240? tf
My cousin told me that they were priced 400. I'm so smacking him in the face lol
It is still overpriced. They should come in packs.
C'mon man 240 points is not overpriced. I guarantee that they would have charged that price for it on any other service or even on XBLA. Shit, look at the prices for ROMS on Virtua Console,. NES Games for 500 Points, thats $5 for each game without so much as a nice interface to access it. How can you say Gameroom is inflating prices when the closest competitor is charging the same/more for with no interface/menu/hub whatsoever?
The price they are charging is what they figure the game is worth and what they figure people will pay for it while still making a profit. People do hope to make
some money off this thing, and i'm sure it's cheap, but not free to put these games up on the service.
It's three dollars, what is that? Half a glass of beer?