Author Topic: Why the Dream failed, Famitsu article  (Read 48293 times)

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Why the Dream failed, Famitsu article
« Reply #75 on: August 22, 2013, 03:44:27 pm »
My views on sony has always been clear.

Really on the one hand you like to bash them to be part of the SEGA gang and then on the other say SEGA should only make games for SONY. Any so called SEGA fan wouldn't want SEGA ever to work with SONY on any system and hate everything to do with SONY ;) :P.

And still i'm correct on that since we have seen how MP has worked for them

Yes we've seen SEGA become even less of a player in the console market.

But since you think that a SNES is better than an MD and that sony didn't do anything wrong during the DC era goes to show who is and isn't part of the sega gang

Lol and you love to bash the Saturn . Snes did imo have better games than the MD and no I'll just point out that SEGA did plenty wrong with the DC and SEGA too had played the timed and lock out game
deals ...

Why are you defending such a piutyiful machine?

I'm not . It had a shit lens , but then so did XBox (before the Samsung, Philips  and Hitachi drives came online) The 360 on the other hand was utter junk as soon as you had the TROD .
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Offline Salsatuna

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Re: Why the Dream failed, Famitsu article
« Reply #76 on: August 23, 2013, 12:52:10 am »
Somehow SONY executing the same strategy it applied when it was competing with SEGA. That company just like to give low-blows.
It likes to kick someone when that one is down. Or it will try put someone down so it can kick it.

Somehow, I don't recollect any company attacking SONY. But SONY just keeps doing it. And in doing so it even gains respect. How twisted is that?

SONY, seems to dislikes Microsoft, a lot.It's either that or they don't accept competition at all.
They proved it by killing the HD-DVD. And now it's trying to kill the XboxOne. In a way it indirectly hit Microsoft by killing the DC.

What I find very weird, is that when all those "misconceptions" (you guys remember that word?) concerning the XboxOne went around the world. Sony crybabies were the first one to make, rather aggressive, comments.

It makes me wonder...
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Offline ROJM

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Re: Why the Dream failed, Famitsu article
« Reply #77 on: August 23, 2013, 06:22:14 am »
Really on the one hand you like to bash them to be part of the SEGA gang and then on the other say SEGA should only make games for SONY. Any so called SEGA fan wouldn't want SEGA ever to work with SONY on any system and hate everything to do with SONY ;) :P.
No because i'm a realist. And Sega needs money like everyone else. And whatever i like it or not Sega has made more money on Sony and Nintendo systems compared to their xbox systems. So don't bother to twist my words mate. For someone going on about being a bonafide fan all you've done is bash sega in favor of S*ny.

Yes we've seen SEGA become even less of a player in the console market.

Yet you kept saying MP is the way to go MP this MP that. Without taking into consideration that they tried that before in the sixth generation of game systems,  things got fucked up, major games didn't happen, they regrouped tried it again for the current gen and it still got fucked up. And the games that were succesful on a MP basis: the sony or nintendo sales had higher percentages. The only thing i will say is Sega needs to look at a game and consider should this be an MP game or not? VANQUISH should have never been an MP title because the 360 had more TPS games on it than the PS3. The same goes for BD but that was hampered by marketing. And Sega should focus on what they use to make create a game that appeals to everyone, not a japanese focused title like YAKUZA or a western focus title like BD but a game that has international appeal and make them MP. If Sega wants to continue on market specific titles then they should create titles that do that but specifically release them on the platforms that are popular on that market. A western focused game that only has western sensibilities should be released only on a xbox system and japanese style games only on PS3. Then you would have a reasonable balance.
Lol and you love to bash the Saturn . Snes did imo have better games than the MD and no I'll just point out that SEGA did plenty wrong with the DC and SEGA too had played the timed and lock out game
deals ...

No it didn't have better games. And that's the problem with you. When someone who is meant to be a sega fan says that every single snes game was better than a sega genesis game, i take issue with it and question their autheticy. And i don't bash the Saturn i bash the people who fucked up its chances. SOJ and Bernie solar.
m not . It had a shit lens , but then so did XBox (before the Samsung, Philips  and Hitachi drives came online) The 360 on the other hand was utter junk as soon as you had the TROD .

Sorry but if you add the number of the PS1 and PS2 compared to Microsoft's xbox and 360 breakdowns, they pale in comparison compared to Sony's record. And that whether you like it or not is a fact.No matter what your freinds at sony have you believe.

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Why the Dream failed, Famitsu article
« Reply #78 on: August 23, 2013, 03:03:04 pm »
No because i'm a realist. And Sega needs money like everyone else.

Don't play the money game . You can't one hand bash SONY to look good along with the rest of the SEGA gang and they say oh SONY is great for sales and SEGA should work with them.

Yet you kept saying MP is the way to go MP this MP that

SEGA Japan isn't multiplatform . It's miles behind the likes of Ubisoft, Capcom and the like; where their Big games are multiplatform and on out multi systems on the same day

The same goes for BD but that was hampered by marketing

It was a new IP launched near the end of the console cycle - A terrible time to launch a new IP and then to try and launch it with no major PR push was asking for epic fail.

When someone who is meant to be a sega fan says that every single snes game was better than a sega genesis game,

Never said 'every'.just the better AAA games - Super Metroid, Castlevania IV and Mario IV were gaming perfection in my eyes's That said my choice systems are the Saturn and Mega CD (which I rated  more than the Snes btw)  - its always about the games I've enjoyed the most on any said system .

When someone who is meant to be a sega fan says that every single snes game was better than a sega genesis game, i take issue with it

To that I would say grow up and get a life . I may love and support Ferrari in F1, but RedBull is just the better team with the better car at the moment . No harm is support a team, but prasing rivals when they do things better

but if you add the number of the PS1 and PS2 compared to Microsoft's xbox and 360 breakdowns

360 was the most unreliable console know to man , before MS changed the motherboard and GPU issues . My brothers Jp Import PS2 still works , good luck trying to find someone with a launch 360 that works ;):P

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Offline ROJM

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Re: Why the Dream failed, Famitsu article
« Reply #79 on: August 23, 2013, 03:23:28 pm »
Don't play the money game . You can't one hand bash SONY to look good along with the rest of the SEGA gang and they say oh SONY is great for sales and SEGA should work with them.

I dont play games, games are for kids. I've always said that about Sony and Nintendo and Xbox games not making any money. I don't and never have bashed Microsoft on their games but i've certainly done it with Sony and nintendo. You're just miffed because you've been shown up, attacking sega fans for attacking Sony. Something that any sega fan wouldn't do.

SEGA Japan isn't multiplatform . It's miles behind the likes of Ubisoft, Capcom and the like; where their Big games are multiplatform and on out multi systems on the same day

They tried it didn't work did it so keep clinging onto this stupid notion about being like this company or that company. I perfer my company to be like sega. You however want them to be anything but sega. and you claim to be part of the sega gang as you put it.
It was a new IP launched near the end of the console cycle - A terrible time to launch a new IP and then to try and launch it with no major PR push was asking for epic fail.

I said that under marketing, dont need to repeat it.

Never said 'every'.just the better AAA games - Super Metroid, Castlevania IV and Mario IV were gaming perfection in my eyes's That said my choice systems are the Saturn and Mega CD (which I rated  more than the Snes btw)  - its always about the games I've enjoyed the most on any said system .

No you didn't you said everygame. and you got the gall to say i'm trying to fit in when you clearly think SNES was a better system. No true blue sega fan would ever say that.

To that I would say grow up and get a life . I may love and support Ferrari in F1, but RedBull is just the better team with the better car at the moment . No harm is support a team, but prasing rivals when they do things better
They didn't do better. some games were good on SNES some games were good on MD however the MD as a system and as far as games were miles better.

360 was the most unreliable console know to man , before MS changed the motherboard and GPU issues . My brothers Jp Import PS2 still works , good luck trying to find someone with a launch 360 that works ;):P
No its unreliable this generation not known to man. Keep spinning the Sony PR. however true fans of gaming won't be disauded from the fact that PS2 and PS1 were the most unreliable consoles ever made. But sure because you have a working model must mean EVERYSINGLE PS2 was perfect. That system alone had the highest record complaints about breakdowns in the history of console gaming. A fact my old mucker that you or sony can't change.
Funny how you have derailed the thread once again from talking anything other than a Sega system. strange....

« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 03:25:43 pm by ROJM »

Offline ROJM

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Re: Why the Dream failed, Famitsu article
« Reply #80 on: August 23, 2013, 03:29:03 pm »
Somehow SONY executing the same strategy it applied when it was competing with SEGA. That company just like to give low-blows.
It likes to kick someone when that one is down. Or it will try put someone down so it can kick it.

Somehow, I don't recollect any company attacking SONY. But SONY just keeps doing it. And in doing so it even gains respect. How twisted is that?

SONY, seems to dislikes Microsoft, a lot.It's either that or they don't accept competition at all.
They proved it by killing the HD-DVD. And now it's trying to kill the XboxOne. In a way it indirectly hit Microsoft by killing the DC.

What I find very weird, is that when all those "misconceptions" (you guys remember that word?) concerning the XboxOne went around the world. Sony crybabies were the first one to make, rather aggressive, comments.

It makes me wonder...

Sony dislikes anyone that challenges them. The good thing about Xbox was it broke sony's hold over the industry and brought back the concept of REAL gaming. Which is probably why most of Sega's real game core titles like JSRF and ORTA was released on that system in the first place. It's too bad they failed. 

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Why the Dream failed, Famitsu article
« Reply #81 on: August 24, 2013, 02:17:37 pm »
I dont play games, games are for kids.

Games are for all ages .

They tried it didn't work did it so keep clinging onto this stupid notion about being like this company or that company.

No SEGA never tried it at all . Val wasn't multi platform, VF 5 had a Huge cape , Yakuza isn't, even with Sonic its hit and miss Colour wasn't , Lost World isn't . Ubisoft and the like have all their major IP and all their huge AAA productions multi platform from day one .

No you didn't you said everygame

Nope . When it came to sports games the Mega Drive was far better.

No true blue sega fan would ever say that.

Its like being in school yard . Sorry while I'm SEGA all the way I did enjoy the Snes more than the Mega Drive.

. some games were good on SNES some games were good on MD however the MD as a system

Nothing on the Mega Drive really came close to the sheer perfection that was Super Metroid or Super Mario IV for me (Revenge of Shinobi was close) So I like the Snes more for nothing more than that . In just the same way,  l because of the Lunar's , Batman Returns and Sensi I rated the Mega CD above the likes of Mega Drive or Snes .

SONY, seems to dislikes Microsoft, a lot.It's either that or they don't accept competition at all.
They proved it by killing the HD-DVD.

SONY will do what any corp does and try and look after its own interests. BTW HD DVD is nothing to do with MS - they just backed the Tech . If MS put their money and real backing behind the format and put the drive in has standard in the 360 then HD-DVD would still be a goer. You know MS has lost many a cort case over Windows and Apple is hardly best chums with Adobe .

All corps will after and try to protect their interest 
« Last Edit: August 25, 2013, 02:01:21 am by Team Andromeda »
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Offline Spock

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Re: Why the Dream failed, Famitsu article
« Reply #82 on: May 31, 2014, 10:39:21 am »
I just wanted to revive this thread. I know it has been a long time since people have posted in it. I just think that it was a good thread. I wanted to say that Sega could have survived, if they would have taken the money they had from Isao Okawa and combined it with money they had from another company. This means they should have combined their money with a company other than Sammy Holdings. Something larger like Microsoft. They were already stealing ideas from Sega, so why not Microsoft? It would be a bad idea for Sega to release a new console now. As for what they could have done though, that is just what I think.

Offline fernandeath

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Re: Why the Dream failed, Famitsu article
« Reply #83 on: May 31, 2014, 05:48:44 pm »
I know mr. Okawa did a good thing donating that huge amount of money but...
If he had that much money his paycheck was 'unfairly high' don't you guys agree ?

Anyway, indeed a new console would be something beyone Sega's proficiency but, what about a re-release of the DC?
Could that be sucessful with the right marketing ?

Offline Centrale

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Re: Why the Dream failed, Famitsu article
« Reply #84 on: June 01, 2014, 11:03:01 am »
I don't know if any of the indie developers who have recently released DC games have posted sales numbers, but personally I'd guess they sell a few thousand of each, maybe up to about 10,000. That's just my speculation, though. So I don't think if Sega re-released the DC that it would really be that successful... aside from fan interest, there's got to be some new angle that gets retailers interested in giving it shelf space. Ouya did a decent job of that aspect, but overall that project seems to have fizzled out a bit.

On the other hand, if Sega decided to release a Sega-branded Steam Machine, that would probably sell decently. It would appeal to folks who just want some Sega hardware that is also more or less up to current-gen specs.

Offline Spock

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Re: Why the Dream failed, Famitsu article
« Reply #85 on: June 02, 2014, 09:17:58 pm »
It would be difficult for Sega to release hardware and software right now. Sega could just keep uploading games from the Dreamcast on steam and iOS. I think that would make more sense as far as that goes.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Why the Dream failed, Famitsu article
« Reply #86 on: June 02, 2014, 10:06:16 pm »
SEGA could easily do what they did in the past and have third party companies develop hardware. Only instead of just the Genesis with low quality sound, they could attempt a Genesis/32x combo or, my most wanted, a combination Game Gear & Master System console that allows you to play GG games on the TV. Disc based consoles would be awesome, but they're a ways off I think. A SEGA branded Steam Machine would be fantastic. Have notable SEGA hardware designers work with a third party to develop it, and offer a bundle of free games.

Offline Spock

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Re: Why the Dream failed, Famitsu article
« Reply #87 on: June 06, 2014, 12:20:27 pm »
SEGA could easily do what they did in the past and have third party companies develop hardware. Only instead of just the Genesis with low quality sound, they could attempt a Genesis/32x combo or, my most wanted, a combination Game Gear & Master System console that allows you to play GG games on the TV. Disc based consoles would be awesome, but they're a ways off I think. A SEGA branded Steam Machine would be fantastic. Have notable SEGA hardware designers work with a third party to develop it, and offer a bundle of free games.

They made a Genesis with built in games. They did not create new games nor did they allow actual Sega Genesis cartridges to work with it. I think Centrale wanted a Sega-branded Steam machine, which would not be a bad idea at all. Sega could compete with Amazon's Fire TV or Ouya's console if they wanted to.

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Re: Why the Dream failed, Famitsu article
« Reply #88 on: June 07, 2014, 10:27:30 pm »
About an SEGA auyo console. If I can't play discs, and cartridges it is an computer, not a game system. You have to modify that thing to take game cartridges.


You know why I am glad the Dream is dead? Because of censorship, that is why it had to die, to deliver us from censored bs. The Dream had to die so that we can live. The Dream is the resurrection of our wonderful savior.

Seriously if the Dream was alive right now, no telling what kind of rubbish would be on it. I mean like being sold in KB-toy store ( another scared place, that had to die ), unlike the empty horror that toys R' Us had to become.

But you know why the Dream is dead, as in undead? Because SEGA did not have Pokemon, or a bunch of wet panty Nintendo fans, nore they had the other Nintendo, SONY. Where FF7, MMX, and of course MGS. I don't even have to name those games, that is how powerful that line up is by itself. I could just say CAPCOM, Squaresoft, Konami, and everybody heads turned. Everything that made the Dreamcast unique has been down ported to other consoles, and these ports suck. Sega had the 1990 cheeze we all had been usted from going to Chucky Cheeze, Dragons Den, or Fairy Land.

I am kinda glad everybody, did drop SEGA like a bad habit, because without SONY all of those exclusives would probably be on the Dreamcast right now. Kids today are so cheap, they are not going to spend $90 on a game, they are going to spend $5 bucks for something that should cost $90. That is how cheap people are living in their imaginations.

Also my Saturn can play VCD2.0 out of the box, with no boot disc. Can my Dreamcast do that? NO. Poeple brought an PS2 to play dvds, not to play games. Buying a Dreamcast that can't play video at that point in time, was the end all of killers. It is an excuse that SEGA did not just go with the DVD-Roms. They could have even made fake Blu-rays like the WiiU is doing.


I think SEGA made the most unique hardware, and left us with something to deal with. We should be thankful for their sacrifice. This I could just make a really powerful computer, and buy PC games I can hook up to my TV, instead. No more TV toys, I am a big kid now.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Why the Dream failed, Famitsu article
« Reply #89 on: June 07, 2014, 10:52:22 pm »
They made a Genesis with built in games. They did not create new games nor did they allow actual Sega Genesis cartridges to work with it. I think Centrale wanted a Sega-branded Steam machine, which would not be a bad idea at all. Sega could compete with Amazon's Fire TV or Ouya's console if they wanted to.

The AtGames Genesis supports cartridges and has built in games as well.