Correcting the earlier mention of the Sonic tracks being Sonic Heroes tracks: I'd say the Sonic tracks are more of a 50/50 split. Half Heroes elements and half elements that represent a variety of Sonic games. Whale Lagoon has a Sonic Adventure/Sonic '06 feel, Lost Palace has a Green Hill Zone vibe (crabs, chomper fish, checkerboards). The casino levels look nothing like Heroes in some sections, feeling a bit more like Sonic Adventure's casino.
Anyway, here's my impressions:
I played the demo a good ten times, half Sonic and half Banjo. Really awesomely fun stuff!
I can see the HUGE amount of variety that the game will offer. The combination of tracks, drivers, power-ups and all-star moves is going to lead to a limitless number of races!
Gameplay is fast and varied. Graphics are gorgeous and the Sega references are brilliant.
My ONE complaint is the lack of at least ONE more IP in the tracks selection. I realize that a lot of the characters represented as racers would probably not offer tracks that are amazingly interesting. Shenmue, Virtua Fighter and Crazy Taxi would bring us realistic, but unbefitting locations. I love those games, but San Francisco or a small Japanese neighborhood aren't at the top of my list. Really, I'd take three unique JSRF tracks to San Francisco (and you can bet there would be Crazy Taxi music thanks to licensed music issues).
The Bonanza Bros, Opa-Opa and Alex Kidd would require Sumo to literally be the FIRST dev studio to create a fully 3D world from these 8-bit and 16-bit classics. Probably too large a task for a racing game. Chu Chu ROcket would be a rather boring track, I mean the entire of ChuChu Rocket features a single frame of a blue and white grid as a potential track location. *yawn*
Anyway, point I'm getting to is Space Channel 5 TOTALLY needed tracks. It brings that sleek, retro, spaceship vibe that no other IP track from the game offers! Plus, SC5 would have doubled for great ChuChu Rocket missions. I mean, Superstars Tennis had a decent amount of SC5 source material to draw from. Anyway, here's hoping for DLC.
As it stands, the game feels like a 8.5/10 to 9/10 (once everything is unlocked).
Akira watches you poop: