Yakuza’s Kazuma Kiryu to be a downloadable character in Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational

SEGA has made Yakuza series one of the biggest Playstation only series’ this generation and seems the franchise is getting a bit deeper ties with Sony. Kazuma Kiryu is set to be a paid downloadable character in Sony Computer Entertainment Japan’s latest Hot Shots Golf game.

You will be able to download the infamous, 7 foot tall gangster for a overpriced 500 yen ($5). This isn’t the first time Kazuma has golfed, since the Yakuza series has featured Golf mini-games in their past titles. Hey Sony, how about adding him in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale?

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One response to “Yakuza’s Kazuma Kiryu to be a downloadable character in Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational

  1. Cool game, I often play it, but to feel the whole buzz of the game, you have to play real golf, you need equipment for golf, you can buy it on my website https://golferexpert.com , I will be happy to help.

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