I want nothing to do with the people who are bitching about this release. "Another compilation? Pass!", "No Streets of Rage? Pass!", "It's not the new Sonic? Pass!"
Like, look. I know it is a compilation of already released games that are themselves rereleases. But a few facts: these are solid rereleases, they have awesome bonuses and tons of settings to change the way you play. SEGA is taking a chance and releasing a physical title, something many fans wrongfully assumed was never happening again thanks to bullshit video game press that got facts wrong.
If this does not include a 3D Classic you loved, its on the eShop. If you are passing on this because a 3D Classic title isn't on it, you're being an idiot. Passing on this = no sale for SEGA = message to them is people are not interested and they will not release another volume. Simple as that. Support physical releases, you get physical releases. That is how it works.