To me, this game was never a good idea.
It was, again to me(!), the same old Platinum Games offering of a redundant game in a tired genre and relying on their personality pedigree to sell it to fans.
A brawler? A Beat-em-up? I think I did this in Battletoads, Double Dragon, Turtles in Time, Streets of Rage, Golden Ax, Streets of Rage 2, Final Fight, Spikeout, Fighting Force, Dynasty Warriors, Streets of Rage 3, God Hand, Devil May Cry, Spiderman, X-Men, Fighting Force 2, Battletoads and Double Dragon, Xmen Arcade, The Simpsons Arcade Game, Final Fight 2, Guardian Heroes, DYnamite Cop, Zombie Revenge, TMNT Hyperstone Heist, Viewtiful Joe, The Bouncer, Die Hard Arcade, and Kenka Bancho.
I think the genres pretty much played out.
I know this opinion has proven to be unpopular, but Platinum Games is all show, no go.