I've been saying this for the last few years. Don't hold out expecting big things from Sega, they are rolling in FREEMIUM APP money now.
The fact that they are giving YSNet the rights to use the IP is almost a small miracle. Again, 'It's the best we got'.
This is Sega 2015, not Sega 1999.
SEGA 2015 - You cunts all ran us out of business, now make our games. FUCKING DICKS.
Next up, Microsoft continuing the Panzer Dragon series whilst SEGA laughs manically preparing movies for all their IPs about to be made by the big 3.
[spoiler]Alien: Isolation 2 is going to be big Mang :' <[/spoiler]
We were talking about this before, we both secretly expected it to be HD 1&2. But I think we both had that little spark, deep down inside somewhere thinking, maybe, just maybe it's part 3.
Deep down I believed. It is in our VERY SEGA DNA.
SEGA is changing the game.
Next it's Kickstarting Shinobi 4.
I BELIEVE (In crowd funding)