the last 2? Panzer dragon and SEGA all star racing?, no idea about Panzer dragon but the all star racing thing have their last game only 3 years ago, is not a lot of time.
I dont trust SEGA Japan in bringing an old or a new franchise to live in a world scale level anyway, i think they are good at what they do but they dont really know how to promote their assets and efforts to a big scale. They reuse some franchises and create new ones, but pretty much non of them have succes in the west, rather because their own limitations or rather the power of the west publishers.
Is pretty much confirm to me that if someome is going to put a game on the table that can be a world succes is SEGA west (SEGA Europe to point out), and i dont think we should ask them to reuse some old franchise, with being original and creative is enough for me, is more the people than ask for something new than the people that want a sequel of "X" game anyway.