Author Topic: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive  (Read 72077 times)

Offline ROJM

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #120 on: September 27, 2012, 05:53:47 am »
I hope so. It seems like Platinum games only needs SEGA for the IP, otherwise i'd say they'd probably regret leaving the ownership of an IP they're very proud and favourable of, to SEGA...

Well its not like they had a choice, without Sega, BAYONETTA wouldn't have existed. People are acting that contract developers especially in their first major gig looking for a publisher can have the power to say we want this and that. Its never been like that in the industry.  And we all know the sequel is carrying on the same themes started by the original though we dont know if its the same character. So regret has nothing to do with it, that's the way things are. Now did PG get special treatment from Sega? Yeah to an extent but not too the extent where a game Sega put money in(a lot of money in) that they wouldn't own anything from it.

Offline max_cady

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #121 on: February 08, 2013, 05:43:19 pm »
Well... In light of the recent Rayman Legends news... Many people are asking the obvious question and PG already has an answer for it:

It would make sense that Nintendo gamers are a little wary of exclusives-gone-awry this week, what with both Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge and Rayman Legends -- both originally announced as Wii U exclusives – would in fact be coming to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 as well.

But there’s good news to be found if you’re a Nintendo fan eager for news about two other exclusives in particular. It seems that, for all intents and purposes, Platinum Games’ two upcoming projects – The Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 will stay exclusive to the Wii U.


Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #122 on: February 08, 2013, 06:28:51 pm »
And thus they hardly sell and end up just like MadWorld.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #123 on: February 08, 2013, 08:08:52 pm »
That's not to say that a Bayonetta 2: 34DD Edition won't be on Xbox or PS3 at some point. I won't hold my breath though. I guess I'll wait and see how Bayonetta 2 turns out first, and then see if it's
A: Worth playing
B: Worth getting a WiiU for

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #124 on: February 08, 2013, 09:32:42 pm »
Unless Nintendo has a big name 3D Mario game planned for a surprise holiday '13 release, and Bayo 2 releases this year, I can't see Wii U being worth a purchase for me personally this year. Rayman Legends is no longer exclusive, and none of the other Nintendo franchises really interest me. Not really a Pikmin or Zelda fan. Even with Mario I'm pretty picky. Love the NES games, love the Game Boy games, but 3D Land for 3DS is the only 3D Mario I really loved.

Is Bayonetta 2 assured a 2013 release?

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #125 on: February 08, 2013, 11:11:39 pm »
^I don't think there's any date attached to it?
But yeah I agree, there is currently zero games I want on the Wii U, especially now that Rayman is multiplat (I honestly thought it was always multiplat though). Although Wonderful 101 looked kinda fun.

I dunno, with the way sales are right now, it's probably going to get pretty cheap relatively fast to buy the console anyway.

My biggest fear is how the game is going to play on that horrible looking controller. Hopefully it just uses the 'pro' controller or whatever they call their 'normal' controller now.

Not sure if this is old for you guys:

"it feels like you are fighting the last boss from the beginning of the game"
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 11:14:54 pm by MadeManG74 »

Offline Radrappy

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #126 on: February 09, 2013, 01:20:59 am »
wait, are you guys seriously complaining that B2 is still a Nintendo exclusive?  Even after Rayman Legends has been delayed till september, effectively screwing over wiiu owners who bought the console with the title in mind?  Do you not see the lopsidedness of your logic?  I mean, fuck anyone that bought a wiiu, right? 

It's not 1995 anymore guys.  We're lucky that B2 is even coming out for ANY console. 

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #127 on: February 09, 2013, 03:17:28 am »
wait, are you guys seriously complaining that B2 is still a Nintendo exclusive?

Even after Rayman Legends has been delayed till september, effectively screwing over wiiu owners who bought the console with the title in mind?

Do you not see the lopsidedness of your logic?


I mean, fuck anyone that bought a wiiu, right?
Yeah, you tell 'em. Pricks.

It's not 1995 anymore guys.
Fuck, my calendar is out of date.

Offline ROJM

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #128 on: February 09, 2013, 11:22:17 am »
I can only imagine the commotion around here if Sega announces a BORDERBREAK as a wiiU exclusive.

Offline Radrappy

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #129 on: February 09, 2013, 11:34:00 am »
Yeah, you tell 'em. Pricks.
Fuck, my calendar is out of date.

I'm just saying, would it kill you to put yourself in someone else's shoes. 

Offline Emmett The Crab

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #130 on: February 09, 2013, 11:35:19 am »
It would if the shoes had like, poisonous spikes in them.

Offline Happy Cat

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #131 on: February 09, 2013, 12:09:12 pm »
I'm just saying, would it kill you to put yourself in someone else's shoes. 

it's REALLY hard to feel bad for Nintendo fans with the way they act about their "exclusives". I mean I'm not saying I'm a perfect angel or anything, I know I do my fair share of shit slinging with console debates, but... Nintendo fans actually think people who don't own Nintendo platforms shouldn't be able to play their 3rd Party exclusives, and they rub it in peoples faces constantly. This is a problem with every Nintendo fanboy and it can't be denied, just go look at any bayonetta 2 topic on neogaf, and any rayman legends topic before this news. Go look at any Sonic Colors topic on neogaf.

So yeah, if you look at it from other peoples point of view, you can see why it's really hard to feel bad for Nintendo fans, and why most people are laughing about the news instead :P

In the end though, none of this matters, because what's done has been done, and Ubisoft has made up their mind long before they announced this change. Nothing is going to change. Marketing is probably set and stone, and marketing departments can be real assholes, just look at SEGA West :P won't even let Edward talk about PSO2 cause it doesn't fit with their plans.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 01:28:26 pm by Will »

Offline mylifewithsega

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #132 on: February 09, 2013, 01:15:36 pm »
Personally, I don't really care about Bayonetta 2. I didn't even play the first one. Visually, it looks incredible. The size and scope is certainly impressive. However, the gameplay reminds me very much of Devil May Cry, and I'm not a fan of that franchise.

As for the WiiU, I'm not getting one. The last Nintendo console I bought was GameCube. Wii didn't appeal to me at all and most of Nintendo's franchises bore me now. The last Mario game I played and liked was Super Mario 64. Never cared for Zelda. Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time were kind of cool, but I lost interest after a week or two.

I don't know. Nintendo and I have rarely seen eye-to-eye.
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Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #133 on: February 09, 2013, 02:32:11 pm »
Really, I don't have sympathy for people who drop money on new hardware for the promise of exclusives. The video game world is never absolute, stuff always gets delayed or cancelled or changed. I mean, the Wii U with the library it currently has is pretty weak. People should have based their decision to buy it on the games it has, not the games it potentially will have.

Take the Dreamcast as an example. Sure it had a lot of titles releasing down the line, but the initial 9-9-99 launch lineup was awesome and totally warranted a purchase. Dreamcast fans were screwed over with the occasional promised titles that were canned or lost exclusivity to the PS2, but there was still so many great games early on in the console's lifespan that it warranted a launch purchase.

Wii U, meanwhile, seems to rely more on promises than what it is actually delivering. Someday it'll have great exclusive titles, but that day has yet to come and I really don't feel sorry for people who had the money to spend on the console at launch. If anything, I have sympathy for the people waiting for the good games so they can pull the trigger and buy it. Unless Nintendo has the next big Zelda and/or Mario game planned for late 2013, Wii U is still not an appealing console.

Hell, I see Wii U owners talking about upcoming games and Lego City Undercover seems to be to only game they really have a firm impending release date for. That's not exciting!

Offline Emmett The Crab

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #134 on: February 09, 2013, 03:50:29 pm »
I bought a GameCube at a garage sale so that some day, when a good game comes out on the Wii U I can replace My Wii and not lose all my gamecube games.  Right now I don't care about the Wii U at all.   If it weren't for the built-in user-base, it would be an Atari Jaguar.