So this one flew under the radar. A PC port of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team was suddenly released on Steam half a month ago for $9.99. Unlike other Warhammer 40k games, this is a top-down shooter originally released on XBLA and PC which was developed by the now defunct THQ Digital Studios UK. It also has a focus on co-op, though strangely it only has local multiplayer.
The new PC version was handled by Nomad Games, a small studio where people who worked on the original game work. This is also the first Warhammer 40k game published by SEGA.
This game was announced by SEGA via Facebook, twitter, and the sega blog, along with a whole discount of the warhammer series. I hadnt played, It seems that the port have regular impressions but for the price it is a good deal.