I don't think the mods will have an issue with this, but it's an idea I thought of to try and help Sega in the Tembo the Badass Elephant thread. Basically a street team is when fans etc spread the word of something they care about.
I've noticed how Sega try and push their games through trailers etc, but I rarely see any real discussion on them socially. Word of mouth (or keyboard in this case) play a huge role persuading people to at least check it out.
I remember a few years back a small development team started a kickstarter and a bunch of us decided to do this very thing for that. We don't know how well it went of course, but I'd be surprised if we didn't do some good.
So, here's the objectives. Regardless of what game it is (just released/or soon to be) we at least try and talk about it on some of the following list of social sites:
Twitter - even a RT from Sega themselves help
Steam community
whatever else I'm forgetting
Nintendo sites
And so on...
Another thing that sometimes helps is to bring them up in the off topic section of unreleated to games forums. See if any gamers that are also there are interested.
I must stress, I'm not saying create a load of accounts and spam. I'm simple saying if you have a account with other sites etc, use it to help raise the profile of a game. If a site's forum has a new releases or new announcements thread, simply post said game in there etc.