After Burner Climax info!

The Xbox360 versions of After Burner Climax hit XBLA today for a steal at just 800 points!

The game has 4 secret awards for you to earn as you play though the game and Sega Europe has been kind enough to highlight just how to get hold of these awards and what exactly they are!

Hit the jump if you want too know more about the awards, achivments and other AB:Climax related info!


Gamer Icon 1
Awarded when you open the Main Menu from the Title Screen. Available in the demo and full versions.

Gamer Icon 2
View the CREDITS (in Help & Options) to the end and make sure you cheer every name… okay that last bit isn’t essential, but y’know it makes us feel loved.

Avatar Award 1 (T-shirt)
Presented when you unlock all the EX OPTIONS. Anybody should be able to do this, as long as you keep playing the game of course(!)

After Burner Climax - Gold Helmet Avatar Award

Avatar Award 2 (Gold Helmet)
Presented when you complete your MEDAL COLLECTION in SCORE ATTACK mode. This takes some serious skill. When you see an avatar wearing the gold helmet, you know that pilot is a real After Burner ace.


Also coming to your dashboards are a Premium Theme for both consoles (see below).

After Burner Climax - 360 Theme
360 Theme – 250 MS Points

After Burner Climax - PS3 Theme

PS3 Theme – £2.39


Performed a roll in Arcade mode.

Climax Mode 15G
Activated Climax Mode in Arcade mode.

50 Combo 20G
Got a combo of 50 in Arcade mode.

Stealth Bomber 10G
Cleared Stage 5 in Arcade mode.

Across enemy lines 10G
Cleared Stage 10 in Arcade mode.

Super Tomcat 20G
Cleared Arcade mode with the F-14D.

Super Hornet 20G
Cleared Arcade mode with the F/A-18E.

Strike Eagle 20G
Cleared Arcade mode with the F-15E.

Emergency Order 20G
Cleared an Emergency Order in Arcade mode.

Rank In 15G
Uploaded a Score Attack score to rankings.

Triple A 30G
Got a AAA ranking in Arcade mode (for Shot Down, Combo, or Play Time).

All Clear! 5G
Cleared Arcade mode with ending A.

[From, SEGA Europe]


5 responses to “After Burner Climax info!

  1. George says:

    I hate how SEGA totally ignores extras for PS3 versions.

    Oh well, I can't wait to play it tomorrow.

  2. SufferLikeGDid says:

    I can not wait to play this game latter. I've been waiting for this moment every since I saw the first arcade gameplay video on YT.

  3. <blockquote cite="comment-609">

    I hate how SEGA totally ignores extras for PS3 versions.

    Oh well, I can’t wait to play it tomorrow.  

    I'd be interested to know what the difference is in developing for PSN's Home versus XBLA. I've seen that many developers have favored XBLA over PSN in terms of avatar items and game pics. I know it could be as simple as M$ has more $, but I wonder if there are other factors.

  4. George says:

    <blockquote cite="comment-611">

    I’d be interested to know what the difference is in developing for PSN’s Home versus XBLA. I’ve seen that many developers have favored XBLA over PSN in terms of avatar items and game pics. I know it could be as simple as M$ has more $, but I wonder if there are other factors.  

    I dunno, the only PS3 game that I have that gives out free items in HOME is Resident Evil 5 and inFamous.

  5. upsidedown fuji says:

    I think it's pretty cool that Live users get avatar awards in this game. I hope future SEGA live games put as much, if not more unlocable awards in their games.

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