Selvaria Bles and Alicia Melchiott were absurdly well endowned too, methinks, though Bhrunhilde certainly takes the cake. Illustrations done by an eroge artist? That explains a lot when I look at some of the character designs.
Anyway, I'm currentely at Chapter 9 and I am getting closer to the end. There's a shrowd a mystery that still hangs over the overall story but so far...
I'll say this first, as far as average JRPGs go, this at least, this towers over those easily. It's a weird mix, of quasi-turn based and on-the-fly hack & slash, but once you get into the game's groove and understand how you do magic, as well as upgrades, it all clicks.
Dare I say that, despite the fact that the cutscenes can sometimes drag on for a while, the story is quite engaging. While Valkyria Chronicles relies heavily on the four main leads, they do their best to make sure you care about the 8 or so Vannaguard members. Trust me, you'll care about 'em if you let them die on the battlefield before the time runs out.
I did, but fortunately I cheated by going back to a previous save file.