Author Topic: Capcom is allowing "Hostile Takeover" Buyout  (Read 85284 times)

Offline ROJM

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Re: Capcom is allowing "Hostile Takeover" Buyout
« Reply #75 on: July 15, 2014, 03:56:42 am »

I agree, it does suck that SEGA Japan hasn't produced any huge hits as of late. I agree with TA in that aspect, but this thread isn't about what games we like or dislike, because if it was then: RE6 is shit, Monster Hunter has painful gameplay and Dead Rising is meh.

I much rather play Binary Domain, Rhythm Thief etc. That's just me. I think Capcom is a shadow of its former self and one of the reasons (same as SEGA Japan suffers) their big talents have all left. Why do you think that kickstarter for Might No.9 is up? Why is it being funded? Because Capcom refuses to listen to fans are doing the whole 'we know better than you' attitude, but they don't.

I think SEGA is having this disconnect, especially in the west and especially after Binary Domain bombed (which was mostly due to the nature of the game/advertising).

That being SEGA is killing it in the mobile market, they have some of the top games on mobile platforms. How much money for ads do you think something like Sonic Dash makes? 65 million downloads is nothign to laugh at:

Not even stopping at that: They also have Puyo Puyo, the new Sonic Jump Fever and other mobile games that will do very well.

SEGA like, ROJM says, is in a better position and are actually making big headway in the PC market which is growing. Not to mention they have guaranteed franchises that will bring in cash from big western developers like Creative Assembly, Sports Interactive and Relic.

Capcom doesn't have a western branch, their Resident Evil license movies are coming to an end. Really, doesn't look great for that franchise and the fact that its dipping in quality ever since Shinji Mikami left isn't a good sign. The worse sign? That he is working on a horror IP with Bethesda, if those guys could sell Fallout 3 to a new audience, they'll have no issues selling a new IP.

That's the problem George...i don't like the digital only focus. I would like to see Sega go and make another BINARY DOMAIN game and start to make console games that go toe to toe with the rest of them. In that i do agre with TA. From Sega japan and the west Sega does need to show the world why they have this great reputation. Stuff like when Sega looked at Final Fight and made their answer in the form of STREETS OF RAGE. When they looked at Mario seriously and turned up with Sonic. BD was the beginning it seemed to do that but they fucked things up again. Now the west is a dirty word with a few big shots in Sega an Nagoshi has become more japan centric in his old age than he was when he first started his YAKUZA project. 

But Sega released a few games in the west and they keep getting burned. BD didn't sell well. VC sold well at half price in the west. Sega has just given up on the west because each time they do release a AAA game it fails. Even though the reality is more complicated than just the west ignoring Sega titles.

But at the moment as you said..PC is making the money in the west by big margins. Downloads are making silly money. Pachislot makes silly money..and then the rest of their subsidiaries. Frigging Atlus has already started to make big bucks with what..two releases under the new regime?
If Segasammy brought Capcom they would get rid of the rot and keep the people who can progress the company and turn it in a new direction. The shareholders are also disgruntled with the management which is part of the reason they put the management and the company in this spot in the first place. We will see what happens...

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Re: Capcom is allowing "Hostile Takeover" Buyout
« Reply #76 on: July 15, 2014, 07:13:07 am »

Anyway this will remove all doubt...

This is from 2010 when Capcom was supposedly making tons of you can see they're not even on the list...Sega is in the top five for that year...yes the top five... Worldwide!

Again where is the mighty capcom? And where is Sega? Capcom is just above THQ who WENT out of business soon after. Shows you a lot doesn't  it? And that year Sega made more money than Blizzard and EA. This is for worldwide sales overall. And it gets worse than that.if i post more of these.. This is why i keep saying its time for gamers to EDUCATE themselves on the business side of things and stop generalizing on things that happened over 10 or 20 years ago.  Then some of those guys won't be shocked when they see a "dead" company outbidding everyone else for a particular games company. We also wont get idiots conning people out of their hard earned cash and making an erronous history book called the rise and fall of sega...

Now shall we see how exactly capcom has been doing? We know they're doing shite with a few hits here and there. TA acts like three games selling a million is enough to save Capcom. It isn't, Sega makes more money than that because they make that money every year with annual updates of key titles and then a big AAA title every two years. The PC titles and YAKUZA fill the gap and make the money while Sega releases a big project every now and again. The last one of course was BD. Then if we add digital and everything else there simply is no question how profitable sega is..and capcom isn't...

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Re: Capcom is allowing "Hostile Takeover" Buyout
« Reply #77 on: July 15, 2014, 09:07:08 am »
Nice try, nobody here isn't

Why do you play these games .

Here I said

SEGA Japan consumer division needs to up its game , the rest of the SEGA group seems in good shape tho

To which you said ..

Keep with the times. Segasammy has IPs that sell across various platforms in various mediums that make millions.

You know I was talking of the consumer side of things

Yet Sega is in  a position to buy Capcom outright but Capcom couldn't do the same.

SEGA isn't  Sammy could if they wanted to, but that's been the case for years .
I much rather play Binary Domain, Rhythm Thief etc. That's just me.

Binary Domain is one the best games ever made, but we'll not see its like again from SEGA . Also its not like Lost Planet 1 or II, RE 5, Dragon Dogma, SF IV  are far from rubbish .

Why is it being funded? Because Capcom refuses to listen to fans are doing the whole 'we know better than you' attitude, but they don'

No its because its a IP that has had it day . I've yet to see a kickstarter funded IP take off to any major degree for a old IP .

hat being SEGA is killing it in the mobile market, they have some of the top games on mobile platforms. How much money for ads do you think something like Sonic Dash makes? 65 million downloads is nothign to laugh at

They're all on mobile mate , Capcom , SEGA, Namco hell even Cave make a killing on the mobile . Capcom not only do well in the mobile dept. They also have IP that can sell 5 million plus at Full Retail price and have games that sell well in the West - that's something SEGA Japan lacks and its a worry going forward .

SEGA like, ROJM says, is in a better position and are actually making big headway in the PC market which is growing. Not to mention they have guaranteed franchises that will bring in cash from big western developers like Creative Assembly, Sports Interactive and Relic

The real money is to be made on the consoles . PC games sales are nothing to what they were in the 90's . Sure Rome and Football Manger do well, but Monster Hunter 4 makes more money in 2 weeks and gets better sale that those games most prob do it their life time

Capcom doesn't have a western branch,

Capcom does it has Capcom Vancouver

Shinji Mikami left isn't a good sign. The worse sign? That he is working on a horror IP with Bethesda,

Plenty of room for both IP and Mikami-san put his name to the likes of Shadow Of the Dammed , Killer 7, Vanquished and PN 03 and they all flopped , his name does't always equal sales and as for Bethesda they pushed the likes of Rage and Wolfentin but I doubt the likes of COD or Halo are going to lose any sleep over sales .

Pretty sure both Evil with-in and RE 7 can both get great sales . Shame SEGA Japan doesn't take note pf the likes of Evil With In- A true multi platform game, made with an eye to west . Love SEGA to make a sequel to Deep Fear (one of the best RE rip off's )

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Re: Capcom is allowing "Hostile Takeover" Buyout
« Reply #78 on: July 15, 2014, 09:19:56 am »
Again where is the mighty capcom? And where is Sega? Capcom is just above THQ who WENT out of business soon after. Shows you a lot doesn't  it? And that year Sega made more money than Blizzard and EA.

Are you having a laugh ? . For one thing Ubisoft figs are wrong like SEGA's ,  the likes of Gamestop don't even publish or made games and Projekit RED are just a developer .

 I've read some bullshit in my time, but that takes the piss

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Offline George

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Re: Capcom is allowing "Hostile Takeover" Buyout
« Reply #79 on: July 15, 2014, 04:06:31 pm »
Street Fighter IV isn't rubbish, its just meh. Its a big drop in quality from 3rd Strike. I didn't enjoy Lost Planet or Dragon Dogma games. Just too meh. Also PC game sales are 'something' especially considering the drop in users buying new consoles. PC games have been outselling console counterparts and most are thirsty for Japanese content. Namco is now taking advantage of it porting games and doing well.

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Capcom is allowing "Hostile Takeover" Buyout
« Reply #80 on: July 15, 2014, 04:22:06 pm »
lso PC game sales are 'something' especially considering the drop in users buying new consoles.

Huh?  . The XBox 1 and PS4 haven't been out a year yet and yet the XBox 1 sold 5 million and the PS4 7 million units - That's better than MD or Snes 1st year sales and well better than what the PS or PS2 sold in their 1st year .

Street Fighter IV isn't rubbish, its just meh. Its a big drop in quality from 3rd Strike. I didn't enjoy Lost Planet or Dragon Dogma games. Just too meh. Also PC game sales are 'something' especially considering the drop in users buying new consoles.

You might think they are meh.. but lots of others like them . I think Lost Planet was one of the best games made for the last gen

PC games have been outselling console counterparts and most are thirsty for Japanese content.

GTA V, COD  console sales are better than anything you could care to mention on the PC, only the likes of World Of Warcraft come close . There's a reason why Epic and the likes of id have come to consoles and that's sales
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Offline George

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Re: Capcom is allowing "Hostile Takeover" Buyout
« Reply #81 on: July 15, 2014, 05:02:36 pm »
Nope. Not true at all. DOTA2/League of Legends have open new paths in gaming and made gaming a sport. New big games have started on PC and sold over 35 million units, like Minecraft. Honestly, I think you don't know what you talk about half the time you type. Even PC's biggest 90 hit, Doom didn't hit that many copies.

Also considering that Sony is trying to convince indie PC developers to develop on PS4 instead of going after Japanese devs says alot. They know what is worth investing in. Issue is that PC version > Console version due to mods.

Oh well, continue to be ignorant. No issues here. Its also funny that 'I don't care about SEGA West' is a acceptable answer but me not liking Planet Side because its medicre results in: "Well, people like it".

Cool, some people also like Sonic 2006. So cool story, bro.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 05:04:58 pm by George »

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Re: Capcom is allowing "Hostile Takeover" Buyout
« Reply #82 on: July 15, 2014, 05:32:46 pm »
They're all on mobile mate , Capcom , SEGA, Namco hell even Cave make a killing on the mobile . Capcom not only do well in the mobile dept. They also have IP that can sell 5 million plus at Full Retail price and have games that sell well in the West - that's something SEGA Japan lacks and its a worry going forward .

This is a lie, Capcom blamed their decreased earnings on low mobile sales. Infact SEGA and Square are the de facto leader in the mobile gaming space in Japan so no point trying to spin this any other way. SEGA have two IPs that brought over $100 million in revenue in less than a year, this is without including Sonic Dash and other minor titles that do healthy figures too.

The real money is to be made on the consoles .

Explains why a large segment of developers are going bankrupt. There's just TOO MUCH money its causing them to become so successful they fail.

PC games sales are nothing to what they were in the 90's .

This is a flat out lie.

GTA V, COD  console sales are better than anything you could care to mention on the PC, only the likes of World Of Warcraft come close . There's a reason why Epic and the likes of id have come to consoles and that's sales

Yeah take the two best selling console titles and act like it's the norm. Might as well take Warcraft, DOTA and League of Legends as the norm too. In which case PC > Consoles.

Offline ROJM

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Re: Capcom is allowing "Hostile Takeover" Buyout
« Reply #83 on: July 16, 2014, 04:28:07 am »

Why do you play these games .

Here I said

To which
you said ..

You know I was talking of the consumer side of things

SEGA isn't  Sammy could if they wanted to, but that's been
the case for years .

Stop spinning. The bottom line is we were talking about SEGASAMMY and if they should buy capcom. Which they CAN. Capcom couldn't buy Sega let alone themselves. So no Capcom isn't doing well at all..But keep living in denial...
Binary Domain is one the best games ever made, but we'll not see its like
again from SEGA .

Don't hold your breath...

They're all on mobile mate , Capcom , SEGA, Namco hell even Cave make a killing
on the mobile . Capcom not only do well in the mobile dept. They also have IP
that can sell 5 million plus at Full Retail price and have games that sell well
in the West - that's something SEGA Japan lacks and its a worry going forward .

Biggest laugh i had all morning.....

The real money is to be made on the consoles . PC games sales are nothing to
what they were in the 90's . Sure Rome and Football Manger do well, but Monster
Hunter 4 makes more money in 2 weeks and gets better sale that those games most
prob do it their life time

PC sales have grown bigger in the last decade alone with games far outselling their console counterparts...That's why Sega has invested heavily into that market..add steam and all that jazz and its a very powerful lucrative industry...
PC games sales are nothing to what they were in the 90's

What? Who was the one that started to INVEST in european developers and let them make games based on their estabilshed IP? Sega! Who thern started to copy  that idea? Capcom, Square and nearly everyone else.
Japanese sales have shruken in the west and thats a fact. So keep presisting and using games that's been based on ip thats been around for donkey years to prove that everything is ok when its not...
Capcom does it has Capcom Vancouver
Which may close down or be sold to microsoft if rumors are true...
But Sega has dozens of western studios..hardly a comparison at all...

« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 04:37:54 am by ROJM »

Offline ROJM

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Re: Capcom is allowing "Hostile Takeover" Buyout
« Reply #84 on: July 16, 2014, 04:44:22 am »
This is a lie, Capcom blamed their decreased earnings on low mobile sales.
Infact SEGA and Square are the de facto leader in the mobile gaming space in
Japan so no point trying to spin this any other way. SEGA have two IPs that
brought over $100 million in revenue in less than a year, this is without
including Sonic Dash and other minor titles that do healthy figures too.
Exactly...Those games are the tip of the iceberg..Capcom hasn't got nothing in the league of the sales of that..even in the west SPIRAL KNIGHTS was a big seller going over 3 million downloads...

This is a flat out lie.

It shows how desperate TA has become..we all know how important PC gaming has will probably outlast console gaming if and when digital gaming takes over the traditional console gaming japan its only digital and PC gaming sectors that are growing..consoles are shrinking..if that's a sign of things to come it may repeat here in the western markets..
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 04:45:57 am by ROJM »

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Re: Capcom is allowing "Hostile Takeover" Buyout
« Reply #85 on: July 16, 2014, 04:44:43 am »
DOTA2/League of Legends have open new paths in gaming and made gaming a sport. New big games have started on PC and sold over 35 million units, like Minecraft.

Don't come with that cop out . Think like that then Candy Crash is the best selling game of all time . I'm on about real games that come in at full price .

Also considering that Sony is trying to convince indie PC developers to develop on PS4 instead of going after Japanese devs says alot.

Its just the Japanese has shrunk and the west is where the money is to be made . If there was so much money to be made on the PC , Microsoft wouldn't be dropping games for windows the likes of Epic and id wouldn't go near consoles (and just let others port their games) . There's a huge difference to running a corp that makes indie games , to a consumer team the size of SEGA Japans (some 2000 staff just for the console section )

Yeah take the two best selling console titles and act like it's the norm

Ok then what about Halo 3 - 13 million plus, Gears of War -5 million plus, Last of Us 5 million plus, MGS IV -5 million plus, GT 5 - 5 million plus , Uncharted 3 - 4 million , GOW III - 5 plus , Assassin Creed 3 -10  million plus (just on the consoles) .

Look at any sales charts and see console game sales smash to bits PC games and that the majority of the of games are console games , those are facts .

This is a lie, Capcom blamed their decreased earnings on low mobile sales.

Yeah that's why MH IV is one of capcom best selling games ever on a handheld .

Infact SEGA and Square are the de facto leader in the mobile gaming space in Japan so no point trying to spin this any other way.

Never said otherwise , but Square posted a pretty disastrous set of results for 2013  lets remember .

Explains why a large segment of developers are going bankrupt.

That has happened since the dawn of gaming I think you'll find . PS and PS2 are the best selling consoles of all time , but hey plenty of console developers went to the wall, plenty went to the wall in the 8 and 16nit hey days . Not that there hasn't been plenty of PC developers that haven't gone to the wall either .

This is a flat out lie.

No its called a fact , even the likes of PC world now support consoles sales as they know that's where the money is . The list of PC -only developers to what it was in the 1990's is tiny . I'm sure you might try and bang on about indie but they're most prob better on the smart phones and the like .


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Offline ROJM

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Re: Capcom is allowing "Hostile Takeover" Buyout
« Reply #86 on: July 16, 2014, 04:46:31 am »
No its called a fact , even the likes of PC world now support consoles sales as
they know that's where the money is . The list of PC -only developers to what it
was in the 1990's is tiny . I'm sure you might try and bang on about indie but
they're most prob better on the smart phones and the like .

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Re: Capcom is allowing "Hostile Takeover" Buyout
« Reply #87 on: July 16, 2014, 05:50:29 am »

Its called the truth . Westwood no more, Origin no more , Microprose no more , 3D Realms no more , LucasArts long gave up on the PC, Parallax Software no more, Planet Moon studios no more, Trilobyte no more , Sierra no more (and they were massive in the 90's)  and the list goes on and on
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Offline ROJM

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Re: Capcom is allowing "Hostile Takeover" Buyout
« Reply #88 on: July 16, 2014, 06:22:25 am »
Its called the truth . Westwood no more, Origin no more , Microprose no more , 3D Realms no more , LucasArts long gave up on the PC, Parallax Software no more, Planet Moon studios no more, Trilobyte no more , Sierra no more (and they were massive in the 90's)  and the list goes on and on

Puh leeze don't use a handful of companies whose situations for them going under had nothing to do with the PC market as an example to strengthen your erroneous and weak argument. I can make up another list with console publishers using that as an example of why console market is weak.

Offline ROJM

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Re: Capcom is allowing "Hostile Takeover" Buyout
« Reply #89 on: July 16, 2014, 06:24:03 am »
Nope. Not true at all. DOTA2/League of Legends have open new paths in gaming and made gaming a sport. New big games have started on PC and sold over 35 million units, like Minecraft. Honestly, I think you don't know what you talk about half the time you type. Even PC's biggest 90 hit, Doom didn't hit that many copies.

Also considering that Sony is trying to convince indie PC developers to develop on PS4 instead of going after Japanese devs says alot. They know what is worth investing in. Issue is that PC version > Console version due to mods.

Oh well, continue to be ignorant. No issues here. Its also funny that 'I don't care about SEGA West' is a acceptable answer but me not liking Planet Side because its medicre results in: "Well, people like it".

Cool, some people also like Sonic 2006. So cool story, bro.

George bombdrop on TA....KABOOM!!!