::Current mood:: Kinda upset after reading above post VideoGamerTV is a fag.....................That is it...........he is stupid and is a fag.....he has no penis ( which is what the primary term of fag is asides for being a "car without gas").. I would punch him out ( or at least tell him to fakk off ). Seriously that reviewer is a dickless Prick. I mean seriously I wish this guy would STFU. Uhmmm you know what.......no no this person is a loser for saying such things. I don't care. Below the belt; punchie.
Seriously this "person" is speaking bs. They are making some of the auwsomeness and greatest games right now. Now I am thinking. I regret selling my copy of "Killer 7" ( keep in mind I brought Killer 7 twice ). I mean Killer 7 was a fair start for them but seriously this review person needs to think ( what do I have between my legs and who am I defending
? ).
They are making great games out of the cake-hole. Games that I aspire to make and they are doing something. What is this guy doing?? Ruining the British language and image of the common wealth with his crude reviews. If Europe did not have enough problems already.
THE GAME ITSELF ARE BASICALLY WATERED DOWN. Also about giving girls money. In the far east giving a presents like clothing, gold, or even money is ten times better. It means a lot to them. This is the kind of things they do.
About observing women. Back in college.... Once upon a time I knew this girl who was Japanese. In Japan this is common for men to be "Hentai". It is so damn common it is natural. Picking up girls is what young men do. Knowing women is what men does. It is part of interaction of people. I am not saying this is every girl but for the most part people are like that. BOTTOM-LINE FLIRTING IS NORMAL. GIVING THINGS IS NORMAL. THAT IS WHAT MEN DO. WASTE TIME PAYING GIRLS ATTENTION FOR NO REASON AT ALL. It is better then getting a ticket from an officer.
This poser comes along and starts talking Feminist-garbage to videogame people who barely have a voice for themselves.
Keep in mind he is a man. Mens entertainment on the spectrum is sexploitation. The next kind of entertainment is "Talking to women" AKA flirting. If not then it is pornography. I am sorry to say this but this is true. I am inside of an ice-station and I am surrounded by dudes. What am I going to do??? Get comfy with them??? No I am going to break out something. Maybe my ero games.
For some people that is how life is.
To be continued...
About the word Creepy.........Yeah girls who are in-exprienced or who barely have an romantic life are like that. Basically as time goes along girls ( women in general in term of opposite sex ) becomes more and more against men. We have probably three or six generation of women who are barely want to have sex at all. As you go down the line it gets bigger and bigger. I see it all the time.
In-experienced women. Women who just barely talk to anybody and who barely have anything at all. Then to make things worst these women look really really good. They have "Tank-girl" torpedo's riding their chests, and look maneuverable. It is just sad you know.
I remember when I could be at an get together; associating with girls physically. I remember just walking up to women trying to kiss them or get something from them.
OOHH MYYY GOSHHH WHAT HAPPEND TO OUR GENDER. I mean seriously the only reason I play
"Catherine" is because it is the closest thing to a sexploitive work. Again that is what it i meant to be young. It is part of growing up. It is part of life. Not just
Computer dating service ( Facebook )
The Glu Glu room "Cherry 2000" ( typical night club )
Whatever happen to just meeting up with somebody at random and associating with them. I mean omgsh AIDS/HIV. omgsh saving one-self ( virginity wise /religion sense ). I mean omgsh racism. Or even omgsh broke-like-a-joke. So many fears to "separate the sexes" and make people apart. "They" ( whoever they are ) just petty much took the common interaction between two people( of the opposite sex ) and turned it into an catastrophe.
Then this dickless person comes along here and starts bitching about a game maker who trys to give everything like in the good days before Rated-G and "Carebears" rubbish.
Yeah I mean OMGSH OMGSH THIS GAME DOES NOT HAVE AN NON-HETEROSEXUAL MODE. In fact I double dare you ( whoever you are ) to go on youtube; rehash this morons video and complain ( why isn't their an non-heterosexual pick up mode in this game ). Come on. I dare you. I double dare you. You better do it before I do or else people will call you a poser. I garentee all these lame people will respond to that video. Yeah Yeah that is what is thought...... Omgsh the game does not feature an non-heterosexual mode. The travesty and heresy.
Omgsh ( boo-hoo ) Omgsh ( old woman crying ) boo-hoo.... ( flower wilts in tears ).
How could they not have an non-heterosexul mode. Where I could probe a dude and if he catches me; he will punch me in the face. It goes on this basically.
That is what this person is basically saying. In an nutshell of an argument. Again videogames have ratings on them. AGAIN VIDEOGAMES HAVE RATING SYSTEMS ON THEM. Garments like "swim-suits", "thongs" ( ex-swim suit ), and "granny panties" ( under garments that extra fancy ). is not the greatest thing in the world. Women run around in those "Leotards" all day long; even in the winter. Not a big deal and is not a bad thing at all.
So seriously the game itself is harmless....................
:: Now my original thought ::
Starbucks coffee is offering free tuition to go to college in Arizona. That is right you can go to Arizona to college for free all thanks to Starbucks. Checkout the deal folks. It is big news for coffee fans.
Speaking of paying of Tuition. If your an grade A student and feel you can teach in college. Various colleges are offering to pay off your tuition to work ( with pay ) as professors. However they will send you to various states ( which is the problem with most people ).
So for the wonderful month of October I will be doing a show making props and stuff on stage.
To be continued....