Author Topic: Gay Marriage Congratulations and Debate  (Read 28185 times)

Offline JRcade19

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Gay Marriage Congratulations and Debate
« on: June 26, 2015, 12:56:41 pm »
Congrats to all LGBT people in the United States on a hard fought and well deserved victory for equality today.

Offline Moody

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Re: Gay Marriage Congratulations and Debate
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2015, 02:06:33 pm »
For those that don't know: same-sex marriage is now legal in the entirety of the United States.

It's not over yet, but this is definitely a victory. We have a long way to go before everyone is readily accepted, but today's a day to celebrate. I'm not extremely excited myself, but that's more because I have bigger issues on my mind than marriage.

also cant wait to see a republican president get voted into office and this be the first thing they undo :')

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Gay Marriage Congratulations and Debate
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2015, 02:19:02 pm »
It's not over yet, but this is definitely a victory. We have a long way to go

Next step: Mandatory Gay Marriage for everyone!

Offline Moody

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Re: Gay Marriage Congratulations and Debate
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2015, 02:48:29 pm »
I genuinely can't tell if that's a joke or not.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Gay Marriage Congratulations and Debate
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2015, 02:50:42 pm »
I genuinely can't tell if that's a joke or not.

It's a joke, I don't think that gay marriage should be mandatory at all.

Offline Moody

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Re: Gay Marriage Congratulations and Debate
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2015, 02:53:51 pm »
I get that, but most of the time people say stuff like that as "they're forcing it upon us" sort of thing. People who do that try to make it sound like a bad thing, and that's not cool.

Y'know I guess I should just ask; how does everyone here feel about the LGBT movement, and by extension, LGBT people? Bad thing, good thing, what?

Offline pcm92

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Re: Gay Marriage Congratulations and Debate
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2015, 05:21:39 pm »
I get that, but most of the time people say stuff like that as "they're forcing it upon us" sort of thing. People who do that try to make it sound like a bad thing, and that's not cool.

Y'know I guess I should just ask; how does everyone here feel about the LGBT movement, and by extension, LGBT people? Bad thing, good thing, what?
I think that homosexuals should only be able to be married if it is still illegal for them to adopt children. A blood family is a complete family. Most people on this website will disagree with this. I imagine that five seconds after I post this, someone is going to post something like: "Waaaaaiiiiiiit! You're homophobic! You deserve to be in jail!" It is only my opinion though. The U.S. is supposed to be free. That means freedom of speech.

Offline Moody

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Re: Gay Marriage Congratulations and Debate
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2015, 01:26:27 am »
Hey, freedom of speech is great and all but a) you're in international waters and b) freedom of speech just means the government can't make you shut up and say you're wrong. There is nothing stopping me or anyone else saying that. And the U.S. truly being free is laughable at best (marriage equality is here, but racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, institutional discrimination, anti-LGBT laws, etc. are still very much alive).

That said, why do you think same-sex couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt?

Offline JRcade19

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Re: Gay Marriage Congratulations and Debate
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2015, 01:46:05 am »
He mentioned "Blood" and "Complete" Families.

Both of which are nonsense IMO. "Blood families" are irrelevant since the majority of children put up for adoption are given to non-blood relatives. Adoption rates would drop to near 0 in that scenario, and that definition doesn't exclude blood relatives who are gay from adopting. "Complete" Families are equally nonsense as it equates a "complete" family to being a stable one. The fact that divorce rates were high enough without gay marriage somehow threatening people should throw that concept out the window.

It's essentially a fallacious appeal to emotion at best, and a non-radical, non violent 21st century of eugenic thinking(White people are better than black people/gays can't properly raise children) at worst.

That said this is merely my opinion, and I can be fairly blunt on select issues.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 01:52:37 am by JRcade19 »

Offline Sharky

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Re: Gay Marriage Congratulations and Debate
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2015, 10:13:05 am »
I think that homosexuals should only be able to be married if it is still illegal for them to adopt children. A blood family is a complete family.

A blood family? Children in foster homes and such generally are there because their blood family isn't interested or have died... That's the whole point. And trust me, some blood families are not that great... No kid wants to be raised in an orphanage, it can never compete with the undivided love and attention from loving parental figures. Does it really matter if they're living with two men or two women? If they have a good home environment?

Edit: Beaten!
« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 10:14:59 am by Sharky »
Made by SEGA

Offline Spock

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Re: Gay Marriage Congratulations and Debate
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2015, 05:09:47 pm »
A blood family? Children in foster homes and such generally are there because their blood family isn't interested or have died... That's the whole point. And trust me, some blood families are not that great... No kid wants to be raised in an orphanage, it can never compete with the undivided love and attention from loving parental figures. Does it really matter if they're living with two men or two women? If they have a good home environment?

Edit: Beaten!

Pcm92 was not "beaten." He/She actually seems to agree with you. He/She supports gay marriage, just not adoption rights for gay couples. I don't even support marriage for them. This is not really a competition. These are just people's opinions. Gay marriage was never heard of until the Netherlands decided to make it happen for their economical gain in 2001. Since then, other countries have copied this and hypnotized their citizens to support it through their media. There are many problems with this. Being gay is not natural. Marriage should not be extended to same-sex couples because they cannot produce children together. Marriage is for procreation. Girls who are raised away from their fathers are reportedly at higher risk for early sexual activity and teenage pregnancy. Allowing homosexuals to wed could further weaken the institution of marriage. Can I perhaps marry my sister or have three wives?
« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 05:11:57 pm by Spock »

Offline JRcade19

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Re: Gay Marriage Congratulations and Debate
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2015, 06:36:21 pm »
He isn't using "Beaten" as a word to signify victory. He's using it in the context that my post above explains his thoughts.

As for the rest of your post, I'm going to assume that you are pulling a very hard Poe because I find it hard to believe that such a poorly thought out, mass of hysterical information can be present on this forum. Differing opinions yes, but most of what you have posted is in many cases factually wrong or outright irrelevant.

Offline Moody

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Re: Gay Marriage Congratulations and Debate
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2015, 06:43:49 pm »
Jesus, Spock, "marriage is for procreation?" You do realize humans are the dominant species on the planet? We're not exactly at threat of going extinct.

Being gay not being natural is a straight-up myth. Would you agree being left-handed isn't natural? Because it's the same principle.

Acting like a gay marriage is a new thing is entirely laughable. The gay rights movement has been at work for the past century trying to get general public's opinion to accept them.

"Institution of marriage" is total BS. A) marriage started as a religious thing. Marriage only became a legality once church and state got together. B) Your right to marry is not affected by other people's right to marry. C) How is the institution of marriage "weak?" Is it because people can have multiple wives? That may not be a US thing, but in other countries, that's perfectly acceptable. Saying it's bad is outright xenophobic.

Gay people CAN bare children, provided they have a surrogate mother, in the case of lesbians, simply using sperm from sperm banks is enough. There are options other than "penis into vagina" these days.

"Hypnotizing the masses?" So you're one of those "gay agenda" people? Cause I assure you, the only thing on the gay agenda is "not dying today."

Finally, I get it that it's your opinion. But your opinion is not only harmful and narrow-minded, but your opinion is responsible for thousands of deaths in the US alone.

Plus, that doesn't stop me from debating it.

Offline Spock

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Re: Gay Marriage Congratulations and Debate
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2015, 07:26:38 pm »
Jesus, Spock, "marriage is for procreation?" You do realize humans are the dominant species on the planet? We're not exactly at threat of going extinct.

Being gay not being natural is a straight-up myth. Would you agree being left-handed isn't natural? Because it's the same principle.

Acting like a gay marriage is a new thing is entirely laughable. The gay rights movement has been at work for the past century trying to get general public's opinion to accept them.

"Institution of marriage" is total BS. A) marriage started as a religious thing. Marriage only became a legality once church and state got together. B) Your right to marry is not affected by other people's right to marry. C) How is the institution of marriage "weak?" Is it because people can have multiple wives? That may not be a US thing, but in other countries, that's perfectly acceptable. Saying it's bad is outright xenophobic.

Gay people CAN bare children, provided they have a surrogate mother, in the case of lesbians, simply using sperm from sperm banks is enough. There are options other than "penis into vagina" these days.

"Hypnotizing the masses?" So you're one of those "gay agenda" people? Cause I assure you, the only thing on the gay agenda is "not dying today."

Finally, I get it that it's your opinion. But your opinion is not only harmful and narrow-minded, but your opinion is responsible for thousands of deaths in the US alone.

Plus, that doesn't stop me from debating it.
No. It doesn't stop you from debating it. I must ask you something though. How does my opinion kill people in the U.S.? The opinion that I have does not have anything to do with religion. I'm just tired of this "I'm gay, so I'm proud" stuff. I can't believe people compare it to civil rights. When did gay people go through slavery? When did homosexual rights start a war? The gay community has created its own vibrant culture. By reducing the differences in opportunities and experiences between gay and heterosexual people, this unique culture may cease to exist. I just get tired of hearing about it. Believe it or not, I actually think it's almost kind of a good thing that they legalized it just because I don't want to hear it. People should not have to pay their taxes for something they think is wrong. Legalizing this advances the homosexual agenda and unfairly tells its opponents that they are bigots. Once again, this is my opinion. I also must say that your opinion is fine too. Let's just try not to take this too far, ok?

Offline JRcade19

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Re: Gay Marriage Congratulations and Debate
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2015, 08:03:55 pm »
Welcome to the United States. We have this thing called the constitution. The 14th amendment of which explicit prohibits states from making discriminatory laws against any citizen. When you have gone so far as to not only deny a group of people the right to marry on TOP of making sure that their "civil unions" would never have equal treatment or benefits(DOMA)(such as Gays not being allowed to see their dying spouses in the hospital), you are engaged in statutory discrimination against your citizenship.

States do not have the Right to oppose the constitution and in excluding an entire class of people based on sexual orientation from equivalent privileges, they have done so. No one is paying taxes to support gay marriage. Married couples receive Tax BREAKS(in the US, the opposite happens in rare exceptions), so again, your ignorance is relatively astounding to me in this regard.

As to your war and slavery comments, while the latter is next to non existant, I can guarantee you the former is very well alive in Africa and many of the Middle East's major powers in the form of imprisonment and death penalties.