Author Topic: Yakuza: OF THE END  (Read 39605 times)

Offline cube_b3

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Re: Yakuza: OF THE END
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2011, 01:45:20 pm »
Quote from: "Aki-at"
You must hate Streets of Rage and Space Channel 5 too.

I am just pissed off they didn't refer heavily to HOTD and choose lickers instead, I rather see the wall climbing zombies from HOTD than a licker.

The core HOTD franchise is really being neglected, when 2 & 3 Returns did well, we got the horrible Over Kill, which wasn't what an HOTD fan such as myself needed.

An unintentionally badly acted game, was turned into an intentionally bad game with everything done wrong was on purpose.

I'm going off topic in rant mode, point is I NEED AN HOTD REFERENCE Than a Resident Evil 1, it is offensive as an old school Sega fan and I don't know what SC5 has to do with Capcom, and I am not a huge fan of Ulala or anything.

SOR had several nods to Street Fighter and Final Fight, but then again I don't remember Sega having another game so similar to SOR than Final Fight in this equation we have HOTD.

Weird Rant, sorry.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Yakuza: OF THE END
« Reply #31 on: January 01, 2011, 02:02:48 pm »
Quote from: "cube_b3"
I am just pissed off they didn't refer heavily to HOTD and choose lickers instead, I rather see the wall climbing zombies from HOTD than a licker.

I thought music from The House of the Dead 4 was used in one of the trailer for Yakuza of the End?

But will there be more? Maybe, the Yakuza titles all have references towards many SEGA games (NiGHTS, Monkey Ball and the Let's Make a... ! series referenced from the last) will we see more this game? Who knows?

But at the current moment, with the exception of Bayonetta, Yakuza is the only game with over 7 references to SEGA games; A fictional video game series styled like Virtua Fighter (And VF itself) as well as Let's Make a... ! music from Billy Hatcher and NiGHTS, an AiAi teddy bear, a gangstar that looks like the main villain from Jet Set Radio and of course Sonic. There are probably more, but those are the ones I remember from the top of my head.

That's more references than The House of the Dead has ever had to SEGA games, or many SEGA games, not just present but in the past too.

Quote from: "cube_b3"
I'm going off topic in rant mode, point is I NEED AN HOTD REFERENCE Than a Resident Evil 1, it is offensive as an old school Sega fan and I don't know what SC5 has to do with Capcom, and I am not a huge fan of Ulala or anything.

SEGA appearently stole the visual designs for Ulala from some pop idol, of course they were cleared in a court of law, but still, there is no doubt one of the art directors did something a bit dodgy...

Quote from: "cube_b3"
SOR had several nods to Street Fighter and Final Fight, but then again I don't remember Sega having another game so similar to SOR than Final Fight in this equation we have HOTD.

Yakuza is as similar to The House of the Dead as Streets of Rage was to Shinobi and Golden Axe, why no references from those games?

They do not have to be in the same genre to be referenced, you could have posters on the wall or items designed after them, they had none. Yakuza has though.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Yakuza: OF THE END
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2011, 02:17:40 am »
No, one would not. Not that many references anyway, the only other game that comes to mind is probably Bayonetta, outside of that, it's slim pickings when it comes to a bunch of SEGA cross overs in one game.

They have always been a host of references to other games by the SEGA teams . Play Soinc Adv and see the NiGHTs Pinball Table and even a 3D NiGHTS stage with-n it , play Sonic Adv II and See NiGHTS posters everywhere , Play FighterMega Mix and see the After Burner Plane and even Hornet Car make a appearance. Play Daytona and and enter the right name and hear Tunes for various old SEGA games,Play Golden Axe and see Chicken Leg and at the end various SEGA Arcade games like Thunder Blade , Galaxy Force II Heavy Weight Champ or an  reference to Fantasy Zone, Play Touring car and see the SEGA Rally Car, Play Val and see the Skies of Arcaida characters

Lots of SEGA  Teams have done it for, like lots of other Games companies had done it too


No one here said that here? Infact certain members have thought having improved gameplay for guns would be a good addition to the future of the series?

Funny to some that would mean selling out to the West.

So was Kenzan and was that a main entry into the series? No, it was not. Spinoffs can be big games for companies too, Vincent's Final Fantasy game for example, a major seller but was it a major release into the series? No it was not.

Shadow the Hedgehog however is not a spinoff, it's considered by both the makers and the fans to be a major entry into the Sonic series, completing the storyline that was put into motion in Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes, Yakuza of the End will end up being nothing but an after thought when Yakuza 5 is announced. Shadow the Hedgehog however, was not, as seen in followups Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 and Sonic and the Black Knight.

Shadow was not a sequel to SONIC at all, you didn't even play as SONIC for starters, like noone expected Knuckles' Chaotix was Sonic IV ?. They were clear spin off 's with totally different types of gameplay to SONIC . People may list Kezan as a spin off, but it played exactly like a Yakuza game, just in a totally different time period, bit that is not different to Onimusha 3 to Dawn of Dreams. Kezan was a major entry into the series nearly 3 years in development and costing SEGA over $25 Million dollars to make

Even the Spin off Resident Evil games like keep the Story Arch in some shape,and I wouldn't class Resident Evil: Survivor , The Umbrella Chronicles, Outbreak  as direct RE sequels , would you ?. the same is true for the Shining  spin off games on the Saturn ECT.

Please explain to me where me discussing with Cube how Yakuza is not copying Resident Evil, in which he has said on several occassions, amounts to anything releating to me saying Yakuza is not following the zombie fad?

I've no problem with SEGA copying or borrowing ideas from other games or Capcom games, simply because SEGA always done it (every Corp does it) . I just rather see the team take a break from Yakuza and given 3 years to really inject new idea's, new tech and a new City into the Franchise. No problem with Zonbies at all, I just thing SEGA should have gone down the Red Dead Redemption Route, rather than a full price game .

I just think SEGA is milking the Yakuza brand far too much , like CORE did with TR and SEGA it's self did with SONIC. Yearly sequels (no sports)  are a sure way to kill innovation, and kill the Team that makes them over time . Now is that not a genuine and heartfelt concern ?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »
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Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Yakuza: OF THE END
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2011, 07:49:06 am »
Can I just interject to say I'm getting really bloody tired of phrases like 'Selling out to the West'. It's almost as if doing anything high-concept is a bad thing now.

In some cases, like Binary Domain's trailer and certain parts of Vanquish, it does look like they are pandering to the West, but doing a wacky spin-off zombie game? C'mon, let them have some fun with the series.

I think people are just overthinking everything way too much.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Sega Stylista

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Re: Yakuza: OF THE END
« Reply #34 on: January 02, 2011, 11:56:23 am »
Quote from: "MadeManG74"
Can I just interject to say I'm getting really bloody tired of phrases like 'Selling out to the West'.

It's actually satisfying for me to see that notion accepted when people so resisted it when I tried to awaken them to that reality some time ago.

It's almost as if doing anything high-concept is a bad thing now.

While I'm not entirely sure what 'high concept' refers to I would like to make the distinction that it is not "high concept" in and of itself that people are reacting to but the combination of high concept and a watered down and diluted core gaming experience. This is the condition that afflicts most of contemporary gaming that current gamers have gradually been conditioned to accept having completely forgotten gaming used to be about great gameplay first and not great presentation.

In some cases, like Binary Domain's trailer and certain parts of Vanquish, it does look like they are pandering to the West, but doing a wacky spin-off zombie game? C'mon, let them have some fun with the series.

I appreciate you recognize the western pandering now in those titles, but I agree with you that I don't see that in The End.

The End is a cheesy, cash-in, spin-off to have some artistic conflict about the derivative aspects of the game really is inappropriate and beyond its scope and ambition.  My only concern is that the gunplay is fun. I actually think they are getting the atmosphere right and that the "Capcom rip-off" is practically a nice old-school trademark.

I think people are just overthinking everything way too much.
You're right. . .if people were more focused on the gameplay that is what would be the concern.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

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Offline Sharky

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Re: Yakuza: OF THE END
« Reply #35 on: January 02, 2011, 01:40:17 pm »
Capcom and Namco have been copying Sega for years anyway and in some cases Sega copies them... Parody is often a sign of respect.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »
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Offline STORM!

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Re: Yakuza: OF THE END
« Reply #36 on: January 02, 2011, 03:27:38 pm »
There are rumors about guest characters in this new Ryu Ga Gotoku.

 Maybe, some characters from The House of The Dead series...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Sharky

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Re: Yakuza: OF THE END
« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2011, 03:35:48 pm »
^Would be pretty damn awesome... But I wont hold my breath.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »
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Offline cube_b3

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Re: Yakuza: OF THE END
« Reply #38 on: January 02, 2011, 03:37:23 pm »
G Partnered with Goro
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline STORM!

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Re: Yakuza: OF THE END
« Reply #39 on: January 02, 2011, 03:53:45 pm »
Nagoshi said that we could see some guest characters there... but it was not clear what he was talking about; others games characters/ others companies characters/ old characters from Ryu Ga Gotoku/ real world personalities.

 My first bet was at Bio Hazard series characters! Not sure now...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Sharky

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Re: Yakuza: OF THE END
« Reply #40 on: January 02, 2011, 04:06:01 pm »
It would be amazing if they got guest characters from Resident Evil (Biohazard) and characters from The House of the Dead... In a Yakuza game... lol.

But I really doubt that is going to happen.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »
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Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Yakuza: OF THE END
« Reply #41 on: January 03, 2011, 02:43:21 am »
You're right. . .if people were more focused on the gameplay that is what would be the concern.
Coming from you that's bit much to take. There's plenty of great gameplay in FPS, if only you ever gave them a chance.

Ww have the likes  of you saying that that Vanquish is not Gears of War, to state they're totally different in gameplay (which in parts they are) But label all FPS under the same brush.

Do the likes of you play FPS any more ?

To play COD and then to play Half-Life II is a totally different gameplay experience (like it is to play GOW and Vanquished).
Yes like Van & Gears, they share the same view point, they also  share guns, but that's where the similarities end....The planing, the skill, the thought that went into Half_Life stages, characters, puzzles and AI is totally amazing and so under valued when people like to make out this is just another FPS and brush with the same brush as COD.  

Its the same for racers to Play PGR and then to play Blur is a totally different type style of game, even though,  its in  the same genre and made by the same team. Playing the likes of Singularity , Half Life, Bio-Shock and then to play the likes of Battle Field II, Halo , COD is a totally different in the way they play ECT.

I've no problem with SEGA copying/borrowing ideas from other games (SEGA always done that, and so does all games makers ) no problem with SEGA making games for the west or having Guns (again that's nothing new) I just have a problem with milking a franchise to death, and  where I feel  this really should have been a Download connect to Yakuza IV , like a Red Dead Redemption dlc or GTA IV episode Content downloads , rather than a full price stand alone game (that said I didn't like the fact that Virtual ON IV is not a LIVE game, but stand-alone)

I rather the team were given 2 to 3 years to make fresh Yakuza game and inject much needed freshness into the brand, with if nothing else modelling a completely new City and some much needed new Tech.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »
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Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Yakuza: OF THE END
« Reply #42 on: January 03, 2011, 03:42:15 am »
Quote from: "Sega Stylista"
It's actually satisfying for me to see that notion accepted when people so resisted it when I tried to awaken them to that reality some time ago

What reality? I don't think that it's happening a lot or at least that it's not any worse than it always has been. Do you consider something like Golden Axe 'selling out' for example? Because that was very heavily based on Western Culture.

In any event, sometimes I don't think theres anything sinister about Japanese games having western elements. Again, sometimes it's poorly handled but sometimes it's done well.

While I'm not entirely sure what 'high concept' refers to I would like to make the distinction that it is not "high concept" in and of itself that people are reacting to but the combination of high concept and a watered down and diluted core gaming experience. This is the condition that afflicts most of contemporary gaming that current gamers have gradually been conditioned to accept having completely forgotten gaming used to be about great gameplay first and not great presentation.

When I say 'High Concept' I mean that it's something created to appeal to a very large audience (I may be mis-using this term slightly).

A good example is something like Call of Duty series. They are designed to appeal to a huge audience, since  World War 2 and Modern Warfare scenarios are easy to relate to, recognisable and easily offer up plenty of action. That doesn't mean that they are bad or lazy games though, I personally loved World at War in particular and felt that the single player campaign was great in terms of gameplay and presentation and the multiplayer was great fun too.

Thing is though, people see something like a WW2 shooter and immediately assume it's lazy or derivative or 'selling out' etc etc, much like some people seem to be dubious about Yakuza of the End already just because of zombies.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Yakuza: OF THE END
« Reply #43 on: January 03, 2011, 04:32:08 am »
What reality? I don't think that it's happening a lot or at least that it's not any worse than it always has been. Do you consider something like Golden Axe 'selling out' for example? Because that was very heavily based on Western Culture

Great points, what about After Burner II , Aliens 3 (the light Gun), Gun Blade NY (the Clue is in the title) , Daytona USA, Out Run, Virutal Cop, Sega Rally (typically a European sport) 18 wheeler, and million and one other classic SEGA games that were made to appeal to the west.  and in some cases used western films influences . People seem to forget that SONIC was also made to appeal to the western Market.

 And I really don't know what is so wrong with wanting to appeal to the western Market , or using western comics or films as influences

In any event, sometimes I don't think theres anything sinister about Japanese games having western elements. Again, sometimes it's poorly handled but sometimes it's done well.

Spot on , and the same for Japanese games having western elements . If it adds to the game and its all good, what's the issue ?

Thing is though, people see something like a WW2 shooter and immediately assume it's lazy or derivative or 'selling out' etc etc, much like some people seem to be dubious about Yakuza of the End already just because of zombies.

Great points, there is too much tarnishing  all games with the same brush and its makes me sick . To label Half-Life as just another FPS is an total injustice to the amount of work, planning and execution that when into that production. I feel the same with the Panzer Dragoon Orta, some love to label it as just another On-Rails 3D shooter and not giving any credit to the amount of work and effort that went into the title
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Offline STORM!

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Re: Yakuza: OF THE END
« Reply #44 on: January 14, 2011, 07:25:48 am »
Two special videos focusing on the story and gameplay.

  Lot of new scenes and dialogues. ... UjhZVXa9pY ... 5Vmz_SurkM

 Also, 3 new Japanese famous stars. These time they are zombies! ... 20449.html
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »