Don't watch the Angry Joe review, CrazyTails, you'll just get more depressed.
He gave it a 1/10
Though Angry Joe and all of those cartoon characters over at go so x-treme and over the top with their "reviews" that it's hard for me to take them seriously. They tend to spend more time thinking up ways to create memes and animated gif material than actually giving a realistic review.
One viewer commented:
I can't believe some people are still trying to defend this game, even with the evidence mounting against them that the game just doesn't work. I dunno, maybe some have been able to get it to work to a satsifactory degree, but if the game's actively making you work to make it playable then it's just failed completely.
So even if I personally have played the game, found the controls to be precise enough to have a fun time and genuinely look forward to playing it again, I'm not allowed to have those opinions because somebody made a "ROFL, OMFG he's so angry and haters need to STFU" video review.