Author Topic: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?  (Read 84409 times)

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #240 on: November 13, 2014, 03:20:33 pm »
Well this game (which is an indie game) is not a result of proccesing power, but good Art direction and what not

It helps along with the bigger levels of Ram . Cel Shading (hate the made up term but never mind) graphics do look better with new more powerful Hardware . Just look at the jumps we saw with DC to NA@MI II and then XBox/Cube  and then to the PS3/360 in terms of the improvements and jumps we saw in Cel shading graphics

So apparently Sega has been working on this port for over a year.

Doesn't mean much as some times Teams will be working other things while handling the port at the same time (in like Part Time fashion)

That really comes down to the PSP being weaker hardware to work with, sacrifices had to be made. Just like with Phantasy Star Zero for the DS, it wasn't a change in direction of the franchise, just them compromising due to the hardware

And the main reason was the cut costs and it showed . So I highly doubt SEGA will look to fund a new Val for the next gen Hardware saldy
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Offline SuperSonicEX

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #241 on: November 13, 2014, 03:59:20 pm »
Of course its made a profit. There's  no doubt it about that judging from Sega's reaction. And mr Arcade is correct..most big studios/developers rarely often handle the ports of games to other systems themselves..they get other studios to do it...usually on the cheap.  PG had another team to do the BAY 1 WIIU port. Sega often uses other companies to port their titles. Hell PG didn't even code or port BAY PS3.

If I'm not mistaken, that same porting group PG used also handled work on Vanquish.  I'm still amazed this port was even made, due to the often cited programming structure of the PS3.

Offline ROJM

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #242 on: November 14, 2014, 05:09:15 am »
I actually think that what you're suggesting is fairly likely also. if something isn't already in the early stages for VC, more discussions are being had about what to do next for the franchise, although the latter is probably more likely I think. My guess is that someone within Sega has brought up making a new full-fledged Valkyria game and, seeing as this would be a controversial move because of the investment, talks may be stalling. But at least it's that, instead of what we might've assumed in the past based on the relative inactivity outside of VC Duel: a moratorium on the franchise.

Besides the VC stuff you cited, there is a Valkyria team in Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax. Valkyria II was supposed to be a Playstation TV (western version of Vita TV) title but for whatever reason it's been pulled.

As for the Shining series speculation, well I would've just assumed it would continue going because even if I don't know how much money they make, Sega continues to make those games on a regular basis. And since Blade Arcus was made, which on some level celebrates the newer era of Shining by using characters across the more recent entries, it seems like Sega would be confident about the franchise.
There's no speculation about that series. All i was saying is how the success of one title..mainly the remake prompted Sega to progress new games...and the reason why they continue is that they make them on a cheap budget and get decent returns. I think for console there has been three major big budget(which would be B level budget not AAA) SHINING titles released by Sega for console...and of course the popularity as you mentioned of the awful SHINING FORCE arcade games.

Offline JRcade19

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #243 on: November 15, 2014, 11:09:33 pm »

One of the staff over at Sports Interactive tweets(Football Manager)

EDIT: Studio Director
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 11:17:57 pm by JRcade19 »

Offline Happy Cat

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #244 on: November 16, 2014, 12:29:43 am »

One of the staff over at Sports Interactive tweets(Football Manager)

EDIT: Studio Director

For some reason it feels so strange seeing that tweet. I mean, just because he works on sports games doesn't mean he can't like other genres. I guess it's just something I never expected to see. a UK Studio that creates Football Manager tweet about how much they love Valkyria Chronicles.

Offline max_cady

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #245 on: November 17, 2014, 03:45:43 am »
OK, I thought I wrote something here a while back, maybe not.

Anyway, this game chugs a lot on my ATI Radeon HD 5000 at 1920x1080p@60HZ, fortunately it runs just fine on 1440x960@60hz.

I'm on chapter 3, there's been a lot of interesting things going on.

When I started playing the game, I noticed how it's actually fairly similar to Resonance of Fate. Of course instead of controlling the same 3 characters with roughly the same objetive, you control a tank and an entire squad which makes this far more complex.

Everything counts, the characters you pick and take into battle, how you have to use lancers, snipers, shocktroopers, mechanics and scouts and how they fully engage in combat.

I got Vyse from my very first draft, so that was kick-ass.

Offline segaismysavior

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #246 on: November 17, 2014, 10:36:38 am »
Anyway, this game chugs a lot on my ATI Radeon HD 5000 at 1920x1080p@60HZ, fortunately it runs just fine on 1440x960@60hz.

I had to drop my visuals to 720p, no V-sync, 30fps to get the game running incredibly. I haven't tried further tests of resolution & frame rate with V-sync off, but I'm not left wanting more. It looks great and has none of the frame rate dips (so far) that I remember on PS3 (Batomys battle).

I got Vyse from my very first draft, so that was kick-ass.

I got Vyse & Aika first thing, which was rad. Took a few drafts to get Marina though, and 14+ hours in to finally get Jann. I have all my favorites now.  :))
« Last Edit: November 17, 2014, 09:24:24 pm by segaismysavior »

Offline JRcade19

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #247 on: November 17, 2014, 12:41:23 pm »
Show of hands: If VC is running choppy for you, how many have an AMD component in their system and which one is it?

Offline George

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #248 on: November 17, 2014, 06:15:16 pm »
Runs fine here at 1080p, v-sync and all that stuff enabled.

Offline segaismysavior

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #249 on: November 17, 2014, 09:23:51 pm »
Show of hands: If VC is running choppy for you, how many have an AMD component in their system and which one is it

AMD Athlon II X2 260.

I actually never saw the game play choppy, it instead played in slow motion as if there was a bullet-time feature activated. Very silly.

Offline George

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #250 on: November 17, 2014, 09:26:04 pm »
Do you put your PC to sleep? I had that issue with Jet Set Radio HD and it was because my PC was in sleep mode then I played the game. After I restarted, re-opened the game, it worked fine.

Offline JRcade19

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #251 on: November 17, 2014, 10:02:01 pm »
You might also try ALT+TAB-ing out of the game and then opening it up again. A few of the older games I had would lag like crazy. Disciples II was the most infamous, but I just alt+tab out, open again and suddenly it is running without a hitch.

Offline max_cady

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Re: Valkyria Chronicles coming to PC?
« Reply #252 on: November 19, 2014, 10:41:50 am »
My laptop is kinda old too (a Toshiba Satellite L500-13W) so I'm not surprised that it chugs (Binary Domain runs OK, though, but when the PC starts overheating, it also stutters). I'll clean the PC up once I get a chance to do it.

But anyway, back to the game itself, man, I played this last night till 1am. I had to retry a particularly hard battle against a massive tank and a seemingly indestructible lady, fortunately without losing any of my team members. Took 3 tries on that one, though.