Author Topic: Passionate SEGA Discussion Topic for TA & ROJM and anyone else  (Read 42749 times)

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: SEGA Discussion Topic for TA & ROJM
« Reply #45 on: February 02, 2013, 07:50:34 am »
Not with SHINING FORCE they didn't, they were a fresh new team at the time co developing the title with another new fresh team. BOTH were not associated with Sega

They did help out SEGA with Shining Force its even on their website (still),they've helped SEGA out a number of times. Yes the two brothers were contracted to SEGA Japan which is different I guess but it was still sort of In-House production . It really was after the 1st two games that SEGA had little to do with the series I think

People were slagging off Sega left right and centre back at the GR forums and you didn't say anything to say the whether the arcade games were good or no

They were but at that time they wasn't much hope of them making the journey to the 360 and its similar now ; loads here want the likes of Shining or Border Break to come the consoles but they're falling on death ear's .  SEGA with its close links to PC Tech ever since Model 3 and that the carried through with Chinhiro, Lindberg should have been the Japanese Studio to make out the likes of the 360, but they never really did (bar the odd game) They came to the next gen a bit too late when they should have lead (for a Jp studio) I hope they don't do the same for the PS4 and 720 and right now are working on next gen engines

I think they stood out quite nicely between 2008-2011

There's a couple of nice games, buts not the SEGA of old really and this year looks pretty basic (so far)

That's like saying Yuzo was part of Sega when in fact he wasn't

Well he was contracted to SEGA and SOJ teams helped him out , like with the brothers at Cam . Though I guess you can't really count them as In-House productions .

You mean the code?

No the IP rights to the game world and characters - Just like SEGA does with MSR, REZ but it didn't stop the real people who made it, making sequels in all but name.
Platinum could make a game that was Bay II in all but name, but she's such a class character it would have been a huge loss

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Offline ROJM

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Re: SEGA Discussion Topic for TA & ROJM
« Reply #46 on: February 02, 2013, 08:01:48 am »
They did help out SEGA with Shining Force its even on their website (still),they've helped SEGA out a number of times. Yes the two brothers were contracted to SEGA Japan which is different I guess but it was still sort of In-House production . It really was after the 1st two games that SEGA had little to do with the series I think

Dont use the website trick. It doesn't say they helped out sonic planning it says they were developers, they were part of the same group designated to create the SHINING titles. That was always the case. Climax went on their own after SHF2. But they both weren't part of the company just attached. Sega's always been involved in SHF, they just didn't dictate what they had to do, until the big fiasco and fallout with Sega with the saturn SHF title.

They were but at that time they wasn't much hope of them making the journey to the 360 and its similar now ; loads here want the likes of Shining or Border Break to come the consoles but they're falling on death ear's .  SEGA with its close links to PC Tech ever since Model 3 and that the carried through with Chinhiro, Lindberg should have been the Japanese Studio to make out the likes of the 360, but they never really did (bar the odd game) They came to the next gen a bit too late when they should have lead (for a Jp studio) I hope they don't do the same for the PS4 and 720 and right now are working on next gen engines

Sorry, what has that got to do with you not saying that Sega was still producing good games in their arcade divison during the early to mid noughties?

There's a couple of nice games, buts not the SEGA of old really and this year looks pretty basic (so far)

I thought it was a throwback to the Sega of old, Strong SOJ titles, Strong Sega west titles and strong second party support. Much like the Sega consumer divison of old back in the Genesis era.
Well he was contracted to SEGA and SOJ teams helped him out , like with the brothers at Cam . Though I guess you can't really count them as In-House productions .
Course not because he was able to copyright and own his music of the games he made at Sega.

No the IP rights to the game world and characters - Just like SEGA does with MSR, REZ but it didn't stop the real people who made it, making sequels in all but name.
Platinum could make a game that was Bay II in all but name, but she's such a class character it would have been a huge loss
Nope, i  just said that in the previous post already. Stealing other people's comments and passing it off as your own is bad enough but to do it in replying to the post which comments you have stolen and passing it off as your own in some bizarre attempt to look like you've just thought of it? That's insane.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 08:13:18 am by ROJM »

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: SEGA Discussion Topic for TA & ROJM
« Reply #47 on: February 04, 2013, 07:39:37 am »
Dont use the website trick

It not a website trick, But also confirmed Kan Naito in a old interview with Gamefan - when talking about Dark Savour

Sega was still producing good games in their arcade divison during the early to mid noughties?

If SEGA Arcade games were crap- No-one would be wanting asking for 360 ports now would they

I thought it was a throwback to the Sega of old, Strong SOJ titles

Other than Yakuza and Binary (and to a point Sonic) what have been the strong SEGA console developed games (bar some great Arcade ports ) In-House games ?

Course not because he was able to copyright and own his music of the games he made at Sega
Did he for Shenmue ?

Nope, i  just said that in the previous post already

No I have said this in countless Bay posts . There is a world of difference between a publisher just picking up the rights to a team that made and developed a game .

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Re: SEGA Discussion Topic for TA & ROJM
« Reply #48 on: February 04, 2013, 08:12:51 am »
It not a website trick, But also confirmed Kan Naito in a old interview with Gamefan - when talking about Dark Savour
It is because the website doesn't say they "supported" sonic planning. And the GFn article is baloney because he doesn't say that either.

If SEGA Arcade games were crap- No-one would be wanting asking for 360 ports now would they
its taken you over six posts to come up with that? Try again.

Other than Yakuza and Binary (and to a point Sonic) what have been the strong SEGA console developed games (bar some great Arcade ports ) In-House games ?
You tell me since you consider SOJ titles to be the only games allowed to call themselves bonafide Sega games. And this is coming from a guy who hates the megadrive.

Did he for Shenmue ?
Yes, because SHENMUE came out on the megadrive.... ::)

No I have said this in countless Bay posts . There is a world of difference between a publisher just picking up the rights to a team that made and developed a game .

No you haven't, until i brought it up. BAYONETTA isn't a game Sega just walked in one day and acquired like COMPANY OF HEROES. Its a title like many other second party development that Sega has been involved in that Sega paid the development for from the beginning.

Offline Trippled

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Re: SEGA Discussion Topic for TA & ROJM
« Reply #49 on: February 04, 2013, 10:26:23 am »
Other than Yakuza and Binary (and to a point Sonic) what have been the strong SEGA console developed games (bar some great Arcade ports ) In-House games ?

You talk as if during the Genesis/Saturn Era, they had that many more Consumer games and teams.

Back then there was...

Sonic Team (with departures such as Ristar, Nights and Burning Rangers..)
Team Shinobi with Street of Rage, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Sakura Wars and the Phantasy Star games
Team Andromeda


Sonic Team (while not all games were great, you can't deny that they had huge departure undertakings within the Sonic series...)
Team Yakuza
And the RPG Team with Valkyria Chronicles and the Phantasy Star Online games.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 10:52:27 am by Trippled »

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: SEGA Discussion Topic for TA & ROJM
« Reply #50 on: February 10, 2013, 04:30:57 am »
It is because the website doesn't say they "supported" sonic planning.

They did a lot of the coding , very much like G-Rev coded a lot of Ikaruga while they were still trying to get established , but it will always be Treasure that gets the credit .

its taken you over six posts to come up with that

Well if you don't like SEGA Arcade games, why would you want home ports ?

And this is coming from a guy who hates the megadrive.

I don't hate the MD at all. I just liked the Mega CD and Snes more.

Yes, because SHENMUE came out on the megadrive

You said the music he made at SEGA ; Well he did a bit of the Music to Shenmue which he wasn't able to copyright and I'm sure the same goes for the music to his Game Gear/MS ports of Sonic or Eye of the Beholder on the Mega CD

BAYONETTA isn't a game Sega just walked in one day

Platinium were trying to court many publishes. SEGA just game up with the money and agreed to take a hands off approach (which is what the team really wanted)

You talk as if during the Genesis/Saturn Era, they had that many more Consumer games and teams.

Mega Drive not so much . Saturn era is when SEGA consumer Team rose to the top of the list and where the Arcade Teams also then had dedicated lines consumer lines.

Sonic Team (with departures such as Ristar, Nights and Burning Rangers..)
Team Shinobi with Street of Rage, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Sakura Wars and the Phantasy Star games
Team Andromeda


Sonic Team (while not all games were great, you can't deny that they had huge departure undertakings within the Sonic series...)
Team Yakuza
And the RPG Team with Valkyria Chronicles and the Phantasy Star Online games.


Back inthe Saturn days you had

Sonic Team
Team Andromeda

And then like 2  more Consumer Software Teams that made the likes of Magic Knight Rayearth, Deep Fear,Blue seed , Wings Arms, Wachenroder  SEGA Rally Port
Doesn't  come close these days at all, or even to the DC days where SEGA had 10 In-House software teams pumping out the classics.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 04:33:14 am by Team Andromeda »
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Offline ROJM

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Re: SEGA Discussion Topic for TA & ROJM
« Reply #51 on: February 10, 2013, 12:39:37 pm »
They did a lot of the coding , very much like G-Rev coded a lot of Ikaruga while they were still trying to get established , but it will always be Treasure that gets the credit .

No, they co developed the title, they weren't a support team brought in to help a more established team, they were both new teams at the time(if you coud call them even that) So stop using recent trends to prove a point of an era you obviously know nothing about.

Well if you don't like SEGA Arcade games, why would you want home ports ?

Yawn, try again before spinning someone's comments. Too bad you haven't answered the original question. If you thought they were so good back in the mid noughties, how come you didn't say so, when people were slagging Sega's games off in general. Its quite laughable how you keep dodging something you obviously cannot answer by sidelining it.Grow up.

I don't hate the MD at all. I just liked the Mega CD and Snes more.

Not what you said and you know it.

You said the music he made at SEGA ; Well he did a bit of the Music to Shenmue which he wasn't able to copyright and I'm sure the same goes for the music to his Game Gear/MS ports of Sonic or Eye of the Beholder on the Mega CD

I said music at the time of the genesis era which i eluded to by mentioning certain games. Again stop using recent parts of Sega history that you are familiar of and then try to judge it as something that they practiced in general.

Platinium were trying to court many publishes. SEGA just game up with the money

You don't say.  ::)But then again Sega paid for these games.Own them too. I suggest you look up on the subject of copyright law under videogames.Nintendo did which is why the SEGA logo is still present on the sequel and will be copyrighted to them.

hands off approach (which is what the team really wanted)
I said that already.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 12:41:25 pm by ROJM »

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: SEGA Discussion Topic for TA & ROJM
« Reply #52 on: February 10, 2013, 02:23:30 pm »
No, they co developed the title

So they go from not having anything to do with the game to go-developing the game ? And there's nothing new about Ikaruga nor is having little or start up coming making games for bigger corps - It's happen in the Zx spectrum days .

If you thought they were so good back in the mid noughties

I did  >:(
That's why I bought Arcade ports like Outrun 2002, Spikeout, Virtual Tennis III, VF IV, Afterburner Climax, HOTD III, HOTD IV, Initial D, Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns pack, Ghpst Squad  . Shame more weren't ported like Lets go Jungle and Border Break for starters

Not what you said and you know it

Very much what I said and think. I like the MD, but compared the likes of Saturn, Mega CD, MS or Snes it doesn't come close imo

I said music at the time of the genesis

Well you didn't and even in the Mega Drive years Yuzo didn't own all the trademarks to his music like with Sonic series on the Gamegear which his corp made for SEGA.

I suggest you look up on the subject of copyright law under videogames.Nintendo did which is why the SEGA logo is still present on the sequel and will be copyrighted to them

Anyone that loads up Daytona USA 2001 knows what a mess IP rights can be
Now people might want to give Hasbro the deal for making the game , I tend to give credit to SEGA and Genki for it.  So I don't consider Bay II to be a SEGA game just having their logo will mean little to me

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Offline ROJM

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Re: SEGA Discussion Topic for TA & ROJM
« Reply #53 on: February 11, 2013, 11:05:57 am »
So they go from not having anything to do with the game to go-developing the game ? And there's nothing new about Ikaruga nor is having little or start up coming making games for bigger corps - It's happen in the Zx spectrum days .

Your the one saying they hardly had anything to do with the game not me. Climax was quite intergral to SHINING's development. Not some hired team helping out a bigger team considering BOTH were new teams semi attacthed to Sega.

I did  >:(
No you didn't. That's why you keep dodging the question.

Very much what I said and think. I like the MD, but compared the likes of Saturn, Mega CD, MS or Snes it doesn't come close imo
Absolute tosh. The MD had beter first party support, second party support and beter third party titles. Granted the SNES came up with some solid titles but they were few and far betwen compard to what he MD had on offer.

Well you didn't and even in the Mega Drive years Yuzo didn't own all the trademarks to his music like with Sonic series on the Gamegear which his corp made for SEGA.

Oh yes, because Sonic is a shining example of what i'm on about, even using a licensed game to try and prove a point too. Try again mate.

Anyone that loads up Daytona USA 2001 knows what a mess IP rights can be
Now people might want to give Hasbro the deal for making the game , I tend to give credit to SEGA and Genki for it.  So I don't consider Bay II to be a SEGA game just having their logo will mean little to me

Yawn, use a better example than a licensed game to prove a point. Next thing you will be using STAR WARS ARCADE as an example. Point is Sega has paid something towards the games development, or the title couldn't have gotten canned in the first place. Second BAYONETTA isn't licensed by Sega its OWNED by them, so try again. This nonsense coming from someone who demanded Sega to buy Starbreeze and seemingly excited about Creative Asembly coming into the fold and what's happened recently with Relic is bagging on BAYONETTA not being a Sega title a game Sega actually owns the rights to.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 11:10:47 am by ROJM »

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Re: SEGA Discussion Topic for TA & ROJM
« Reply #54 on: February 11, 2013, 11:11:24 am »
Preferably, I wouldn't mind a new IP in the RPG segment.
Then you'll be over the moon about the new BORDERBREAK RPG game.

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Re: SEGA Discussion Topic for TA & ROJM
« Reply #55 on: February 11, 2013, 11:15:14 am »
Then you'll be over the moon about the new BORDERBREAK RPG game.

The mobile phone game?

Offline Trippled

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Re: SEGA Discussion Topic for TA & ROJM
« Reply #56 on: February 11, 2013, 05:43:09 pm »
Mega Drive not so much . Saturn era is when SEGA consumer Team rose to the top of the list and where the Arcade Teams also then had dedicated lines consumer lines.


Back inthe Saturn days you had

Sonic Team
Team Andromeda

Doesn't  come close these days at all, or even to the DC days where SEGA had 10 In-House software teams pumping out the classics.

And then like 2  more Consumer Software Teams that made the likes of Magic Knight Rayearth, Deep Fear,Blue seed , Wings Arms, Wachenroder  SEGA Rally Port

What? You talk about published games not being relevant at all, yet you talk about them. All of these games were published by Sega or made by Western Studios. And if we can count western devs now, Sega has now Relic, Creative Assembly, Hardlight, Three Rings...yeah. And that is as much as the "10" consumer divisions they had in the DC Era...

Also AM1, 2 and 3 are still doing games. On Lindbergh they have released 4 racing games (R-Tuned, Race TV, Hummer, Harley Davidson...), HotD 4, EX, 2Spicy Ghost Squad Sequel and the Let's go.... games. Also there are the 2 interresting Shining Cross and Border Break games, that are frequently updated. Lots of stuff on Lindbergh/Ringedge. Overall tough yeah the Model 2/3 stuff was more and better at the time obviously.

YES, not many games got ports, but let's just take a look at the output. It's not as revolutionary and groundbreaking as it was back in the day, but the quantity isn't much lower at all.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 05:44:41 pm by Trippled »

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Re: SEGA Discussion Topic for TA & ROJM
« Reply #57 on: February 12, 2013, 06:41:55 am »
The mobile phone game?
Uh huh, official title...
 BORDERBREAK Mobile: Gun Front Hurricane.(sigh)what a waste....

Like i said if Sega were to release this on console, then it'll be for the Wii U since its the only system out there at the moment that can mimic the touch screen controls of the arcade.

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Re: SEGA Discussion Topic for TA & ROJM
« Reply #58 on: February 12, 2013, 07:18:08 am »
What? You talk about published games not being relevant at all, yet you talk about them. All of these games were published by Sega or made by Western Studios. And if we can count western devs now, Sega has now Relic, Creative Assembly, Hardlight, Three Rings...yeah. And that is as much as the "10" consumer divisions they had in the DC Era...

Also AM1, 2 and 3 are still doing games. On Lindbergh they have released 4 racing games (R-Tuned, Race TV, Hummer, Harley Davidson...), HotD 4, EX, 2Spicy Ghost Squad Sequel and the Let's go.... games. Also there are the 2 interresting Shining Cross and Border Break games, that are frequently updated. Lots of stuff on Lindbergh/Ringedge. Overall tough yeah the Model 2/3 stuff was more and better at the time obviously.

YES, not many games got ports, but let's just take a look at the output. It's not as revolutionary and groundbreaking as it was back in the day, but the quantity isn't much lower at all.

I see the point you are making. The problem i think is people can't seperate Sega the publisher from Sega the developer from sega the company. This is both compounded by the fact that Sega use to be in the position that Sony and Microsoft and Nintendo still occupy.

Now as a developer is Sega still relevant? Anyone who has played BINARY DOMAIN can attest to their strengh of executing good game mechanics and ideas. The problem is how Sega has acted as a publisher since they've become a third party. Sega as a third party has sucked. it sucked back in the golden era of atari and colectovision and until recently it was a bad experience with the xbox Ps2 generation of systems.
Sega's strengh to me as a company producing game systems for home entertainment was that they always managed to supply a type of choice to someone intrested in their products. The reason i gave the Megadrive as an example is simply because that was the era where a sega consumer had a choice of playing a sega arcade port, a SOJ consumer title or a Sega west/american title and a title that they decided to publish because the original developer copuldn't afford to publish or didn't/wasn't allowed to publish the games themselves.  Because of what happened, the Sega brand went beyond what it meant previously and evolved into something else. Before then it meant SPACE HARRIER, OUTRUN AFTERBURNER, the best of the arcade. Sega was the best of the arcade and still was an arcade brand. But that changed drastically. By the time the megadrive went kaput the name meant SONIC, ECCO THE DOLPHIN, VIRTUA FIGHTER, TOEJAM AND EARL etc. it symbolises the best of both console and arcade development. Its meaning had changed. It was no coincidence that sega's succesful period was when all the divisions at that time from SOJ to Sega of america were working to produce the best games they could either working to create a great sequel in Sonic 2 or giving the company a persona to draw in the crowd.
But during Sega's form as a third party while there has been strong and excellent titles, you could effectivly count them on all fingers. But during 2008-2011, things changed. During this period Sega started at least to act like they once were. You saw at least more arcade ports or should i say relavent arcade ports, SOJ developed titles which some were actually being localised, strong japanese second party support and good Sega western titles.  I defy anyone here say they weren't at least spoilt for choice with what sega was offering as a third party at that time, whether you liked the games or not. Even the digital titles that were being released from sega was at least different and interesting to what they are a t the moment(hopefully this will change) Sega isn't just about SOJ or Sega west or whatever but a combination of these things, strong titles that made the company as unique in the nineties as they were during 2008-2011. When Sega fires on all cylinders they are unstoppable. Unfortunatly some of the attitudes that helped in their downfall still exists today. One such mentality is that "the game will speak for it self" and "we dont need to market it". That may work in the arcades when Sega titles easily stand out but much to BINARY DOMAIN's chargrin as well as a few others doesn't work in the consumer field.

Just because its a western title which sega either helped setup or acquired doesn't make it less sega. The sad truth at this moment in time is that the sega west titles have been saving the consumer division from having a disastrous financial report.

I'm not a fan of the recent arcade output because its just endless repeats of the same game(s) and that half of the titles released have been geared towards younger gamers or worse, gambling. But most people wouldn't know that because a lot of the titles have never been ported, it seemed that they were starting to do so a few years back by porting at least the best of these games but that was before this digital focus announcement. 

As for number of teams. Well if you just count the SOJ official teams then yes but the reality is there were so many sub teams and attache contract teams within the company from the MD era onwards its hard to really count the actual teams they did have. And that's including the western teams Sega had acquired or formed at any previous time.

I mean during the DC era you not only had the 10 "lost" teams of Sega but you also had Crazy Game/climax Graphix or whatever they called them selves making titles for sega like ILLBLEED on a contract basis, Wrap graphics were effectivly creating second party games exclusivly for sega back in the saturn era and into the DC era which sega for some reason still control their IP and so on. Even Ancient's titles a team which more or less formed within sega much like camelot and Climax were a sub team that was never properly part of the sega setup but still associated with Sega. And after the DC era companies like Hitmaker, Sonic Team and Overworks were subcontracting their games to smaller teams to develop the titles on their slate. So yes we can pick off the official teams but the reality is there were more teams making games for sega than people like to think.

If anything SOJ is been man handled by management rather than lack of creative vision, which is something TA has eluded to.

So the point you make,Trip, is valid and correct but i feel many people need to understand that Sega's position in this market has always been a unique and different one. And long may it continue.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 07:44:37 am by ROJM »

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Re: SEGA Discussion Topic for TA & ROJM
« Reply #59 on: February 12, 2013, 11:55:47 am »
Overall I do feel that Dreamcast and Genesis Era SEGA definitly was better on the Consumer side.

I just think that since they went 3rd Party they operate very simiilarly like they did in the Saturn Era. Focused on the Japanese audience, and a good amount of output was Arcade only.