Author Topic: Post your current thoughts thread  (Read 1195625 times)

Offline RegalSin

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3915 on: September 10, 2014, 11:03:14 pm »
Soooooo...  Today I decided to join a bunch of clubs ( just for the fun of things ). I also took up teather shop. However one of the days landed on my computer programming II class ( Advance C++ programming ). The professor a smelly farce of a man ( looks like super-mario if he was alive and aged accordingly to eating only Pizza. In fact he looks like Robotnik if he was a real person. Dear god....) said "If you plan on missing three weeks of the course you might as well drop the class. However I am only doing the teather thing just to see how it is going along. That will be inside the month of October. Christian Club looks nice. Got some straight up Christian punn. Anime club and Sci-fi is what you expect. A bunch of us ( back-log my post in this thread ).

Asides for that; I read the wrong chapter so I was unable to answer questions in the classroom. I have this reading/writing class and the class was shot today because not too many people did the reading/writing. I read/wrote the wrong section.

Tomorrow is another glorious day of Theater shop, more writing/reading/core, and Theater classroom. They it is back to vonderful C++ with the Dwarve from FFIV.

Seriously Doctor Robotnik/That slimy dude from Akira/Snatcher/ my Comp teacher for this term.

I do agree with him that the feminist/SJW gamer thing recently has been fucking bizarre and kind of hilarious.

It is probably the greatest thing to occur. Finally we can abandon the lameness of "Indie-gaming" and get it on with some auswome "B-girls" and "B-gaming" jawsomness. Maybe we can get our PS2 days booth babes back. You know when they had game shows with adult shows in the next hall.
Could I buy that x-box with your xxx-box.....Just like in the car shows.

Can someone explain to me what happened after Zoe Quinn cheated on her boyfriend and slept with Five Guys(TM)?

Hopefully a great song will come out of it. Maybe a webcam with her and her stuffed animals?? IDK but I am so happy she started this "Depression Quest". So far it is making me loose my depression. Maybe a center-fold or Playboy or hussler issue. IDK but thank god for powerpuff girls.

Back on topic. Remember your fellow men. Remember your fore-fathers. Abe Lincoln had twenty kids and only two survived. Just because we have medical-miracle science does not mean a dude should give birth to children and call that equality.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3916 on: September 11, 2014, 08:27:20 am »
Back on topic. Remember your fellow men. Remember your fore-fathers. Abe Lincoln had twenty kids and only two survived. Just because we have medical-miracle science does not mean a dude should give birth to children and call that equality.


Also thanks for the summary Aki-at, I didn't realise there was a spate of articles afterwards that kicked things off. I just think it's hilarious to see repeatedly juked statistics like '50% of gamers are WOMEN! Why are there not more women protagonists!?' etc and not just Women but every other minority in existence (although calling women a minority is probably incorrect).

Fact is games are creative works, people should be able to create whatever they want according to their vision. I don't think that shoe-horning in things to games because of pressure from outside groups is going to benefit anyone in the long run. Assassin's Creed doesn't have female protagonists? Because that's how they wanted to make the fucking game.

Lawrence of Arabia is probably the greatest film ever made and has no female speaking roles. Would that really be improved if they included a black female in the movie in the name of equality? Of course not.

Offline pirovash88

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3917 on: September 11, 2014, 10:15:12 am »
Just wanted to pay my respects to the families who lost loved ones on that horrible day 13 years ago in New York City.
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Offline Aki-at

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3918 on: September 11, 2014, 12:06:59 pm »
I have to share the same sentiments Mang, infact opinions like this bother me greatly:

Content makers should be allowed to make whatever they want irregardless of what people want them to make, I'm always of the opinion if you want to change or bring that type of content on the market place you should try and force the change yourself through your own means as content makers or businesses are not entitled to change their games.

Working on a game myself, I wouldn't like being told I should make this or that. I want to make what I want to make and I dislike how people are trying to both shame people for enjoying games like Dragon's Crown and it's producers (For what it is worth, I dislike Dragon's Crown because of it's artstyle but people in a free country are entitled to make, and enjoy, such games)

Even though I dislike titles like Gone Home, Heavy Rain etc (More narrative based than actual gameplay) I am fine with them existing, even though I dislike titles like Killer is Dead, Dragon's Crown (Art style, gameplay) again I am fine with them existing. Hopefully people will eventually realise that there is room for all types of games.

Offline RegalSin

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3919 on: September 12, 2014, 08:22:48 am »
::Current mood:: Kinda upset after reading above post 

VideoGamerTV is a fag.....................That is it...........he is stupid and is a fag.....he has no penis ( which is what the primary term of fag is asides for being a "car without gas").. I would punch him out ( or at least tell him to fakk off ). Seriously that reviewer is a dickless Prick. I mean seriously I wish this guy would STFU. Uhmmm you know no this person is a loser for saying such things. I don't care. Below the belt; punchie.

Seriously this "person" is speaking bs. They are making some of the auwsomeness and greatest games right now. Now I am thinking. I regret selling my copy of "Killer 7" ( keep in mind I brought Killer 7 twice ). I mean Killer 7 was a fair start for them but seriously this review person needs to think ( what do I have between my legs and who am I defending  ???? ).

They are making great games out of the cake-hole. Games that I aspire to make and they are doing something. What is this guy doing?? Ruining the British language and image of the common wealth with his crude reviews. If Europe did not have enough problems already.

THE GAME ITSELF ARE BASICALLY WATERED DOWN. Also about giving girls money. In the far east giving a presents like clothing, gold, or even money is ten times better. It means a lot to them. This is the kind of things they do.

About observing women. Back in college.... Once upon a time I knew this girl who was Japanese. In Japan this is common for men to be "Hentai". It is so damn common it is natural. Picking up girls is what young men do. Knowing women is what men does. It is part of interaction of people. I am not saying this is every girl but for the most part people are like that. BOTTOM-LINE FLIRTING IS NORMAL. GIVING THINGS IS NORMAL. THAT IS WHAT MEN DO. WASTE TIME PAYING GIRLS ATTENTION FOR NO REASON AT ALL. It is better then getting a ticket from an officer.

This poser comes along and starts talking Feminist-garbage to videogame people who barely have a voice for themselves.

Keep in mind he is a man. Mens entertainment on the spectrum is sexploitation. The next kind of entertainment is "Talking to women" AKA flirting. If not then it is pornography. I am sorry to say this but this is true. I am inside of an ice-station and I am surrounded by dudes. What am I going to do??? Get comfy with them??? No I am going to break out something. Maybe my ero games.

For some people that is how life is.

To be continued...

About the word Creepy.........Yeah girls who are in-exprienced or who barely have an romantic life are like that. Basically as time goes along girls ( women in general in term of opposite sex ) becomes more and more against men. We have probably three or six generation of women who are barely want to have sex at all. As you go down the line it gets bigger and bigger. I see it all the time.

In-experienced women. Women who just barely talk to anybody and who barely have anything at all. Then to make things worst these women look really really good. They have "Tank-girl" torpedo's riding their chests, and look maneuverable. It is just sad you know.

I remember when I could be at an get together; associating with girls physically. I remember just walking up to women trying to kiss them or get something from them.

OOHH MYYY GOSHHH WHAT HAPPEND TO OUR GENDER.  I mean seriously the only reason I play
"Catherine" is because it is the closest thing to a sexploitive work. Again that is what it i meant to be young. It is part of growing up. It is part of life. Not just

Computer dating service  ( Facebook )
The Glu Glu room "Cherry 2000" ( typical night club )

Whatever happen to just meeting up with somebody at random and associating with them. I mean omgsh AIDS/HIV. omgsh saving one-self ( virginity wise /religion sense ). I mean omgsh racism. Or even omgsh broke-like-a-joke. So many fears to "separate the sexes" and make people apart. "They" ( whoever they are ) just petty much took the common interaction between two people( of the opposite sex ) and turned it into an catastrophe.

Then this dickless person comes along here and starts bitching about a game maker who trys to give everything like in the good days before Rated-G and "Carebears" rubbish.

Yeah I mean OMGSH OMGSH THIS GAME DOES NOT HAVE AN NON-HETEROSEXUAL MODE. In fact I double dare you ( whoever you are ) to go on youtube; rehash this morons video and complain ( why isn't their an non-heterosexual pick up mode in this game ). Come on. I dare you. I double dare you. You better do it before I do or else people will call you a poser. I garentee all these lame people will respond to that video. Yeah Yeah that is what is thought...... Omgsh the game does not feature an non-heterosexual mode. The travesty and heresy.

Omgsh ( boo-hoo ) Omgsh ( old woman crying ) boo-hoo.... ( flower wilts in tears ).

How could they not have an non-heterosexul mode. Where I could probe a dude and if he catches me; he will punch me in the face. It goes on this  basically.

That is what this person is basically saying. In an nutshell of an argument. Again videogames have ratings on them. AGAIN VIDEOGAMES HAVE RATING SYSTEMS ON THEM. Garments like "swim-suits", "thongs" ( ex-swim suit ), and "granny panties" ( under garments that extra fancy ). is not the greatest thing in the world. Women run around in those "Leotards" all day long; even in the winter. Not a big deal and is not a bad thing at all.

So seriously the game itself is harmless....................

:: Now my original thought ::

Starbucks coffee is offering free tuition to go to college in Arizona. That is right you can go to Arizona to college for free all thanks to Starbucks. Checkout the deal folks. It is big news for coffee fans.

Speaking of paying of Tuition. If your an grade A student and feel you can teach in college. Various colleges are offering to pay off your tuition to work ( with pay ) as professors. However they will send you to various states ( which is the problem with most people ).

So for the wonderful month of October I will be doing a show making props and stuff on stage.

To be continued....
« Last Edit: September 12, 2014, 08:27:46 am by RegalSin »

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3920 on: September 12, 2014, 08:27:44 am »
VideoGamerTV is a fag.....................That is it...........he is stupid and is a fag.....he has no penis ( which is what the primary term of fag is asides for being a "car without gas")

A faggot is a bundle of sticks.

Offline RegalSin

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3921 on: September 12, 2014, 08:39:50 am »
Actually the original word for cigarette of it's origin nation "France" which is also known as "Fagou" ( France Kingdom ) in other languages. So basically I guess your rights "A bundle of sticks used to make a cigarette.

The meaning I am using is when a person becomes like that after; over doing "it" too much; where it becomes unusable.

That is how this guy is making me feel with him ranting against an hip young creative company because of a stupid mode.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3922 on: September 12, 2014, 10:53:38 am »
Well that was fun.

Offline nuckles87

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3923 on: September 12, 2014, 11:22:20 am »
Good bye RegalSin. Having you around was...interesting, I suppose.

I have to share the same sentiments Mang, infact opinions like this bother me greatly:

Content makers should be allowed to make whatever they want irregardless of what people want them to make, I'm always of the opinion if you want to change or bring that type of content on the market place you should try and force the change yourself through your own means as content makers or businesses are not entitled to change their games.

Working on a game myself, I wouldn't like being told I should make this or that. I want to make what I want to make and I dislike how people are trying to both shame people for enjoying games like Dragon's Crown and it's producers (For what it is worth, I dislike Dragon's Crown because of it's artstyle but people in a free country are entitled to make, and enjoy, such games)

Even though I dislike titles like Gone Home, Heavy Rain etc (More narrative based than actual gameplay) I am fine with them existing, even though I dislike titles like Killer is Dead, Dragon's Crown (Art style, gameplay) again I am fine with them existing. Hopefully people will eventually realise that there is room for all types of games.

I don't usually like engaging in these types of discussion on message boards anymore...but given that one of the things I do on this site is write criticism of games, I feel like I should chime in on this real quick.

You're right, content makes should have the right to make whatever they want. And they (within reason) do. But just as the content maker has the right to make what they want, the consumer has the right to be critical however they want. They have a right to demand changes in the products being sold to them, they have a right to express disgust, and they have a right to say "you've crossed a line and this should mark the end of your career". Should content makers be forced to change their games to appease these criticisms? Of course not, but that's not even something on the table right now. Content makers are already entitled to make pretty much whatever they want so long as it doesn't involve murdering children or pornography (and the latter is actually a fairly popular genre of game in Japan, anyway). But consumers likewise have the right to attempt to force changes in these companies through criticism, boycotts and other legal avenues. Whether the company listens to these consumers is up to them.

If you don't like people telling you what to put in your game, you'd best hope you don't become too prominent a game maker because otherwise that's exactly what's going to start happening. Art is never released in a vacuum, and there are always going to be opinionated people out there dishing out criticism, often without regard to the amount of work that goes into the content they consume. I'm working on a comic book right now and I've been prepared for (and occasionally sought out) this kind of criticism for years. I'm hoping to have something to show for it sooner rather then later, and once I do I know there's a chance I might start getting a lot more of that.

That's great that you are fine with these games existing. Criticism is not really about "whether a game should exist or not" (though that is a question every critic ought to ask about a product at some point). Hell, even the guy in the video you posted doesn't have an issue with the EXISTENCE of Killer is Dead, just this particular part of the game. He finds this part of the game to be creepy and it makes him feel uncomfortable and he clearly thinks it is to this game's detriment, and as a consumer he has every right to not only say that, but claim that as far as he's concerned, Suda 51's career is dead. Frankly, I don't see what's so bad about that video. It seems perfectly well reasoned and calm, without any of the over-exaggeration or other bullshit these types of criticisms tend to be prone to. I've seen some feminist bloggers use far less evidence to say someone outright hates women or doesn't see them as people. XD

Finally, as nice a sentiment as something like "instead of criticizing, they should make their own product" is a cop out argument. The vast majority of critics and consumers lack the skill to make what they consume. As I know your well aware, making a game is hard work, and it's unrealistic to expect all of these critics who likely have other interests and time sinks to sink their time into learning how to make a game so that they can force change in the marketplace. Back in the mid 2000s I criticized the hell out of Sonic's poor games, but there was no way I was going to be able to make a Sonic game myself, not when I had other interests at the time. Should this preclude me from criticizing the game? Of course not. Likewise, I'd love to see more diversity in big triple A game protagonists in terms of both race, sex and gender. Obviously I can never make such a game myself, but I'll be damned if I don't complain about it when I feel it appropriate. I am a consumer, throwing money at these companies and spending time with their products, and if I feel like this thing I spent money on is lacking something I have every right to let them know.

At least, that's what I think you mean when you say "force change". It occurs to me that you could have also meant forcing change as consumers, not content makers. But then...that is EXACTLY what criticism does.

Video games are an art form, and art is criticized for more than just its technical merits (the skill of the brush strokes, the word play in poem, the arc of a character in a play). Art is also criticized in by how it portrays and interacts with a society's culture and values. This kind of criticism is not only expected, its necessary for video games to BE an art form.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2014, 11:32:17 am by nuckles87 »

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3924 on: September 12, 2014, 12:03:06 pm »
Well that was fun.

The day had finally come huh? XD

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3925 on: September 12, 2014, 12:36:01 pm »
Nuckles I know we're not going to agree as we have some massive ideological differences and what responsibilities content makers have and what's fair game. All it would lead to is a massive cluster of off topic posts so I'll leave it at that and agree to disagree.

EDIT: I am fine with people voting with their wallets, however we have people who would otherwise like to censor such media and demonizing it's fans is just not on.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2014, 01:11:37 pm by Aki-at »

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3926 on: September 12, 2014, 01:05:44 pm »
Well that was fun.

I remember when people used to make topics with the title 'George is a faggot' and they didn't get banned. I think the entire thread was just 'f' posted repeatedly. Goooood times.

RegalSin had to go though, I agree.

Knuckles: Interesting post, and I agree that consumers have the right to not like or complain about a product or content, but I guess what I'm saying is that I hope developers don't start catering to what I feel is a small and vocal minority for these things. Especially as I also think that most of the arguments are completely inane and really feel more like chest-thumping and a self-serving rather than bettering anything in the medium.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3927 on: September 12, 2014, 01:10:22 pm »
Knuckles: Interesting post, and I agree that consumers have the right to not like or complain about a product or content, but I guess what I'm saying is that I hope developers don't start catering to what I feel is a small and vocal minority for these things. Especially as I also think that most of the arguments are completely inane and really feel more like chest-thumping and a self-serving rather than bettering anything in the medium.

But then that comes with what you expect the medium to be.

Deep progressive storylines with thoughtful and unique gameplay to further it into the artistic field or just pure entertainment, with emphasis on rewarding the player for mastering the system the developer intended for his/her audience?

This issue would probably serve well as a separate topic.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3928 on: September 12, 2014, 04:10:16 pm »
This issue would probably serve well as a separate topic.

I agree, Aki-at I'll let you do the honors, because I'm a lazy cunt, frankly.

Offline pirovash88

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3929 on: September 12, 2014, 04:57:34 pm »
Well, at least i don't have to listen sexist rants anymore, so thanks for that.

Gamertag: Pirovash88 Twitch.TV/Pirovash88