Author Topic: Post your current thoughts thread  (Read 1195303 times)

Offline max_cady

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3900 on: September 08, 2014, 03:05:13 am »
Hyundai Aproditha 7, bricked on me yesterday late in the afternoon. I'm gonna return it to the store.

I know that entry level tablets are very hit and miss. Some might work well enough, but become obsolete within a year. Others, they just brick or malfunction within 48 hours.

This one wasn't an entry level tablet, which just makes me think I just have really bad luck.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 04:55:24 am by max_cady »

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3901 on: September 08, 2014, 08:24:59 am »

Speaking of current thoughts. I really wish neo-feminist would stay the hell out of videogames. They are just a bunch of attention seeking college majors; who try to get as much attention so they can feel they are making a difference ( when it is negative ).


To make things worst the people who attempt to make any contact with these monsters are not college trained. Nore they are not taking their treat seriously. To make things worst people do not understand why the "womanists" ( who are composed of Lesbians as well ). The "others" never responds and if they do; they are lying.

It is like a person who

WHY I MENTION THIS. Between the big-lipped ( Meaning bruised lipped or runs one mouth the wrong way ) writer who apparently is seeking attention after writing negatively about the most greatest game since life. Their are sooo many people attacking or abusing the consumer-race of videogame players. They just want attention so much and it is negative attention never really giving or generating any information at all.

It is so depressing because if this was the east nobody would care at all about these things. I mean ZOMGSH this and that. It is stupid and a waste of time; when we could be creating things. It is like we will never do greatness at all.

Back in college when I was making minimum-wage. Their was this special area where they hold seminars. Anybody can rent it out and do whatever they want their. We could even hold an convention as well. This lady ( who seems to have a book in the Opera magazine from my memory ) was giving speeches. At the end a woman broke down ( like if it was a church ) crying about her problems.

I am college trained and have taken etc course in that subject. Apparently they are not our friends. They just want attention without anything positive to give at all.

Drop the longwinded, near-impossible to decipher, rants with sprinklings of sexist overtones.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3902 on: September 08, 2014, 09:25:54 am »
I do agree with him that the feminist/SJW gamer thing recently has been fucking bizarre and kind of hilarious.

Offline pirovash88

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3903 on: September 08, 2014, 10:58:48 am »
Just cancelled my NHL 15 preorder. In case you guys haven't heard, this is why:

No GM Connected
No Online Team Play
No EA Sports Hockey League
No EA Sports Arena
No Online Shootouts
No Live the Life
No Be A Legend
No Winter Classic
No tournaments or Battle for the Cup
No season mode (you can only play seasons in Be A GM, which is limited to NHL teams)
No NHL 94 Anniversary mode
No custom music support
No create-a-play designer
Cannot customize each team's AI
No create-a-team
No way to edit individual players
Practice mode is now limited to one skater vs an AI goalie

Serious bs, EA made a statement about fixing some of these issues within the next two months. What i don't understand is why they would release the game now, rather than fix the issues first? I tried the game through EA Access and that pretty much showed me the game was shit. Lame move by them if they planned to get some excitement out of letting us play early, i'm sure plenty of others cancelled now.
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Offline max_cady

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3904 on: September 08, 2014, 12:58:28 pm »
Well, I got my refund... Gonna shop around for another Android Tablet.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3905 on: September 08, 2014, 06:18:06 pm »
Oh this whole gamergate is pretty funny, the best bit is the other side of this discussion recently found out how to user Imgur and now is counteracting the otherside with images proving their side of the story.

It's all so weird and strange...

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3906 on: September 09, 2014, 08:11:10 am »
Oh this whole gamergate is pretty funny, the best bit is the other side of this discussion recently found out how to user Imgur and now is counteracting the otherside with images proving their side of the story.

It's all so weird and strange...

I stopped following it shortly after the Five Guys Burgers and Fries joke ran it's course.

Regardless, ain't nothin' gonna stop me playing Bayonetta, even if 'Gamers' are dead or whatever the point is.

Offline inthesky

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3907 on: September 10, 2014, 02:20:56 pm »
It is so depressing because if this was the east nobody would care at all about these things. I mean ZOMGSH this and that. It is stupid and a waste of time; when we could be creating things. It is like we will never do greatness at all.

Feminism as we generally understand it has less of a presence/isn't as developed of a movement in Japan, in particular. In any case it's pretty ridiculous to think that things done in the name of feminism are impeding greatness in video games or even creativity at all. Contrary to the general noise surrounding the subject gamers who either explicitly identify as feminist or are sympathetic to feminism are a minority, compared to people who aren't invested in social issues as they relate to gaming (majority) or represent the side opposite feminists or various social justice things (another minority). It maintains its mindshare because video gaming is becoming more of a mainstream/accepted hobby and the concept of being able to appeal/be sensitive to more audiences (by marketing or by what gets made) is of note to some companies. "Our game is LGBTQ positive", "this is sexist", "the lead protagonist is an independent female," etc. That is marketable to some people. Games sometimes recycle tropes to appeal to conventional tastes and easier money - ranging from the socially non-insidious (spiky haired hero with a sword defeats bad guy with power of friendship) to bs like "women are harder to animate" and such

Back in college when I was making minimum-wage. Their was this special area where they hold seminars. Anybody can rent it out and do whatever they want their. We could even hold an convention as well. This lady ( who seems to have a book in the Opera magazine from my memory ) was giving speeches. At the end a woman broke down ( like if it was a church ) crying about her problems.

"Now I'm not saying anything...but I'm just saying!"

A+ dude, A+


As for hashtag gamergate, though I actually support a lot of the things she stands for I've soured on her writing over time. It started with this piece she wrote on Sonic the Hedgehog for The Guardian that was pretty poorly handled. This is another one of those things - it's something that's poorly messaged so it was too easy to take issue with the concept of "gamer" being an outdated term (I don't really use it myself because I think it's too broad, but w/e) and then after that you have the customary application of identity politics. Yes I agree that video games and the industry are often easier to enjoy for straight white dudes, and that the sense of persecution/ostracizing felt as a gamer is sometimes more imagined than real (plus the whole nerd to hero thing is so played, just look at Silicon Valley). I even agree with the general idea that you can't truly separate gaming from social issues or the views of a group

and I do think the meaning of objectivity in gaming media is looking its consensus definition, at least in part because sometimes "objectivity" has to serve some goal by the person defining it. Objectivity doesn't always lead to one opinion; on a separate note, sometimes gamers have a skewed definition of what objectivity is, for example a hypothetical "Mass Effect is objectively the best game of 20XX" statement. I can't turn down journalistic integrity - it's just not always the best place for identity politics when critiquing authors/outlets. Polygon does write something good once in a while, even if they're shuttering most of their long form pieces. It's one thing to be suspicious of consistent positive promotion of Microsoft games. And like, I just cannot weigh feminism and misogyny equally. I'm not going to get with a movement that presupposes the devaluation of a gender for no reason. Hate misogynist jokes also.

her piece reads like a rallying point but they don't need a rallying point. Social justice sympathizers however small are pretty mobilized already. We don't need polemic right now. The worst part of misogynist groups are the Anita Sarkeesian harasser types. Now you have this stupid thing where you have people showing some people saying that these people are worse than Hitler, and the other side showing that the people on other group are worse than Hitler. Whatever. A feminist teacher has attacked a kid once, it was on the news a couple of weeks ago. I feel sorry for the kid, feminism is not devalued as a school of thought because of that.

regardless I do take away from this a reinforcement of the idea that gaming media, like commercial media  at large, easily converges to "infotainment" like 25 Reasons Mass Effect is lol or signaling to tastes you're already interested in, as Eric Kain wrote about. What's editorial and what isn't and when it's there and when it isn't is more a product of design.

I enjoyed this read on the subject.
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Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3908 on: September 10, 2014, 02:25:33 pm »
Can someone explain to me what happened after Zoe Quinn cheated on her boyfriend and slept with Five Guys(TM)? As I said that's as far as I got before I lost interest, just after seeing people repeatedly mention an article about 'Gamers are dead' or something like that.

Is there some movement happening now?

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3909 on: September 10, 2014, 06:44:29 pm »
A breakdown of the events and reaction;

- Over the past year or so, gaming publications have been telling fans of games like Killer is Dead, Dragon Crown etc that their games are terrible for the sexual objectification of women. One even labels them as paedophiles if you happen to like the sorceress in Dragon's Crown.
- A developer's angry ex-boyfriend claimed she had close ties with several individuals who in turn helped her get favourable treatment for her game. He released countless chatlogs and images that backed up his claims.
- Said discussion of these accusations was suppressed at NeoGAF, Reedit etc and people were calling conspiracy. It didn't help that GAF's admin decided to make example of some of the users who contacted him about it by parading around their emails publicly.
- Soon after this went live, people were up in arms that game reporters were reporting on their indie friends instead of disclosing that they were actually friends.
- Around the same sort of time, a bunch of articles about gamers being dead etc came out (10 or so) that enraged people even more.
- The hashtag #gamergate was born on twitter and people have been spamming it ever since.
- Kotaku came out and said that their reporter was infact in a relationship with a developer but made it clear he got into a relationship a day or two after posting the article.
- Kotaku and the Escapist updated their ethics policy to satisfy their readership.
- The other writers, whatever possessed them, decided it was a good idea to try and fan the flame, in kind people in 4chan and Reedit decided to counteract.
- Now both sides have lost it and drawing up the best cherry picked quotes from either side, one trying to paint the other as "misogynist, radical woman hating monsters" and the other as "hypocritical online bullies attacking nerds"

Hope that summaries it. I personally think these journalists have not helped the situation by lacking tact in their approach and then crying foul at the other side.

Offline pirovash88

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3910 on: September 10, 2014, 07:59:32 pm »
Convinced my bro to buy an XOne with a free copy of Destiny. Gonna be sweet gaming online. If anyone owns an Xbox, join us.
Gamertag: Pirovash88 Twitch.TV/Pirovash88

Offline Nirmugen

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3911 on: September 10, 2014, 08:16:56 pm »
Man, what a drama :/
I have many things to say but I can resume in one phrase: They sought it, both sides.
One, the developers and the journalist because they've think that noone can stop all the infotainment and hate/paid articles for promotion for their sites and being aggresive all the time.
The other, both "raid the hate forums" and stupid people that use the term gamer for whatever they want to say without any knowledge in gaming media whatsoever.
That admin of Neogaf is stupid. When he say that their site doesn't have any permission for being recognize as an official gaming press entity but Sonic "furry people"fan sites have that and they don't deserve it, it reveals his true colors.
Just ironic as the karma is.

Offline George

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3912 on: September 10, 2014, 08:27:42 pm »
I agree with Nirmugen. The indie developers have been asking for attention and they love it. They also love showing all the comments troll make and pretending its the whole #GamerGate movement, while the other side does the same thing but say its all the 'feminist'. Really just hate cycling more hate, really unfocusing on what people should really be talking about.

Journalist like Kotaku and such being scumbags, like always, just for a quick buck and busting a nut. Its sick.

Offline Nirmugen

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3913 on: September 10, 2014, 09:02:45 pm »
Kotaku and Polygon really make themselves a disaster. Their Sonic's opinions are the most irrational and corrupted articles that i've never read. Naka doesn't know why they make Sonic?!? That wasn't even funny, only helps to destroy their credibility and trust for being a professional site.

Offline pirovash88

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3914 on: September 10, 2014, 10:17:34 pm »
It's just kotaku being kotaku. Seems like they like reporting more on tabloid gaming news than actual gaming news. Probably run by a bunch of frat boys that wanted to start a site.

Either way, I'm done with gamergate crap, sick of these so called gamers going back with journalist about bs in the industry.
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