic game made my competent people

You rather see SEGA Japa make Tetris , rather than a brand New next gen game with a impressive graphics engine . Says it all . That is not the SEGA I grew to love at all .

It occurs thanks to you and Joe for whatever reason fiddling

It's not just me and Joe .

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Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: The weak arm becomes the weak finger: 300 Jobs cut at Sega America
« Reply #282 on: February 16, 2015, 02:04:30 pm »
I still think the decision to streamline western operations and keep lots of things in Japan isn't a decision made by any of the Sega people, but rather the CEO's of  the Sega Sammy Group(Haruki Satomi etc.).

I mean creatively there have been lots of heads in CCO positions or heads of AM or CS R&D Divisions, that have brought many of the games that people loved from Sega back in the day.

Spot on Sammy to blame for the mess SEGA Japan is in at the mo
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Offline Mariano

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Re: The weak arm becomes the weak finger: 300 Jobs cut at Sega America
« Reply #283 on: February 16, 2015, 04:07:55 pm »
I still think the decision to streamline western operations and keep lots of things in Japan isn't a decision made by any of the Sega people, but rather the CEO's of  the Sega Sammy Group(Haruki Satomi etc.).

I mean creatively there have been lots of heads in CCO positions or heads of AM or CS R&D Divisions, that have brought many of the games that people loved from Sega back in the day.

No idea to be honest, we can talk long and hard about the localization topic and not only about SEGA but about the industry in general, but for me one thing is for sure. If SEGA or SEGA-SAMMY dont want to localize most of their games, then at least i want them to earn money with those decisions. In a business way to see it is very simple, you bring games and make your fanbase happy, or you dont do it and save money, it have to one of those.

Obviously i would like to see a balance in this, for example Hatsune miku seems to be a good localization product for SEGA, if we and SEGA can manage to have a couple of more things get out of Japan (like we are having this year) and make them a good localization product, then i and a lot of others fans would pretty much get satisfied with the efforts of the company and viceversa.

In the end of the day, localization or not doenst really matter if the franchise cant get "firm" in the west, what it matter is to have a balance, i want some of the games that SEGA have in japan, but at the same time i can be so selfish to ask them to bring something than definetly will not sell here and cost them money.

That is the point in my opinion, to manage than we and the company, have a win-win.

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Re: The weak arm becomes the weak finger: 300 Jobs cut at Sega America
« Reply #284 on: February 16, 2015, 04:27:16 pm »
Honestly, I don't understand why something like Hatsune Miku can succeed in the West to a greater degree than Yakuza. Anyone with a passing interest in crime drama has at least an awareness of the Yakuza, if only to imagine it as a Japanese equivalent of the Mafia.

Hatsune Miku on the other hand is a nonsensical name that is probably illegible/unpronouncable to most Americans. The concept of a Vocaloid is hard to grasp as it's not a type of software that has had any success in the West. It's just something that's hard to get up to speed with and understand. I guess it's a pretty strong character design.