Author Topic: Why didn't Platinum work on a classic Sega IP...  (Read 13019 times)

Offline ROJM

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Re: Why didn't Platinum work on a classic Sega IP...
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2011, 03:56:55 pm »

For someone who claims to know so much about the industry to not know the likes of Quake were ported the Arcade (before Outrigger) is telling,  never mind that the likes of Half Life II and counterstrike also made it to the Arcades(ok they came latter, but yes there's been examples of FPS in the Arcades) . Anyway to look over where SEGA got the inspiration for the OutTrigger - where the team were big fans of Doom and Half Life is just being silly.
I did not say Sega wasn't inspired by any games i said they don't follow the trend or the bandwagon like many others do. Anyone else would have released OT as a console game but Sega chose the arcade route which was a brave move because no one was doing it at that time. Do you really think OUTRIGGER's development started after Quake's release in the arcades? A glorified port? Its the case of beating the rival to the punch. Just like what happened with JSR and another game that had cel shading when everyone knew that sega had developed that process first.

And the point still stands because not many companies or console/arcade operators were getting into FPS which was still the domain of the PC world and was yet to break big on the console world. Only a few attempted to bring that genre to the console masses with Sega among them.

But here's a better example. Streetfighter 2 is a clear case of what i'm talking about. Sega decided to cash in but they went beyond what anyone else would have done with two titles that would have a lasting affect on that genre. BURNING RIVAL and VIRTUA FIGHTER. The VF is more than obvious but BR an often overlooked title, while not setting the world on fire did something that Capcom and many others ended up doing by using anime/cel like sprites graphics for the game so it looked like you were playing a fluid cartoon/anime. Something as i said that capcom ended up doing two years after.

? You the one that hated Naka for doing it hates PSO and wants SEGA to go back the the series routes and that's fair enough . And even the casuals know SEGA does spin off's they only had to play Sonic Spinball or Golden Axe the Dual, Ax Battler (since we're talking of Golden Axe) . So I do not get your silly little points.
How does my opinion actually make a difference to what Sega has historically done with creating spin offs of their games?  This is just a distraction because you've lost the argument.

And even the casuals know SEGA does spin off's
Apart from you it seems.

I think Sonic was created more for SEGA tying to take on Mario more than showing off SEGA hardware. There's  been great Sonic games on 'Non' SEGA hardware be that Neo Pocket, GBA, DS and even now the Wii, 360 and PS3 . The huge trouble was people wanted to play as Sonic and its taken years for the Sonic Team to come round to that issues and now that they have Sonic is getting right back on form with Generations & Colors.

Wrong it was a bit of both. The game itself utilized the respective hardware's strengh which was one of the mainpoints for the Sonic series. its not much of a coincidence that the game series has suffered now that Sonic's main function was removed be it with games with poor design,ideas and execution.

? I never said you used it twice, you used it and that's all I was replying too still . The only one that change their tune is you in you previous post you even said this   No it wasn't  it was £40 next you'll be making out that Saints Row III RRP is £15. Don't believe me, go to Ubisoft official website to see the RRP in full effect

Cut the distraction, i just like you to point out where exactly did i mention the word Climax in psp BF? And what the hell are you babbling about saints row? You really are losing the plot.

? Outun was an Arcade smash and SEGA sold all of the 30,000 Coin Ups in Manufactured on terms alone it was a complete success . Samba was a great success for SEGA that's what gave the green light for the DC version and the update. 

OUTRUN? Now what are you talking about?  ::) Nobody mentioned OUTRUN. Boy you really are insane.
The DC version of Samba  got made because it was easy to port, the arcade game itself was never a smash hit. It sold the units to the operators, yes but the people actually paying and playing the game wasn't as big as the operators thought which is why the update sold less than sega expected and which is why there hasn't been any updates or sequels since then.

I would  call it a success because that also how SEGA makes money- ie selling hardware to Operators) not just on how many times people pay the to play the games(granted that's why the most money is)  but like a lot of Laser Disc games at the time, they were very unreliable and not suited to the smoke/ dust filled Arcades and being on for hours and hours on end
Yes but success also determines the next game or sequel to be made that's the point i'm making. TIME TRAVELLER could easly be called a smash hit because it sold very strongly but not many people actually played it oin the arcades. That's part of the reason why any followup that an arcade gamemaker may undertake is important because if the first game didn't do well in the arcade centres the operators won't order another version or sequel or type of it again.

None of us now it would sell decent on Kinect, because SEGA hasn't tried it and even if they were  it could be a nice cheap and simple production and if you are to go on sales before then sales of Golden Axe show the IP is dead .  Looking over to make a new Golden Axe game would need a much bigger team and bigger production budget if its to have any chance of taking on today's 3D action games
I never said GAXE would be cheaper to make. But neither would SAMBA if moved to the Move will probably not only have to use the move preperial but the 3D element as well as well as obtaining the licenses for the music it may want to use. And then you have to create a new game around it.

Be nice if you just have a open mined , some people  wants a new Golden Axe and people like Sharky make a decent case. I like to see a new Space Channel 5 game or more so a new Shinobi game and can all debate the pro's and con's. Why you have wade in with the Trademark insults and turn everything into a hate war and you know more than anyone about SEGA I really do not know

I haven't turned this into a hate war. The problem is and always been you. The problem with you is you want everyone to agree with you and you only. Your arguments don't make any sense at all. You come with this laughable premise about GAXE being dead because the genre its in is being dead when that genre its in has several succesful franchises which are still going. Yet when someone makes the same point to you about the games that YOU like being dead it you go into a triad and slander their character. And when that doesn't work you distract that person by creating more arguments on silly little things. The reality is this, GAXE has more of a chance to come back than SC5 because its a more better known title and its seen as a prestige Sega title. As the countless ports prove. Now will it come back as a new title? Who knows. But the game retail wise has been more successful than SC5 and SAMBA. That's a fact. Sega has brought those two titles back on more than one occassion and they have failed. Now to me that's a proven case of a game being dead,you can keep making points about Kinect and move but there's no guarantee that the games will succeed when they haven't succeeded on platforms with a bigger userbase. I don't have anything against SC5 and Samba, i would welcome their return but i'm not blind to the reality of their situation like you are. Its obvious you don't like GAXE because of your constant erronous attacks about the genre its in doesn't sell when in fact it has and still is. Now please cease your zealous behaviour


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Re: Why didn't Platinum work on a classic Sega IP...
« Reply #31 on: January 01, 2012, 06:24:09 am »
I'm not going to turn this in a trademark quoting session and spoil another thread so I just do some brief points

Yes Quake came out inthe Arcades before Outtrigger and Yes I agree Outtrigger was a bold move, but when you control some 60% of the Arcade market you can take some risks more so on the cheaper NA@MI board but yes to SEGA, Tatio, Namco making a FPS for the Arcade market were risks . Yes you make a vaild point about Virutal Fighter,  that's what I mean when SEGA is at is best when it takes other games for inspiration and put its own spin on it.. Like with Panzer Dragoon or REZ - nothing more than simple 3D shooters but the SEGA spin is very telling and the same for SC 5 A music game inspired by Parappa the Rapper and the like, yet the SEGA spin and take on it is brilliant

Sonic is all the better for going back to being SONIC. Outrun is an example of where SEGA made a ton of money not just based on a percentage of revenue  from people playing the game, but also selling out of every unit  ever manufacture in both cases it was a win Samba sold all its units and was a great success in Japan and be nice to see SEGA do a spin on the game for either Kinect or Move or both imo
You clearly talked  of After Burner Climax in the same breath as After Burner BF  but lets leave that be

 Now don't turn this in to a hate war or I know more about SEGA. Lets get back on the debate on which IP could work today or may work .
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Offline ROJM

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Re: Why didn't Platinum work on a classic Sega IP...
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2012, 06:06:42 am »

Yes Quake came out inthe Arcades before Outtrigger and Yes I agree Outtrigger was a bold move, but when you control some 60% of the Arcade market you can take some risks more so on the cheaper NA@MI board but yes to SEGA, Tatio, Namco making a FPS for the Arcade market were risks . Yes you make a vaild point about Virutal Fighter,  that's what I mean when SEGA is at is best when it takes other games for inspiration and put its own spin on it.. Like with Panzer Dragoon or REZ - nothing more than simple 3D shooters but the SEGA spin is very telling and the same for SC 5 A music game inspired by Parappa the Rapper and the like, yet the SEGA spin and take on it is brilliant

good we agree on one thing. Apart from the fact that while its true about the 60 percent control, what i'm trying to infer is that this behaviour of not making the obvious choices was part of sega's DNA ,i believe they would have done the same thing regardless of how much they had control of the market. We just have to look at their earlier arcade titles and console games to see that. This behaviour has been their strengh and also their greatest weakness IMHO. Under satomi though that's drastically been toned down. My point with OT was who had the idea first to do an FPS arcade the quake team or the sega team? To me it just sounds like they managed to get their version first.

Outrun is an example of where SEGA made a ton of money not just based on a percentage of revenue  from people playing the game, but also selling out of every unit  ever manufacture in both cases it was a win Samba sold all its units and was a great success in Japan
Units sold and units played are two different things. If people don't PLAY the game then the arcade operator doesn't make that much revenue which will affect the orders for any potential sequel Sega would want to make or sell. You are so fond of adding the DC then why the hell did sega include SDA 2000 edition of the game with the original version? I know because i got it. Using the idealogy that the game was ported because it was popular doesn't make sense,since you might as well say 18 WHEELER was a hit as well and that was ported. OUTRUN was a bigger hit in japan and aboard. Both sold units and units made a lot of money on the arcade floor. Hardly the same thing in Samba's case.

and be nice to see SEGA do a spin on the game for either Kinect or Move or both imo
Not a fan of RON i take it? I would but while their creative surpless seems to be down in sega japan i not sure sega has the people to create a great kinect game but who knows?

Now let's get this clear. I'm not saying i wouldn't want to see a proper new SAMBA or a SC5 title with move or kinect ability.I'm questioning the point on will they. And we all know what may look perfect sense to a fan doesn't translate to the boardroom or developers mind in Sega for some reason. other than that i 'm using the reason that the games haven't done well on the previous platforms mentioned outside of a sega base system. Who knows how the SC5 download is doing.Well enough to warrant a sequel? In this climate i dunno in this commericial fiscal sensible sega regime.

You clearly talked  of After Burner Climax in the same breath as After Burner BF

No i didn't. That's why i said and BF if i was saying they were the same game i would have said afc and the psp version. ::)Nice try but no cigar.

Now don't turn this in to a hate war or I know more about SEGA. Lets get back on the debate on which IP could work today or may work .

I haven't turned this into a hate war you have. I've simply stuck to the facts.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 06:08:48 am by ROJM »

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Re: Why didn't Platinum work on a classic Sega IP...
« Reply #33 on: January 12, 2012, 03:50:51 am »
Rise of Nightmares I don't mind the game it even has some nice ideas and moments,  but its hurt by a total miss judgement by SEGA for a number of reasons (and Yes I do own the game) The playtime for one thing is far too long (levels too big and too long)  and I thought it was a huge mistake by SEGA to think that the casual's (who are the ones that love Kinect) would ever take to this style of a game , this is a more game for the serious gamer and its age ranting is a killer for family gamers (the casual's)  and why I felt it would have been better if SEGA made a music game with lovely bright visuals and real happy go lucky feeling (which is Samba all over) that would have been a better fit, that's all

Move is a little different as it can handle the serious and non serious games and gamers thanks to SONY wise choice on input method
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Re: Why didn't Platinum work on a classic Sega IP...
« Reply #34 on: January 12, 2012, 12:01:15 pm »
RoN was a missed oppurtunity in my opinion for the exact sentiments you've expressed. But i feel it will be one of those titles that will be better appreciated over the years for being different after the 360 becomes another note in game console history.Trouble is if Segatech's Kinect title is still happening and THE AVENGERS being kinect enabled it doesn't seem the hardcore titles from sega is going to stop with just one. I wonder if this is more to do with the company showing gamers that they are being different rather than just doing what makes sense because of the consumer base.

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Re: Why didn't Platinum work on a classic Sega IP...
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2012, 07:08:22 am »
I would imagine some of Rise of Nightmare idea's will be copied by future Kinetic titles , but the market for that title with Kinect isn't there yet  its not mature enough and most of the people who like and play Kinect  are family and casual gamers - that may well change in the future.
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Re: Why didn't Platinum work on a classic Sega IP...
« Reply #36 on: January 19, 2012, 11:44:30 am »
I would imagine some of Rise of Nightmare idea's will be copied by future Kinetic titles , but the market for that title with Kinect isn't there yet  its not mature enough and most of the people who like and play Kinect  are family and casual gamers - that may well change in the future.

I don't think it ever will be there, unless M$ proves me wrong on this( i said once that the current systems won't go for the immediate  new system update after 8 years) but if they update their 360 system then the kinect won't gather the audience IE pull the average "core" gamer to their system. Actually this is similar to my feelings of the megadrive and saturn. While were always going to disagree about the 32x being an asset or taking away games from saturn, one add on that should have been made for saturn and not the MD was the ill fated SEGA VR system,which of course never came out but the tech would have been better suited for the saturn and would have immediatly differentiated it from its competitors.

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Re: Why didn't Platinum work on a classic Sega IP...
« Reply #37 on: January 20, 2012, 12:23:42 am »
I think Kinect it utter shit but it looks like MS is now making it more or less a must have with the way it's trying to make sure every game uses it and push it - even down to voice command which the 360 Head set can do anway .

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Re: Why didn't Platinum work on a classic Sega IP...
« Reply #38 on: January 22, 2012, 03:59:36 pm »
I suppose you can say that. I think Move's better and that's coming from an anti s*ny supporter. :-\

*Patiently waiting for the day when Sega decides to return to consoles to end my current hell.

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Re: Why didn't Platinum work on a classic Sega IP...
« Reply #39 on: January 23, 2012, 02:04:42 am »
I suppose you can say that. I think Move's better and that's coming from an anti s*ny supporter. :-\

They're both pretty crap to be honest but that's down to me not liking motion controls at all. What I do like about move is the interface-since you had a input device and something to interact with and the fact that it means light gun games now work pretty well on HDTV even for the next gen systems
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Re: Why didn't Platinum work on a classic Sega IP...
« Reply #40 on: January 24, 2012, 05:29:42 am »
They're both pretty crap to be honest but that's down to me not liking motion controls at all. What I do like about move is the interface-since you had a input device and something to interact with and the fact that it means light gun games now work pretty well on HDTV even for the next gen systems

that's my point, Move is good for the LG games. Now that sega has finally figured a way to use these games effectivly for this gen without adding extra costs,i'm expecting a flurry of Sega LG games to hit. Now HOTD4 is coming maybe its time for VC 3 to finally make an appearence. Top of my list though is for a 2 SPICY and(while it would make sense for them to do it as a cash in ) Alien 3: The Gun port. Kinect and move i wouldn't say is my all fave but i'd like seeing Sega experiment with new tech and doing something different with it(even if it doesn't work all that well.)
« Last Edit: January 24, 2012, 05:40:13 am by ROJM »