I think at the end of the day Segas games are a hodge podge of lots of game styles and types. They were never one to stick to one genre or one style. Many of Segas best known and loved games have had outside help or even been developed outside of Sega
That is true for many Publishers mate, bar ones like Square and even they went nuts with all different genre's on the PS2 , hell they even made a shooter onthe PS too . SEGA did used to have this image and coolest for publishing edgy type games, that sort of died out with the Mega Drive, came back slightly with the DC and then died a death . The like of EA now have a broader line up of game than SEGA
I think Segas style isnt limited to what they produce inhouse, it's more a feeling you get from playing their games. There often colourful, light hearted, easy to pick up and play... fast actiony.. arcadey.
They used to be , not any more . I just think you're hyping up Vanquish and Bay to cover SEGA's pretty lame In-House games so far . Konami may well have had Producers saying this and that must be in the game, or can't make into the game . But anyone that plays Gradius V gets the feel the this a Treasure game , one where Treasure and Hitoshi Sakimoto seem to be able to make the game and music feel and as one, and take the game out into Orbit (quite literary).
You know that buzz you only seem to get from a Treasure shooter, and where even though its only about 8 people worked on the game, they make the Hardware sign and produce some awe inspiring stuff, and where you're almost have to turn the Hi-Fi to full blast . No one in the gaming community says look at Konami they're so 'Hardcore' (hate that term) only they can produce this stuff. Everyone I know always give credit to Treasure .
Treasure do to shooters what SEGA do to racers . Somehow make a established genre their own , make each new game feel fresh , combine it with amazing Art and gamepaly and make the gameplay and music feel as one . To give the gamer an unbeatable experience and one hell of a Buzz .
I miss those days when I could say Only SEGA could make this or that . They're gone seemingly forever , and I can't help but feel that's why you're hyping the Platinum games up so much, becasue SOJ In-House consumer developments have been pretty ordinary of late , and depressingly disappointing in terms of Tech and Art
16 Years ago you could have said the same thing about Streets of Rage, 'this feels more like a Konami game' or Sonic 'this feels more like a Nintendo game'
I take it you mean Capcom ? I've always said SOR was a Final Fight Ripp-Off (like FF was a rip-off of Double Dragon) , but then SEGA does what it used to best take and established Genre and put its own spin and take on it . Sonic shows that better than most , couldn't beat Mario of Depth and Platform precision, lets kill him for speed, graphics and Art and sheer coolness.
I can't think of any SEGA game that has the gameplay that comes anyhwere near Bayonetta, Its share far more in common with Devil May Cry and well all know it . SEGA is more known for its VS Fighter Virtual On series, and than any single player action Mech game. The likes of FROMSOFTWARE have produced Mech action games on the PS,Dreamcast PS2, X-Box (Metal Wolf was inanely good) 360 and PS3
I consider Fzero, Star Fox, Sin & Punishment, No More Heroes sega style game
I really don't know how anyone can say that . F-Zero looked and sounded unlike pretty much any racing game I had seen before, but that inthe Arcades or Home. It was for the me, the game that made me want to buy the Snes. Star Fox came out years before Panzer Dragoon. It didn't look or feel like a SEGA game at all. Sin and Punishment was vastly overrated, but it didn't play like any SEGA shooter, and no more Heroes looked quite unlike any game I seen before ( I look over how actually poor the game was).
I know you'll hit back with the Cel Shading , but bare a couple of things in mind. Fear Effect had a similar effect years before JSR on the PS, and Looney Tunes onthe DC, was shown off before JSR and had Cel shading its self
Sega style has variations but the emphasis on arcadey and intense action, innovation, and style seem to be consistent themes. Cheesy and campy stories and characters. . .
Things one can say about the likes of Capcom . Strider is famous for its style DMC famous for its action , and it doesn't get any more cheesy than the Dialogue in Resident Evil.
If somebody's fucked up because platinum is doing a game rather than Sega in-house than that's
Its a genuine concern. I never liked SEGA Arcade games, not for the ones they just published and didn't develop. I didn't like the Saturn and Dreamcast for the games SEGA published , nor I love those systems for the games SEGA developed In-House 1st and foremost , because in those days it didn't get any better . Why is nobody hyping up Alpha Protocol, because its just the dame deal as with Platinum. SEGA owns the IP and gets a Developer into develop it for them. We and all going to give Credit to Acclaim for F355, because they punished it the west, they owned the Ferrari rights at the time
SEGA should lay off its entire 2000+ Staff and just become a 3rd party Publisher . After all its doesn't mater who's developing it, its all about how's publishing it :roll: