I stopped paying attention right when the Yakuza stuff started. Man, TGS presentations are nothing like E3 presentations. For every game they had, they showed maybe about three minutes of gameplay at most and then just sat there talking for the rest of the time.
I guess Yakuza 6 and Kiwami are pretty good but I bet a lot of people here in the west are gonna find it really difficult to get excited for new games in a series that is notorious for not getting localized. I guess Nagoshi is focusing his efforts on the home base rather than the international scene.
Also, yeah, pretty much every game they showed was PlayStation exclusive or oriented. PSO2, Yakuza, Miku, Odin Sphere, Persona, the Vanillaware mech game, I think they showed a fighting game? The only thing I can think of that wasn't PlayStation were the mobile games and the 3DS compilation. Did they show much of anything (aside from the western games they're publishing in Japan) that's not PlayStation only? I guess I can't really complain, no one cares about the Xbox One and Japanese players care about the Wii U less than western players do, PC is still niche, and there isn't a whole lot else to go on for that audience.