Author Topic: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?  (Read 84429 times)

Offline George

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #45 on: October 28, 2014, 12:04:05 pm »
Exactly the issue with SEGA. Its almost like, if its digital, fuck it... just release it. There was so much potential to promote it online. SEGA has 1 million + eyes on their twitter. Should have done a Halloween giveaway and thought of smart ways to promote it to fans to pick up some attention.

Instead it sorta felt like it was pooped out. Might be mistaken, I think they did a puzzle of sorts.

I think they also need to think about pricing: 15 dollars might be the sweet spot IMO. If Square, the greediest company can do it for FFXIII, then so can SEGA.

Also really sad that Reddit doesn't give a shit about this and went bat shit insane for a shit game like FFXIII.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #46 on: October 28, 2014, 12:07:00 pm »
It's strange that Sega reacts quickly to certain things like Miku and this, but as far as Yakuza and Shenmue goes on, not much is going on.

It's risk assessment, simple as. Yakuza has a history of failing to sell and expensive to localise. Miku is a cheap title to produce and Valkyria Chronicles sold decently in America.

Typing of the dead overkill was reportedly beyond Sega's initial expectations, and that game launched with basically no fanfare.

Best thing about the PC platform is those fine long sale legs.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #47 on: October 28, 2014, 12:14:50 pm »
Exactly the issue with SEGA. Its almost like, if its digital, fuck it... just release it. There was so much potential to promote it online. SEGA has 1 million + eyes on their twitter. Should have done a Halloween giveaway and thought of smart ways to promote it to fans to pick up some attention.

Instead it sorta felt like it was pooped out. Might be mistaken, I think they did a puzzle of sorts.

I think they also need to think about pricing: 15 dollars might be the sweet spot IMO. If Square, the greediest company can do it for FFXIII, then so can SEGA.

Also really sad that Reddit doesn't give a shit about this and went bat shit insane for a shit game like FFXIII.

If it's $15, I'll buy it for sure. I hope they don't do something stupid like $39.99 price point then shit their pants when nobody buys it (even at 25% off on Steam Sale(TM)!)

I would really love to see them just dump more of the back catalogue onto Steam/GOG. Even if it was relatively quick and dirty Master System and Mega Drive ROM dumps for a fair price. Obviously I would like them to pull out the A-Team that did JSR for good games, but most shit I would be happy with basic ports or just re-releases of past PC games for digital platform.

Offline Trippled

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #48 on: October 28, 2014, 12:35:47 pm »
I think Sega West has a liking to Valkyria. They mentioned it in their UK Sega show that they have. Also if nothing else, Aaron Webber brought it up pretty often.

And it's a title that isn't completly with the japanese audience in mind, like subsequent Yakuza releases. Simon Jeffery mentioned in an interview a long time ago, that Sega of America had some say in it (similar to Binary Domain)

Offline George

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #49 on: October 28, 2014, 12:45:42 pm »
I think Viking came out only at 15 dollars, so if VC does the same, I can't see how it wouldn't do well.

Yeah Webber loves Valkyria Chronicles, I think for awhile he wanted to do a fansite for it while working at SEGA. That is dedication.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #50 on: October 28, 2014, 12:53:16 pm »
If only we had someone with the same dedication for Yakuza. We could be peacocking some street punks right now : <

Offline pirovash88

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #51 on: October 28, 2014, 01:02:51 pm »
Is it bad that i wasn't the biggest fan of Valkyria Chronicles?
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Offline ROJM

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #52 on: October 28, 2014, 01:14:18 pm »
I think the movement played a part, though I personally think a PC port of VC was in the works before the petition. Whether the petition saved the PC port from being cancelled, or moved it along faster, remains to be seen - but is a possibility.

That's what people like J'arcade misses the point. Sega were probably already porting the game. Just because they acknowledged the petition didn't mean it influenced the port. Some people still think companies can churn out games at a drop of a hat. VC as  i said before is follwing the same pattern of most Sega ports to PC..releasing a game from console several years after the event. So no i don't think SOJ gave a toss about this petition or that it had any bearing on their decisions.

Offline segaismysavior

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #53 on: October 28, 2014, 01:15:37 pm »
I'm hoping it's under $20, which is what I paid for it 4 years ago, and I still don't even own a PS3. $15 would get me there without hesitation. I would likely pay $30 though if it's somehow proven to be an amazing port... but that's unlikely. I'll be near tears just seeing the intro and title screen run on a PC.  :'(

If this somehow sells well enough to justify ports of 2 & 3... I... just don't have the words. I would have a Playstation TV right now to play VC2, but the game mysteriously isn't compatible, cause of course it isn't...  >:(

Offline ROJM

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #54 on: October 28, 2014, 01:15:49 pm »

Really means nothing..Since VC appears to have getting a port before this petition took steam. So no it didn't influence their decision at all.

Offline JRcade19

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #55 on: October 28, 2014, 01:24:14 pm »
VC as  i said before is follwing the same pattern of most Sega ports to PC..releasing a game from console several years after the event.

I just told you why it doesn't.

Most of Sega's Console ports to PC have been relatively simple games, or games that were on systems that were knowledgeable to developers, which allowed ports to be done relatively quick, and without much effort.

VC matches none of the above criteria. It is literally and probably one of the most difficult games for Sega to attempt to port.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #56 on: October 28, 2014, 01:36:17 pm »

If this somehow sells well enough to justify ports of 2 & 3... I... just don't have the words. I would have a Playstation TV right now to play VC2, but the game mysteriously isn't compatible, cause of course it isn't...  >:(

Ehhh honestly, I bought a PSP mainly to play stuff like VC2 and a few other titles, but VC2 was just... pretty meh in my opinion.

I loved VC on PS3 and was really let down by VC2. Part of it is just that the gameplay was super scaled down to fit on a handheld and it wasn't nearly as much fun. The high-school setting wasn't too bad, but also not as good as the original's premise IMO.

Lot's of schoolgirls with unfeasibly large bosoms who talk down to you and brag about being class president or whatever though.

Offline inthesky

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #57 on: October 28, 2014, 01:56:19 pm »
A tweet that Kamiya retweeted:

There's also a picture recently uploaded to twitter caught with him hanging around Valve. Chances are either of Vanquish or Bayonetta at least have some productive discussions going on.

Also really sad that Reddit doesn't give a shit about this and went bat shit insane for a shit game like FFXIII.

That would be quite strange. Valkyria on PC news is seems pretty big on gaming outlets, is receiving lots of comments, and was by lightyears the most favorited/retweeted thing in Sega's recent twitter posts

Is it bad that i wasn't the biggest fan of Valkyria Chronicles?

you monster! =P

If only we had someone with the same dedication for Yakuza. We could be peacocking some street punks right now : <

There used to be a guy at Sega USA who worked mostly on Yakuza game localizations, right? He left a couple of years ago IIRC. That sucks
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Offline segaismysavior

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #58 on: October 28, 2014, 01:59:39 pm »
Lot's of schoolgirls with unfeasibly large bosoms who talk down to you and brag about being class president or whatever though.

So it's like an average day at work?  :))

Offline max_cady

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #59 on: October 28, 2014, 04:07:56 pm »
Would be kind of ironic if the PC version on Steam had Xbox 360 control support. I wanna know specs and a proper release date. Hope it comes out before X-mas 'cause I'm getting those JRPG urges again.