It's weird, I feel this way right now about movies in general. Hollywood is creatively bankrupt as of late.
I've been enjoying video games far more than a couple of years back.
I feel that paying full price for a video game is more than money well spent compared to to buying a full price DVD.
But I can understand why some gamers feel this way, after the 11,460th Call of Duty clone this generation, there's very little creativity outside of the established tentpole franchises.
But as far as Kotaku goes, I'm done with them. Their new blog design is horrible and frankly, they should stop reporting about games and do more reports about Japanese culture instead, because that's all they're doing these days anyway.
And even then, IGN did a feature about Yakuza 4 where they invited a US reporter to chat about Yakuza. I learned more about how the japanese mafia works in that IGN feature than reading half of the crap on Kotaku.