So pcm92's list is making me think we might need a new rule... but I want some input first.
I know I said SEGA developed and published games were fair game, but I failed to think of the many many games that were published by SEGA in the home console era that SEGA played no part in developing. Should the likes of Quake and Mortal Kombat and Prince of Persia be eligible?
First off, from what I've found SEGA played no part in developing or publishing Mortal Kombat. Same deal with Prince of Persia. Only the MEGA CD version in Japan had SEGA involved as a publisher. Even then, none of these games – in my opinion – qualify as SEGA developed or published. SEGA doesn't own any of these IPs.
My issue also is that in the case of Quake, while SEGA did publish it for the Saturn, it is just such a tenuous connection and I feel it just takes advantage of the rules on page one. I feel that there is a loophole here that needs filling.