Author Topic: Post your current thoughts thread  (Read 1195965 times)

Offline mylifewithsega

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3060 on: March 21, 2013, 03:24:40 pm »
There is no god.

LOL! Oddly enough, those are the first lines spoken in Psycho III, which was Anthony Perkins' directorial debut.
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Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3061 on: March 21, 2013, 04:37:49 pm »
I wrote a paper on the Psycho sequels in college. I titled the paper "Psyquels".

Offline Happy Cat

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3062 on: March 21, 2013, 05:09:17 pm »
I'm so depressed and worn out, can't get anything done. This hive problem is driving me nuts. I had hives a few years ago, eventually figured out it was ibuprofen(NSAIDS) causing it.

I just recently broke out in them really severly a few days ago. and they aren't going away. It's beyond frustrating and is SO miserable feeling. I have no idea why i got them either, there hasn't been any major changes in my life style.

I already know that going to the doctors and getting treated is useless from my first time experiencing hives, they don't know what's causing it, and all they can tell you to do is take anti-histamine or prescribe you steroids, which they don't put you on for very long cause they say they are dangerous for your body.. lol

so... I've read something about how water is a natural anti-histamine, and that if you keep yourself fully hydrated, it will help fight off hives.

ive already read that people take 100mg of benedryl for severe hives, and that emergency rooms give you 200mg of benedryl in IV form for hives.

so yeah.. i guess i'll try taking 75mg-100mg of benedryl tonight, don't know what else to do. i've been taking average sized doses, which sorta helps.. i mean the hives are still spreading, but they aren't getting worse in terms of swelling, but they arent going away either.

i guess if none of this works i'll have to go to the doctor and get blood tests done and see if there is an underlying cause making me break out in hives. sigh.

and yeah, these hives don't just itch.. sometimes they got a really bad burning sensation.. which is horrible. but ive read it's normal for hives to do that.. sigh

Offline mylifewithsega

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3063 on: March 21, 2013, 10:11:36 pm »
I wrote a paper on the Psycho sequels in college. I titled the paper "Psyquels".

Oh? I'd like to read that paper. I love Psycho. Recently wrote a review on the new TV series.

@Will - I'm really sorry to hear that. I used to break out into hives when I was little. Doctor's couldn't figure it out then either. My mom suspects it was that experience that made me afraid of doctors. Over time, my mom found that the hives always coincided with my father leaving. We lived in Big Bear, but my father was LAPD. Only saw him on the weekends. Once our living situation changed, the hives stopped showing up. Figured they were induced by stress. May be something to that. They'd show up whenever I was stressed, followed by the ocassional panic attack.

However, my stress level's maintained a bit better these days. Haven't had hives in years.

I hope you get better, bro.
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Offline Happy Cat

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3064 on: March 22, 2013, 08:30:21 am »
Oh? I'd like to read that paper. I love Psycho. Recently wrote a review on the new TV series.

@Will - I'm really sorry to hear that. I used to break out into hives when I was little. Doctor's couldn't figure it out then either. My mom suspects it was that experience that made me afraid of doctors. Over time, my mom found that the hives always coincided with my father leaving. We lived in Big Bear, but my father was LAPD. Only saw him on the weekends. Once our living situation changed, the hives stopped showing up. Figured they were induced by stress. May be something to that. They'd show up whenever I was stressed, followed by the ocassional panic attack.

However, my stress level's maintained a bit better these days. Haven't had hives in years.

I hope you get better, bro.

ooh, yeah, ive read that hives can be onset by stress. i think that's happened to me in the past, but this is too severe what i have rightnow to be brought on by stress.

so this morning i woke up completely swollen, lips, hands, everything. pretty sure i was going to have to go to the emergency room later today.

So i decided to try a last attempt and take some wal-zyr, which is a generic for zyrtec, it was such a little dose though that i didnt think it would do anything, its meant for seasonal allergies.

but it seems to be helping with my swelling, so fingers crossed that it continues to!

also going to buy an air filter for my room, It's obvious im never gonna figure out what is causing this for me, and ive cleaned lots of stuff and it didnt help much.. so im thinking its gotta be something airborne.


Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3065 on: March 22, 2013, 11:18:25 am »
I find it quite humorous that this is the only thread on the Segabits forum that does not have anything to do with Sega.

Offline semmie

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3066 on: March 22, 2013, 02:09:37 pm »

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3067 on: March 22, 2013, 02:24:44 pm »
u dont even know man.

Common sense dictates that there is no god. :P

Really, I think the "u dont even know" argument is so incredibly weak. Science can explain the entire universe, there is no need for a god figure to explain why things are the way they are. Perhaps in a few hundred years reason will overrule superstition. In the meantime, looks like I'm goin' to hell! :D

Offline semmie

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3068 on: March 22, 2013, 03:02:44 pm »
Common sense dictates that there is no god. :P

Really, I think the "u dont even know" argument is so incredibly weak. Science can explain the entire universe, there is no need for a god figure to explain why things are the way they are. Perhaps in a few hundred years reason will overrule superstition. In the meantime, looks like I'm goin' to hell! :D

u are nothing more then any other. u blieve in theorys. science hasnt proven wrongs or right in fact it is scientifically proven that there is a one source that runs this whole thing. so it is proven one thing

u can call it whatever. or timmy jimmy
but it is one source and i say it is god.

u say darwinissm? that theory has been refuted a while ago
u say cells bla bla donsaurs evolution. evolution has never been proven.

so i dont really like to debate this not because i think ill win or lose that one. but its basically that u go for theorys and i go for facts.
80 prcnt of the quran have been proven for a 100 prcnt by science that it is truth. and guess what it was nonmuslims who confirmed this

ok yeah the other 20 prcnt is about djinns and other dimensions.

in the quran it ws written that world ws round. europe thought it was flat. i could go on and on.

but u love theorys
i love facts

ofcourse im speaking of myself

u might say u believe theorys and i in fairy tales

but even so. u aint anything better then me in that one. cause if that is truly the case that u believe in these theorys that have NEVER been proven.. duh there were big man duh there were dwarf races in indonesia. a neanderthaler shaven and given a smoking suit looks just like us. basically adding hair was the dumbest thing.

theorys have never ever been proven.
it has been proven that there is one soutce based on mathematical calculations w all basically cant deny

so all with all

let us just say u believe in a theory as i say so

and u will sy i believe in a tale

then unfortunate barry yo. your living the same delussional life

but ofcourse i claim ur wrong and u claim im wrong

but in the end we shall see who was really right

to end this here and right now

to me my believe and to u yours

allah says:

1.O Al-Kâfirûn (disbelievers in Allâh, in His Oneness, in His Angels, in His Books, in His Messengers, in the Day of Resurrection, and in Al-Qadar)!
2.     "I worship not that which you worship,
3.     "Nor will you worship that which I worship.
4.     "And I shall not worship that which you are worshipping.
5.     "Nor will you worship that which I worship.
6.     "To you be your religion, and to me my religion (Islâmic Monotheism)."

i respect you and i love to live a life where peeps can coexist. so ill give u props and i hope u will find your enlightment in this conquest of life
verily life will finish soon and when were 70 years barry.( ask the elders)
you will find out that these 70 years were like one day or less. and all u have is memory acces to the ast like photos and films in your head speaking of the good old days.

Offline Sharky

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3069 on: March 22, 2013, 03:49:41 pm »
Perhaps you are allergic to something new that you haven't noticed yet. Are you using new washing detergent for your clothes/sheets or perhaps a new kind of soap/shower gel? There are lots of little things to think about. Though I've never had hives and don't really know what courses them.

On Segabits you'll find people who believe in all sorts of things, or don't believe in them as the case my be. That's life, you just have to learn to let it go.
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Offline max_cady

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3070 on: March 22, 2013, 03:54:45 pm »
Oh, boy, we are getting into a much broader discussion...

We can explain how the universe works but no amount of research will determine how it came to be.... what was the cause? It's just two ways of looking at the world, really.

For all the accusations of there being no God, I'm just sayin' that it is not unreasonable to assume otherwise and that's as far as I go.

On-topic: It could spring time, my allergies go into complete overdrive in March and don't stop till May!

Offline mylifewithsega

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3071 on: March 22, 2013, 03:58:30 pm »
I'm agnostic, so I don't give two shits either way. If there's a higher power at work, when I croak I'll just have to say, "My bad, bro!" If that fucks me over in the long run, then it won't be any different than life.

In the meantime, I'll live, laugh, eat, drink and fuck until my heart's content. :D
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Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3072 on: March 22, 2013, 05:16:46 pm »
@AJ - your heart will never be content, unless you try all of that at once!

Wasn't there a Seinfeld where George ate during sex?

Offline mylifewithsega

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3073 on: March 22, 2013, 05:46:53 pm »
@AJ - your heart will never be content, unless you try all of that at once!

Wasn't there a Seinfeld where George ate during sex?

I can't eat, drink or smoke during sex. Too distracting. It's perfectly acceptable afterward, but not during.

Laughing's good though. My ex once said something really fucked while in the heat of the moment. She said - and I quote - "I want to break your dick off in my pussy and carry it with me always." It was easily the weirdest fucking thing I ever heard and just started laughing. Thankfully, she wasn't offended. So afraid I pissed her off.
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Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Post your current thoughts thread
« Reply #3074 on: March 22, 2013, 05:49:35 pm »
LOL, that's hilarious! Sounds like something an amazonian woman would say.