Author Topic: Shenmue City/Ys Net Topic!  (Read 41629 times)

Offline Mengels7

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Re: Shenmue on Yahoo Mobage WTF? Thread
« Reply #90 on: October 17, 2010, 11:30:19 am »
Game was pricey.  Was that $70mil figure used solely on the first Shenmue?  Possibly, but we've all seen stuff from Shenmue II early on, so I'm leaning towards it being a project figure.  That said, SHENMUE CITY!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Shenmue on Yahoo Mobage WTF? Thread
« Reply #91 on: October 17, 2010, 11:37:16 am »
Was that $70mil figure used solely on the first Shenmue

No the Shenmue Project up until that point. The Japanese DC version of Shenmue 1 cost SEGA $25 million to make, I think it also made into the Guinness book of World Records
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »
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Offline Nathan

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Re: Shenmue on Yahoo Mobage WTF? Thread
« Reply #92 on: October 18, 2010, 03:49:39 pm »
I thought it was always known that the Shenmue I for the Dreamcast cost $20 million and the project as a whole cost $70 from R&D for VFRPG until Shenmue I?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline ROJM

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Re: Shenmue on Yahoo Mobage WTF? Thread
« Reply #93 on: October 19, 2010, 06:34:45 am »
This is what gets me with you . Everyone knows (and the posts are still there) that I always said the Japanese DC version cost $20 million and the project cost $70 million.

Don't even try and make out otherwise

No not everyone knows. You were saying the reverse. So stop lying.

its widely know since Yu made that quote himself about 70 million went into Shenmue's development.

No from a interview with Game over by any chance ?. Its also confirmed in a feature with Sato in the Official Dreamcast Magazine

So you agree with me he said it himself. So why atre you saying no.You can't even be consistent.

What, so because it didn't happen that made it not true

No it means even when games are announced, they can stop production.

depends WHEN they stopped production. But you don't even know when certain games are in production.

Who said it was


Kikizo don't post in these forums. Who posted in here that said that? The sheepspinner continues.

So now you agree an actual game exists

Of course it exists, but how complete is it, That is the question. Given how so little of it was even shown off , I doubt very much of it at all. Also I doubt Shenmue III would finish the story with over 10 chapters left to be told

END OF ARGUMENT. That was the point. now please do me a favour and shut the hell up ok, kid?

No you always liked to make out SOA II was coming, so was Hang-On, So was Shinobi and GOD knows how many more SEGA games.  
I just made the point to you, it was not coming has it  never got past the Pre Production stage. Which at the time was very much correct, like with the new Hang-On and Shinobi (which went on to become Silver in Sonic 06 if u must know)
SOA2 was quoted by several people not just me includingSega higher ups. And please before we use the game development time lots of sega games are in dev before they can it.i can give many examples, so try again.
Never said HANG ON was being made EVER, SHINOBI as far as i know was being shopped around which is what i said from the start. But coming from the guy who said SAMBA wasn't getting made Valykria never going to get a sequel and hey tried to pass off that he knew about it before a certain member did isn't to be trusted and GOD knows what. And the thing is TA, i don't have the rep a twister or a liar like you do because other people have seen it for themselves.
Now please stop turning the forum into your personal TA knows the world forum. I'm fed up with you derailing other people's topics, twisting and downright lying about other users and specifically things that you said and turining the topic about a game into all about you. You want to do that in GR be my guess but don't do it here.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Mengels7

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Re: Shenmue on Yahoo Mobage WTF? Thread
« Reply #94 on: October 20, 2010, 12:39:18 am »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline jonboy101

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Re: Shenmue on Yahoo Mobage WTF? Thread
« Reply #95 on: October 20, 2010, 01:27:28 am »
A tidbit - Clockwork Knight RPG was for the GCN, and Skies 2 was most certainly discussed around 2002/2003. I very distinctly remember the head of Overworks talking with IGN about it, along with upcoming Sakura games.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Shenmue on Yahoo Mobage WTF? Thread
« Reply #96 on: October 20, 2010, 03:43:59 am »
SAMBA wasn't getting made Valykria never going to get a sequel and hey tried to pass off that

Yes Samba II on the PSP, which never happened (unlike what was said on that bullscrap list) , and Val II on the PS3 I'm still waiting for. What about those several Yu Suzuki games ?, which you said were coming, when anyone dared to make out, Yu days at SEGA were numbed ?  

Never said HANG ON was being made EVER, SHINOBI as far as i know was being shopped around which is what i said from the start
You were saying years back that a new hang On was in production.
Yes Shinobi was in development, but it got dropped and the team worked on Sonic 06

But you don't even know when certain games are in production.

When you don't see any screen shots, get any updates, any new builds for previews, That tends to make out the game is in serious trouble, has be cancelled, or put on the back burner until the team can come up with new ideas,  to make it work.


No not everyone knows. You were saying the reverse. So stop lying

 $70 million for Shenmue 1 on the DC and $20 million for the project in Total ? That makes no scene what so ever.
 I taped the Game Over special back in the autumn of 2000. Knew since then the $70 Million figure of Shenmue, as did anyone that also watched Game Over, it not inside news at all. It was also discussed in the Official Dreamcast Cast Magazine (Uk)

Kikizo don't post in these forums

One I could ask how do you know, or do you know personally ever member here. But more to the point, it was jokingly brought up that Kikizo were right about Shenmue III good to go.

SOA2 was quoted by several people not just me includingSega higher ups

Yes it was announced back in 2001, that pre-production worked had started  but we're in 2010. I think its safe to say it never made into full production or is complete (given we've seen nothing of it) . You still maintained , like that bullcrap list it was still coming, years back.

Maybe one day it will come.

That was the point

? Everyone knows that the chapters have been completed, every one knew that before the 1st game made it out. The question is how much has been turned into a full game. Given that we seen so little of anything that could be classed as Shenmue III, could mean very little was made into a game or playable code .
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »
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Offline Nathan

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Re: Shenmue on Yahoo Mobage WTF? Thread
« Reply #97 on: October 22, 2010, 10:13:02 am »
Quote from: "Team Andromeda"
I think its safe to say it never made into full production or is complete (given we've seen nothing of it).

Wait a've been saying that if work was done on a game, we'd have likely heard of it by now because it's apparently impossible to have a game in development without it leaking?

Quote from: "Team Andromeda"
That was the point

? Everyone knows that the chapters have been completed, every one knew that before the 1st game made it out. The question is how much has been turned into a full game. Given that we seen so little of anything that could be classed as Shenmue III, could mean very little was made into a game or playable code .

And now you're saying that we've seen nothing because very little was done, yet we've seen nothing of Skies 2 and you say it might be complete?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Shenmue on Yahoo Mobage WTF? Thread
« Reply #98 on: October 22, 2010, 11:43:03 am »
Wait a've been saying that if work was done on a game, we'd have likely heard of it by now because it's apparently impossible to have a game in development without it leaking?

Yes these days it's pretty impossible and most 3rd party developers would want you to know what its working on, after its got some decent playable code or something to show off .
It's 9 years now, no sign of the PS2 version, I think its safe to say its not coming, Maybe the team after doing well on Val , will want to start to work on a brand new sequel to SOA, or then again maybe not  

And now you're saying that we've seen nothing because very little was done

None of us know how much of Shenmue III was ever done, given that so little of the game was ever shown, despite Shenmue II shots being in every Magazine (before Shenmue 1 even came out ) and Shenmue II footage even in the Saturn version , but hardly anything of Shenmue III shown Leads some to think, little of the game was actually done

yet we've seen nothing of Skies 2 and you say it might be complete?

I'm not saying it's complete at all. I doubt it ever made it past the Pre Production stage and was dropped in 2002
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Re: Shenmue on Yahoo Mobage WTF? Thread
« Reply #99 on: October 22, 2010, 12:48:36 pm »
Quote from: "Mengels7"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline STORM!

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Re: Shenmue on Yahoo Mobage WTF? Thread
« Reply #100 on: October 22, 2010, 05:47:49 pm »
LOL! Are you still talking about Shenmue 3? XDD

 Of course there was not a SHENMUE 3 in production at Sega, as well there was not a SHENMUE 2.

 They were just making the whole thing, and then, cutting it in pieces and filling the GDs to make a single game.

 Yu Suzuki was the one telling them where the first part had to end as well the other parts.

 Shenmue 2 actually was not supposed to be released. Yu Suzuki was the one who made it with the money his "independent" studio had at that time (money given from Sega, of course). Sega asked him if he was sure about it, and he said "- Yes! Let's release it!"...

 That's why his next studios was turned into a small thing inside Sega, almost insignificant. Digital Rex was supposed to do online games with the Chinese/Koreans.

 Right after Shenmue 2 release, the team was already waiting for the go sign from Sega to finish the job of Shenmue 3, so yes, they had a lot of material produced for it, but the game itself was never in full production, but they had a lot of things already done, since they were working on it a lot of time ago. Like I said, they were just cutting it in pieces. For example, Shenfua was not supposed to appear that soon on the series, but they had she already modeled and all the scenarios prepaired for it.

 Yu was not sure about the future of the series, but told people to hold their clear data of Shenmue 2 on the DC visual memory. Sadly, Sega has never gave him the go sign to make a sequel...

 Like many people should know, there is one person at Sega who have got the mission from Yu to make a sequel, if Sega wanted it to be out, but Yu still being the only one person who knows how the story ends.

 Another thing many people probably already knows, is that Sega has thrown away all Shenmue related materials (including sequels) to the garbade years ago, when Sega was reestructuring Sega's AM divisions (SEGA-AM2).

 They might have digitalized what was important.

 Returning to Shenmue City, Sega still quiet about it, and it is not 100% secure this game is coming out.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Nathan

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Re: Shenmue on Yahoo Mobage WTF? Thread
« Reply #101 on: October 22, 2010, 06:23:27 pm »
Um, no? DR was supposed to bigger titles, and Am2 was supposed to stick with the arcades and everything. YS has always been interested in online stuff, he's said that, but DR was focusing on bigger key titles. They even had a picture of Shenmue on their main page.

Also, I highly doubt SEGA would throw anything from cancelled or postponed games, as they could easily release it later.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Mengels7

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Re: Shenmue on Yahoo Mobage WTF? Thread
« Reply #102 on: October 22, 2010, 08:12:24 pm »
Again, can we move this fantastical Shenmue speculation to a different thread?  I have no idea where you guys are pulling half of this story from.  I'm almost tempted to write my own "This what Yu did with Shenmue" story.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Shenmue on Yahoo Mobage WTF? Thread
« Reply #103 on: October 23, 2010, 10:38:34 am »
Quote from: "Mengels7"
Again, can we move this fantastical Shenmue speculation to a different thread?  I have no idea where you guys are pulling half of this story from.  I'm almost tempted to write my own "This what Yu did with Shenmue" story.

I'm trying to stick to actual facts from the Team or SEGA. Here's also the 70 million figure form Official Dreamcast magazine and talk of Saturn Shenmue, before most would ever believed it

Also, I highly doubt SEGA would throw anything from cancelled or postponed games, as they could easily release it later.

Its storm, he's just flamebating again.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »
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Offline STORM!

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Re: Shenmue on Yahoo Mobage WTF? Thread
« Reply #104 on: October 23, 2010, 02:56:31 pm »
At least Im talking about newest things, not like you only talking about the old past of Sega whatsoever.

 Yeah, Sega has thrown all Shenmue related things on the garbage, all the physics ones. They dont need it anymore.

 It was said by an ex-Sega employee.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »