Author Topic: Why wasn't SEGA as influential as they could've been during their glory days?  (Read 38484 times)

Offline FlareHabanero

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I would like to mention Valkyria Chronicles is not immune to the sexual thing either. I recall there being a product where varies characters were topless, stickers or badges I think. Also some of the characters like Selvaria are not modest.

Also, I don't get why people think keeping that drug scene in Fire Emblem: Fates is a good idea. If the character is lesbian that is drugged to become "straight", that's going to piss off people in the LGBT community because it's based on the archaic belief that being homosexual is a disease. Even if that tidbit didn't exist, it could be compared to date rape drugs like roofies, and stuff like that can also be sensitive to anyone that was on the wrong end of those situations. It's not even a cultural difference either, even the Japanese find that scene in poor taste.

Offline Artwark

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Please don't waste your breath on Artwark, most of what you have told him he has been told before. He isn't a SEGA fan, and he isn't here for reasonable discussion.
He came here originally wishing bankruptcy on the company and we've had to shut him down once before. Here is his latest comment (today) on our front page regarding Valkyria Revolution.

In our last Valkyria thread he was talking shit too, basically he's upset because in his heart of hearts he knows the Valkyria Chronicles is better than Fire Emblem... Not that anyone else was comparing them but the dude's just weird. He said VC is just not as 'charming' as Fire Emblem... Charming....

Now lets look at a recent bit of news about Fire Emblem Fates to decide for ourselves.

"You could undress your characters down to their underwear, touch and grope them, and even engage in suggestive dialogue...

Things can quickly become sexual in nature. You do this by using your stylus to stroke, rub, and pet characters of your choosing... Considering that you can have actual family members (siblings) in your party, this applies to them as well. Yes, this means you can experience your brother or sister uttering naughty things, like Takumi (the protagonist’s brother) saying “If mother saw this, what would she think?”

Not to mention a sub plot where a male member of the group drugs a lesbian so that she finds men attractive (curing her of her gayness) was removed from the English version of the game."

More at the source:


A sneak peak and the kind of hot bods YOU could be feeling up:


Who said that I claimed that VC is better than Fire Emblem? I just said that Fire Emblem just feels like the definitive way of playing TRPG games to me atleast. But I don't want to go off topic here as you clearly aren't that great of a moderator. You just love SEGA and you wanna defend them to your hearts content. Go ahead and do that. I just defended that Streets of Rage defined the beat em ups and you still want to offend me on comments outside of this thread which is me trying to understand why the hell SEGA wasn't that great even during their glory days.

Also, do some research. Nintendo isn't the one censoring that thing in Fates. Its NoA which stands for Nintendo of America and they are the ones responsible for censoring out various things out of Nintendo games and Fates is no exception. Also, that feature is completely optional and not forced. Again, Like I said, if it weren't for Nintendo, SEGA wouldn't make the most profit out of them because the Gamecube was the homeworld of many great SEGA games and the same goes for the DS, 3DS and GBA.

As for the new Valkyria game, I can't say that I'm excited because its a spin off and not a brand new game but I can assure you that its not gonna be localised like Phantasy Star Online 2.

Offline Team Andromeda

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That just shows how much research you have checked on them over the years. You do realize that SEGA makes the most profit out of Nintendo right? Especially considering that Atlus is dominating the 3DS RPG era.

Really Atlus doing better than Square on 3DS , never mind the likes of Level 5 ?. And I'll put to you that Capcom's Monster hunter sells more copies in one month than SEGA's entire 3DS output for the year combined.

Not to mention how kind Nintendo was to actually add Sonic in Smash after the abysmal Boom games that showed up

Lol that's nothing at all to be with kind at all. And lets fact it the Sonic deal than SEGA Sammy did was a complete joke and lead to SEGA seeing Sonic lowest sales for years with Sonic Lost World and Boom

Its now EPD which has merged the EAD and SPD which means that we can get more games from them without them requiring third parties like SEGA

I stand corrected. but you're having a laugh if we see more games from them . Like SEGA Japan , NCL love to outsorce and bar the odd miracle game every now and then, one wonders what on earth the In House  teams are doing

« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 04:50:47 am by Team Andromeda »
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Offline Sharky

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Who said that I claimed that VC is better than Fire Emblem? I just said that Fire Emblem just feels like the definitive way of playing TRPG games to me atleast.

Glad you asked, here are the quotes. The first from yesterday no less:
Seems like Bits here is the only one that posts news about this game……shame that this game will turn out to be lame…..why oh why can’t SEGA just go bankrupt already.

This one from last time you showed up:
VC isn't anywhere as charming and the permadeath in that game isn't well thought out unlike Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem is known for its charm in characters....

But I don't want to go off topic here as you clearly aren't that great of a moderator.
Unless this topic is about my moderating skills you went off topic.

You just love SEGA and you wanna defend them to your hearts content. Go ahead and do that.
Well you're on a SEGA fansite trying to spread decent and generally wishing the company would go bankrupt... What do you honestly expect?

Also, do some research. Nintendo isn't the one censoring that thing in Fates. Its NoA which stands for Nintendo of America and they are the ones responsible for censoring out various things out of Nintendo games and Fates is no exception. Also, that feature is completely optional and not forced.
Nintendo of America are a branch of Nintendo... And I take no issue with them censoring that absolute trash plot... Drugging a lesbian to fix her? loool. Optional groping or not, it's not 'charming' it's creepy and pathetic.

Again, Like I said, if it weren't for Nintendo, SEGA wouldn't make the most profit out of them because the Gamecube was the homeworld of many great SEGA games and the same goes for the DS, 3DS and GBA.
Again, like everyone has told you over and over SEGA makes more money from PC...

And while the Gamecube did have some great SEGA games I would argue that the majority of SEGA's greats in that era were on the Xbox; Jet Set Radio Future, Shenmue 2, SEGA GT, Super Monkey Ball Deluxe, OTOGI 1, OTOGI 2,  Panzer Dragoon Orta.
While the best ones on GameCube; Phantasy Star Online, Sonic Adventure 2 and Skies of Arcadia Legends were all ports of DC games.

As for the new Valkyria game, I can't say that I'm excited because its a spin off and not a brand new game but I can assure you that its not gonna be localised like Phantasy Star Online 2.
I assure you that it will...
« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 03:19:26 am by Sharky »
Made by SEGA

Offline Artwark

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Glad you asked, here are the quotes. The first from yesterday no less:
This one from last time you showed up:
 Unless this topic is about my moderating skills you went off topic.
Well you're on a SEGA fansite trying to spread decent and generally wishing the company would go bankrupt... What do you honestly expect?

Nintendo of America are a branch of Nintendo... And I take no issue with them censoring that absolute trash plot... Drugging a lesbian to fix her? loool. Optional groping or not, it's not 'charming' it's creepy and pathetic.
Again, like everyone has told you over and over SEGA makes more money from PC...

And while the Gamecube did have some great SEGA games I would argue that the majority of SEGA's greats in that era were on the Xbox; Jet Set Radio Future, Shenmue 2, SEGA GT, Super Monkey Ball Deluxe, OTOGI 1, OTOGI 2,  Panzer Dragoon Orta.
While the best ones on GameCube; Phantasy Star Online, Sonic Adventure 2 and Skies of Arcadia Legends were all ports of DC games.

I assure you that it will...

Yet you don't look at SEGA's Sakura Wars and not see how SEGA focused on them being sexy than the actual games being fun. Oh wait, its not localised so it doesn't count right?

If they are doing so damn well on PC, what reason do they have ignoring to release Yakuza 5 and Online 2 to the west on PC?

Offline Artwark

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Really Atlus doing better than Square on 3DS , never mind the likes of Level 5 ?. And I'll put to you that Capcom's Monster hunter sells more copies in one month than SEGA's entire 3DS output for the year combined.

Lol that's nothing at all to be with kind at all. And lets fact it the Sonic deal than SEGA Sammy did was a complete joke and lead to SEGA seeing Sonic lowest sales for years with Sonic Lost World and Boom

I stand corrected. but you're having a laugh if we see more games from them . Like SEGA Japan , NCL love to outsorce and bar the odd miracle game every now and then, one wonders what on earth the In House  teams are doing

I was trying to be positive about SEGA but I guess you don't want that.

Also, many of Square Enix games are japan exclusive and there's only about 13 of them and its nowhere as huge as the DS one. The only thing that Capcom has now is Monster Hunter and that game is the only thing that's keeping them alive.

Say what the hell you want out of NCL but they are far better than SEGA and are more responsible than SEGA. Atleast they make quality games unlike SEGA who rarely makes a 10/10 game these days.

Offline Sharky

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Yet you don't look at SEGA's Sakura Wars and not see how SEGA focused on them being sexy than the actual games being fun. Oh wait, its not localised so it doesn't count right?

Moving the goal posts again I see... At no point in Sakura Wars is there any groping mini-games and while I'm not a huge fan of the game I am not aware of much explicit content of any nature. It has a dating social link aspect and it's worst offense is cheese dialogue.

If they are doing so damn well on PC, what reason do they have ignoring to release Yakuza 5 and Online 2 to the west on PC?
Got some bad news for you, Yakuza 5 was released in the West last month and Yakuza Zero is also on its way... Not that it has anything to do with PC those have always been PlayStation exclusives.

Phantasy Star Online 2's absents from the West has nothing to do with SEGA's success on the PC and most likely to do with some dodgy contract signed with a Chinese company who are blocking a Western release. (According to multiple sources.)
Made by SEGA

Offline Mengels7

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I was trying to be positive about SEGA but I guess you don't want that.

Say what the hell you want out of NCL but they are far better than SEGA and are more responsible than SEGA. Atleast they make quality games unlike SEGA who rarely makes a 10/10 game these days.

Dude, I've seen your comments on the news posts here. Go away. You don't like Sega and we shouldn't either. We get it. Play time's over.

Offline segababy88baby

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  Second party games are just as legitimate as first party if you want to count their creative output in their game-line. Because they would never happened if not for Publisher in the first place. If you did the same for Sega, for example, they would be reduced to practically fucking nothing.

   I might be working with an older definition of 2nd party than most xD. 

  To me, 2nd parties are outside companies a 1st party buys outright and has make games for their platform.  Old Rare with Nintendo, for example, I'd say they were a 2nd party at that time.  But the thing Nintendo has with Platinum?  Not necessarily.  They don't own a share in Platinum; Platinum's free to make games for everybody.  It's just that they can't release specific games outside of, say, Wii U, b/c of contracts with Nintendo.

  So I guess it's fair to say Platinum isn't a 2nd-party developer, but Bayo 2, W101 etc. are 2nd-party exclusives certainly.

And while the Gamecube did have some great SEGA games I would argue that the majority of SEGA's greats in that era were on the Xbox; Jet Set Radio Future, Shenmue 2, SEGA GT, Super Monkey Ball Deluxe, OTOGI 1, OTOGI 2,  Panzer Dragoon Orta.
While the best ones on GameCube; Phantasy Star Online, Sonic Adventure 2 and Skies of Arcadia Legends were all ports of DC games.

  This just reminds me of the need to get an OG Xbox.  Fair to say it got the lion's share of Sega's most defining games that era post-Dreamcast.

  VF4 was awesome on PS2 tho.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2016, 06:35:42 pm by segababy88baby »

Offline Kuronoa

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  This just reminds me of the need to get an OG Xbox.  Fair to say it got the lion's share of Sega's most defining games that era post-Dreamcast.

  VF4 was awesome on PS2 tho.

Oh yes, yes you do.  I think it is a strong recommendation as a Sega fan.  I always nickname the original XBOX as a Sega console because that is about all I would ever play on that thing.  It also carried over a couple other games from Dreamcast such as Dead or Alive 3 and Project Gotham which is the successor to Metropolis Street Racer.

Offline Tad

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Oh yes, yes you do.  I think it is a strong recommendation as a Sega fan.  I always nickname the original XBOX as a Sega console because that is about all I would ever play on that thing.  It also carried over a couple other games from Dreamcast such as Dead or Alive 3 and Project Gotham which is the successor to Metropolis Street Racer.

The controller is a blatant refined Dreamcast pad too. Speaking of which, was there any truth to that rumour about Moore getting the MS job due to those SEGA games he agreed to put on xbox?

As for the whole 2nd party thing...

I personally see anything SEGA own or funded as their game. Sure, they don't own Platinum Games, but they did work with them financially and more to bring said games to gamers. Sony, Nintendo and MS do these sort of deals all the time (Halo Wars, Heavy Rain, Bayonetta 2, Starfox, w101 etc).
« Last Edit: January 25, 2016, 10:01:56 pm by Tad »

Offline Team Andromeda

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I was trying to be positive about SEGA but I guess you don't want that.

? Sorry I don't do fanboy talk anymore and just like to deal with the facts and what's really happing in the real world . SEGA doing well on the 3DS, but Its not Square, Level 5 or even Capcom on the 3DS.

Say what the hell you want out of NCL but they are far better than SEGA and are more responsible than SEGA

Nintendo are a bit a of a joke in the console world and made a gimmick too far .. They are so far behind SONY and MS for game development, online network and tech its laughable . I'll always give the Mario (platform team) credit and NCL has a whole for never shipping a game unfinished or with bugs.

But I think NCL needs to wake up that adults play games and even kids don't want 2nd rate graphics or online fuctions and every In-House game being made with child art   and look
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Offline Tad

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? Sorry I don't do fanboy talk anymore and just like to deal with the facts and what's really happing in the real world . SEGA doing well on the 3DS, but Its not Square, Level 5 or even Capcom on the 3DS.

Nintendo are a bit a of a joke in the console world and made a gimmick too far .. They are so far behind SONY and MS for game development, online network and tech its laughable . I'll always give the Mario (platform team) credit and NCL has a whole for never shipping a game unfinished or with bugs.

But I think NCL needs to wake up that adults play games and even kids don't want 2nd rate graphics or online fuctions and every In-House game being made with child art   and look

The sad part is, Nintendo wouldn't even need to make more mature titles if they had third party support. Their own library and what's out there would be more then enough if they actually bothered listening to what devs want.

Offline segababy88baby

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The sad part is, Nintendo wouldn't even need to make more mature titles if they had third party support. Their own library and what's out there would be more then enough if they actually bothered listening to what devs want.
  Especially Metroid.  That series is ripe for some goodness.  Sci-fi's pretty strong again in mainstream film, there's a new Alien film coming (hopefully) soon, and the Prime games were very well received (only played a little of the first one myself sadly, but it was fun for what I got out of it).  It's crazy how Other M seems like it was such a death nail to the franchise; why can Mario get away with a few subpar games and keep going but Metroid gets one true dud in its history and put it back in the freezer?

  Oh yeah, b/c Nintendo's just looking at the green on this, that's why >/.  <sigh>
Oh yes, yes you do.  I think it is a strong recommendation as a Sega fan.  I always nickname the original XBOX as a Sega console because that is about all I would ever play on that thing.  It also carried over a couple other games from Dreamcast such as Dead or Alive 3 and Project Gotham which is the successor to Metropolis Street Racer.


  RIP PGR :<....

Offline Kuronoa

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  Especially  It's crazy how Other M seems like it was such a death nail to the franchise; why can Mario get away with a few subpar games and keep going but Metroid gets one true dud in its history and put it back in the freezer?

It is important to know that the gap between Super Metroid and Metroid Prime was very long.  It isn't a dead series either, I mean people don't like Federation Force but it is still a new release.

I doubt Other M had any impact as much as overall sales for the series probably tanked after a while and they just kept getting tired of it.  Same thing was happening to F-Zero and *almost* Fire Emblem.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 07:17:59 pm by Kuronoa »