I will be the first and last on the forums to ever admit that I kind of liked Shadow's game. Not in that it was anything close to a good game, or that I even like Shadow (believe me, I do not), but a lot of the ideas gone into it, the extras, SOME of the music and level patterns you could go along were pretty cool in my opinion. Most of the last levels were some of the worst designed in the franchise though, I think, and the objective based missions were fucking awful ideas, not to mention the controls, story and art... Ugh...
But yeah, some may like NiGHTS JoD, but I do not think they can admit that it is a stellar game in any way. Now look at all of the games he has directed. How many are very very good? Most are widely regarded as some of Sonic's worst games, and his last game he worked on that anyone here outright loves are over ten years old now. People are supposed to improve with practice and higher budgets, but he keeps proving that he cannot lead and in the end this is hurting Sonic and SEGA's reputation even more.
And PenPen one of the most underrated games of all time... Seriously? Seriously?