New Sonic the Hedgehog game confirmed for 2017

SonicTeamSonicGame2017The Sonic the Hedgehog 25th Anniversary event took place over in Tokyo, Japan yesterday and Sonic Team time lord Takashi Iizuka was there. At the event Takashi Iizuka finally announced ‘officially’ that a ‘new Sonic the Hedgehog game’ will be coming out next year.

While people are freaking out over not having a Sonic Team developed Sonic the Hedgehog game this year, I do want to stress that everyone wait for July 22nd, when the game will be shown off at the Sonic the Hedgehog 25th Anniversary party in San Diego, California. We will be there covering the event live and there will be a lot of surprises that will please fans of the blue blur. I guarantee it. I have seen some crazy conclusions fans have come up, so just relax it will all be shown in less than a month!


3 responses to “New Sonic the Hedgehog game confirmed for 2017

  1. sorson says:

    My heart is booming fast now. Will sonic prevail once again? Will streets of rage be a fore runner again? Will there be a proper ps5 single player? Who know maybe sega will rise from its grave like apple macintosh and go real hard to the top

  2. fernandeath says:

    I can wait 1 more month…

  3. SGGG says:

    I was excited for this year but it’s actually really good they seem to be taking their time with this one. They could have rushed it for this year and the anniversary. We know how that turns out. So it’s good news imo. A really polished Sonic on NX and/or PS4 Neo has huge potential. If it is on PS4, I would love VR support… Imagine that.

    I still have a lot of faith in Sonic Team. They just need to zero in on the right creative direction and then be given the proper amount of time and resources they need without being rushed.

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